HAWAII: The Eyes of JWST
November 17, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Zoom
Join IfA Astronomer Klaus Hodapp and Engineer Shane Jacobsen as they recount the development of the HAWAII infrared detectors. These novel sensors will fly aboard the James Webb Space Telescope, providing its infrared “eyes”, and versions are in use in many space- and ground-based telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope and Keck.
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 5:30PM HST Streaming FREE on Zoom at http://go.hawaii.edu/Vn5 or at YouTube.com/UHIfA
Event Sponsor
Institute for Astronomy, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Roy Gal, 8083888690, roygal@hawaii.edu, https://outreach.ifa.hawaii.edu/2021/11/hawaii-the-eyes-of-jwst-public-talk-nov-17/
Wednesday, November 17
8:00am |
Blending of Culture and Science Virtual
9:00am |
Botany Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom Video Conferencing, Link Below
9:00am |
Virtual Law Schools Fair Mānoa Campus, Zoom
10:00am |
Courageous Conversations: Interactive Session Facilitated by the Peace Corps Mānoa Campus, Online
10:30am |
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Online Information Session Mānoa Campus, http://go.hawaii.edu/TE3
11:30am |
Lunchtime Mindfulness Series Mānoa Campus, Online Event
12:00pm |
JABSOM Tropical Medicine Seminar Mānoa Campus, via Zoom
12:00pm |
Construction of a Political Identity on the Korean Right (1987-2020) Mānoa Campus, Zoom Webinar
12:00pm |
Faculty Roundtable: China–India Relations: A Source of Rising Concern? Mānoa Campus, webinar
12:00pm |
Faculty Roundtable: "India-China Relations: A Source of Rising Concern?" Mānoa Campus, Zoom
12:00pm |
Fulbright-Hays DDRA Information Session Mānoa Campus, Zoom
1:00pm |
Biomedical Sciences Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting ID: 996 4340 8106, Passcode: DQHS
1:00pm |
WRRC Seminar Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting
1:30pm |
Virtual Writing Room Mānoa Campus, Online
3:30pm |
Natural Resources & Environmental Management Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom Video Conferencing, Link Below
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: Moving Ship Tomography and Passive Processing Approaches Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting, Please see description for Meeting ID and Passcode
4:00pm |
Appreciative Inquiry and Community Transformation Mānoa Campus, 1009 Kapiolani Boulevard
4:00pm |
LGBTQ+ Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, Location emailed after registration
4:00pm |
Game, Art, and Self-Care Night Mānoa Campus, Hemenway Courtyard
5:30pm |
HAWAII: The Eyes of JWST Mānoa Campus, Zoom