Atmospheric Sciences Seminar
October 20, 3:30pm - 5:00pmMānoa Campus, Virtual Meeting

Physical factors impacting convective storms and weather hazards
Dr. Jiwen Fan
Laboratory Fellow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Richland, Washington
You are invited to our weekly online Atmospheric Sciences Fall 2021 seminars via Zoom meeting.
When: October 20, 2021 at 3:30PM HST
Meeting admission: 3:15PM HST
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Deep convective clouds play a crucial role in atmospheric circulation, energy, and water cycle of our climate system. The extreme form of such storms produces weather hazards such as large hail, damaging winds and/or tornadoes, and torrential rainfall, causing significant property damages and economic losses. There is a large gap in our fundamental understanding of how human activities modify storm intensity, precipitation, and associated hazards. In this talk, I will present our effort on impacts of anthropogenic aerosols, urbanization, and anthropogenic warming on storm intensity, extreme precipitation, and hailstones. I will focus on the understandings gained from process-level studies using both advanced observations and high-resolution model simulations. The challenges in observing and modeling such convective storms will be discussed.
Dr. Jiwen Fan is a laboratory fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). She received her Ph.D. degree in 2007 from Texas A&M University. Her expertise encompasses atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, clouds, convective systems, and severe storms. Her work contributes to improving physical understanding of the complex aerosol interactions with cloud microphysics and dynamics. Her current work includes (1) physical factors impacting severe convective storms, particularly under the context of urbanization, wildfires, and climate warming., (2) understanding meso-scale convective systems (MCSs) and improving global model capability in simulating MCSs, (3) development of cloud microphysics parameterizations for weather and climate models, and (4) impacts of marine organic aerosols and dust on mixed-phase clouds.
Jiwen has published over 110 peer-reviewed journal articles including the high-impact journals such as Science, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. She was 2015 AGU ASCENT award for exceptional mid-career scientists. She has led and co-led several large collaborative research projects including the DOE Climate Model Development and Validation (CMDV) on mesoscale convective systems (CMDV-MCS) and the Enabling Aerosol-cloud interactions at GLobal convection-permitting scalES (EAGLES). She is the editor of Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES).
Event Sponsor
SOEST Atmospheric Sciences, Mānoa Campus
More Information
808-956-8775, SEE FLYER (PDF)