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Last modified May 11, 2024
The Princeton Review's strategy sessions are packed with information about the MCAT and the role it plays in medical school admissions. An expert MCAT instructor will cover the content of the test, walk through sample questions and share some examples of their proven test-taking strategies.
Event Sponsor
PAC: Pre-Health Pre-Law Advising Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
PAC: Pre-Health Pre-Law Advising Center, 808-956-8646, uhpac@hawaii.edu, https://manoa.hawaii.edu/undergrad/pac/
Tuesday, October 12 |
9:00am |
CIA 1:1 Office Hours | In-person or By Phone Mānoa Campus, TBD
11:00am |
Law School Admissions Zoom Information Session Mānoa Campus, Virtual
12:30pm |
Ebony Hayes Zoom Talk Mānoa Campus, The Art Gallery, Art Building
3:00pm |
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Information Session Mānoa Campus, QLCSS or Zoom
5:00pm |
MCAT Strategy Session Mānoa Campus, Online