40 Years of Javanese Dance
March 11, 12:30pm - 1:45pmMānoa Campus, Music Building 118
Performed by Garrett Kam in memory of Hardja Susilo
This informal presentation commemorates 40 years of Javanese dance by Garrett Kam in remembrance of his first dance teacher, UHM professor Hardja Susilo, who recently passed away. Three different classical dances will be presented in the refined male, strong male, and female styles. Between the dances, Garrett will share some memories of Pak Susilo.
Garrett Kam was born in Hawaii and was an art major in textiles at UHM when he began studying Javanese dance from Hardja Susilo in 1975. So captivated by the beauty of the music and movements, Garrett went on to study in Yogyakarta from 1979-1982. He returned to UHM and received his MA in Asian Studies (Indonesian History, Asian Theater) in 1987, teaching and performing around the state and the US mainland. Garrett went to Bali on a Fulbright Grant in 1987 where he has been residing since then and serves as the only non-Balinese ritual assistant at one of the island's most important temples. He frequently travels throughout Asia to perform and teach Javanese dance. In 2013 Garrett became the first American male to regularly participate in dance activities at the palace in Yogyakarta since it was founded in 1756.
Ticket Information
Free and open to the public
Event Sponsor
Music Department, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-8742, uhmmusic@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, March 11 |
11:00am |
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12:00pm |
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40 Years of Javanese Dance Mānoa Campus, Music Building 118
1:00pm |
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