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Last modified May 11, 2024
The 15th annual Hawaii Book & Music Festival takes off virtually this year with a special set of in-depth presentations covering a variety of topics deeply impacting our local community.
The retired State Archivist and a Hawaiian translator describe the personal diaries meticulously edited by legendary scholar David Forbes.
Read more at the Hawaii Book and Music Festival Website.
Event Sponsor
Various departments, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Amy Hammond, 808-223-6040, https://hawaiibookandmusicfestival.com/
Friday, October 30 |
9:00am |
Molecular Biosciences & Bioengineering Final Oral Mānoa Campus, AG Sci 219
10:30am |
East Asian Languages and Literatures (Final Oral) Mānoa Campus, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88400541659?pwd=Nnh6YXA1RDAwRXd3dEx5dDZzRXlYUT09
11:00am |
Hawaii Book and Music Festival webinar - The Diaries of Queen Liliuokalani Mānoa Campus, Zoom webinar
12:00pm |
Talk Story with Malama Project zoom
12:30pm |
Nursing Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus, For Zoom link and password please fill out: https://forms.gle/taQf14VHDRHAiGPH9
1:00pm |
Tropical Plant & Soil Sciences Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting
1:00pm |
Got Kids? Catch up with SPAM Every Wednesday! Mānoa Campus, for meeting password email gotkids@hawaii.edu
2:30pm |
Philosophy Department Online Colloquium Series Mānoa Campus, via Zoom
3:30pm |
Dissertation Defense: Alvin Lin, EdD Candidate Mānoa Campus, online
3:30pm |
Zoology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, ZOOM for SLS Seminar
3:30pm |
Earth Sciences Seminar-Quo Vadis Astronauti? Zoom Webinar