CCS China Research Seminars

February 9, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Mānoa Campus, various, see details in announcement Add to Calendar

Here is advance notice of the Spring 2012 CCS China Seminars. They are being cosponsored this year by the Confucius Institute at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, which will provide a light lunch for seminar attendees (in rooms that allow food).

All listed events are free and open to the public.

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Wednesday, 2/1, 12:00 noon, Center for Korean Studies Auditorium

Mark Rowswell (aka 大山)

“Comedy in the Chinese Cultural Sphere”

Thursday, 2/9, 12:00 noon

Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)

Wm. Keli‘i Akina, UHM Philosophy “Meeting the Need for Management Ethics in China: Western Leadership Theory & Confucian Values”

Monday, 2/13, 12:30pm, HIG Rm 110

FENG Zhe, Director, Beijing Sihai Confucius Academy

“Education in the Confucian Shuyuan (书院)”

Friday, 2/24, 12:00 noon, BusAd C-101

William E. Sharp, Jr., Hawaii Pacific University

“The 2012 Taiwan Election: Victory in Defeat”

Wednesday, 3/7, 12:00 noon, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)

Kate Lingley, UHM Art & Art History

“Nan zuo, Nü you: Paired Male and Female Donor Images of the Northern Dynasties”

Thursday, 3/15, 12:00 noon, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)

David McCraw, UHM East Asian Languages & Literatures

“What Does ‘Chinese’ Mean? Peculiarities in Tang Kinship Terms”

Thursday, 3/22, 12:00 noon, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)

WANG Wensheng, UHM History

“Rethinking the Jiaqing Reign (1796–1820) and Its Significance in Qing History”

Thursday, 4/12, 12:00 noon, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)

Alison Conner, UHM Richardson School of Law

“Trials (and Justice) in the Movies of Xie Jin”

Wednesday, 4/18, 12:00 noon, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)

LIU Huajie, Peking University

“Three Models of Science Communication in China”*, (talk will be in Chinese with English PPT)

Wednesday, 4/25, 12:00 noon, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)

Cynthia Ning, UHM Center for Chinese Studies

“Voices of Muslim China”

Event Sponsor
Center for Chinese Studies, and Confucius Institute at UHM, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Daniel Tschudi, 956-8891,, CCS Spr12 China seminars (PDF)

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