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Last modified May 11, 2024
Visit the Manoa Bookstore for our latest monthly sale! Enjoy up to 50% OFF retail prices on select items for the month of February. Shop in-store or online at bookstore.hawaii.edu/manoa.
Event Sponsor
Manoa Bookstore, Mānoa Campus
More Information
956-3373, https://www.bookstore.hawaii.edu/manoa/
Wednesday, February 28 |
9:00am |
Community Dialogues: “Reframing the Ivory Tower” with Emma Hsu Mānoa Campus, ACCESS Lounge, Dean Hall, room 5/6
11:00am |
Community Dialogues: “Reframing the Ivory Tower” with Emma Hsu Mānoa Campus, Online
12:00pm |
Honoring Alice Augusta Ball Mānoa Campus, at the Chaulmoogra tree (mauka of Bachman Hall)
12:00pm |
ISR SP 2024 Seminar Series :: EH@UH Mānoa Campus, KUY 201 + zoom
12:00pm |
Panel Discussion “A Decade of Cross-Cultural Collaboration" Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 417
1:00pm |
Professional Educational Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus, College of Education, Building Ono A, Zoom information below.
2:00pm |
Resume Café Mānoa Campus, QLCSS 212
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: Miniature Soft Robotic Systems Towards Complex Fluidic Environmen Mānoa Campus, Bilger Hall 150
4:00pm |
One Health Certificate Mānoa Campus, BIL335
5:30pm |
Ke Aʻo Mau presents: The Public Land Trust with Melody MacKenzie JD Mānoa Campus, Gartley Hall Rm 103 or via Zoom