Hawaiian Coral Reefs and Rapid Sea Level Change during the Last Ice Age
August 22, 3:30pm - 4:30pmWaikiki Aquarium
Join us at the Waikiki Aquarium Classroom for a talk by Dr. Kenneth Rubin from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa regarding the research he is conducting with the Schmidt Ocean Institute aboard the Falkor.
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017
At the end of the last Ice Age, sea level was several hundred feet lower in Hawaii then it is today. Verdant and extensive coral reefs grew in some places in Hawaii, in a local climate that wasn't much different than today. Rising sea level drowned those reefs and allowed new ones to grow on adjacent, newly submerged land. Studies of those drowned reefs provide abundant information about the timing of sea level change and the impacts on coral reef communities. Professor Rubin will discuss ongoing work at the University of Hawaii to observe and sample these drowned reefs at sites near Molokai, Lanai and Hanauma Bay (Oahu), including an upcoming Schmidt Ocean Institute expedition where they plan to collect data for an ultra high resolution map of the sea bed and to dive with a submersible to image ad sample these wondrous landscapes.
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Waikiki Aquarium , Mānoa Campus
More Information
Volunteer Center, (808) 440-9020, volunteer@waquarium.org, http://www.waikikiaquarium.org
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Hawaiian Coral Reefs and Rapid Sea Level Change during the Last Ice Age Waikiki Aquarium
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