Center for Japanese Studies Seminar Series

February 9, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall (153/319)

Shohei Muta (Senior Researcher, Japan Center for Asian Historical Records National Archives of Japan) will introduce the online digital archives of the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records. The archives include primary documents of the Imperial Japanese government from the early Meiji to 1945, and can be accessed through the Internet with a free application available from the site. The archives may interest not only those who study modern Japanese history but also Chinese, Korean, American, and Hawaiian history (for example, included are materials related to the Japanese government’s study of the US annexation of Hawai‘i). The archives can be browsed in Japanese and English, however, most of the historical documents are written in Japanese. Muta will offer several sessions -- one is a demonstration and general introduction in English to the archives (Session 3, Feb 9, Moore 319). The other two, held in the PC labs in Moore Hall, will be hands-on demonstrations of the site’s capabilities for Japan specialists (Session 1 & 2, Feb 8 & 9, Moore 153).

Ticket Information
Free and open to public

Event Sponsor
Center for Japanese Studies, Manoa

More Information
Center for Japanese Studies, 956-2665,,

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