An Exotic Marigold Seminar

April 1, 11:30am - 4:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Law School Library Add to Calendar

Inspired by an award-winning film, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” the seminar’s objective is to explore the legal, medical social work, financial, housing and practical methodologies to help create an atmosphere where older family members can enjoy the highest possible quality of life and families can deal with caregiving situations without being stressed or ladened with guilt and, most importantly, where the lives of older persons are so treasured that “they will simply refuse to die.”

Nationally-recognized elder law attorney and holistic care management expert, Rajiv Nagaich will provide the keynote address and will be the moderator of a practical case study. In addition there will be three panel discussions:

1. “Creating a Marigold Experience with Holistic Care” in which a geriatrician, social worker and a Family and Consumer Science professor will demonstrate the thesis behind this concept as well as the human development and behavior of legal, social, economic, and cultural institutions and of the interaction of all these factors.

2. “Staying at Home as Long as Possible without Institutionalization” in which long term care and caregiver support experts will discuss the growing trend of the concept of “stay at home” programs that bring senior living services directly to residents in their home.

3. “Making it Happen: Legal Issues in Caregiving for Older Persons, Veterans and Persons with Special Needs” in which three legal experts, each specializing in laws that concern caregiving for a particular segment of the population will talk about their particular specialty of the law and how it pertains to elders, veterans and persons with special needs.

Moderator: Prof. James Pietsch

* Savor life, a light lunch and Marigold ideas for living ** RSVP contact: Lenora Lee e-mail: Telephone: 956-6544

Reservations required--$10.00 donation for lunch (donation accepted at the door)

Ticket Information
Call 956-6544 to reserve a seat at the table

Event Sponsor
Law, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Lenora Lee, (808) 956-6544,,

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