WRRC Seminar

March 4, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting

Cloud Water Interception in Hawaii: Observations and Modeling

by Dr. Han Tseng

University of Hawai‘i Department of Geography and Environment

Cloud water interception (CWI), the passive capturing of fog water by plants, is a unique ecohydrological process in tropical montane cloud forests that has long been believed to increase water supply. By gaining extra water from the passing clouds, vegetation in the cloud zone on Hawaiian mountains may play an important role in the islands’ hydrological processes and water resources. However, the lack of information about large-scale CWI quantity, distribution, and variability has made evaluating the hydrological benefits of tropical montane cloud forests difficult. This is because of the (1) high heterogeneity of CWI patterns and (2) technical challenges to make measurements and comparisons between sites. With the goal of enabling prediction and mapping of CWI over the Hawaiian Islands, the objectives of this study were to measure CWI and fog quantity and develop a CWI model for the Hawaii cloud zone ecosystems. The model developed in this study recognizes the heterogeneity of CWI factors that were overlooked by previous large-scale CWI estimates in Hawaii while its lower data requirements compared to other complex models make it more suitable over data-scarce areas.

Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 964 3538 6697

Passcode: 329463

Event Sponsor
WRRC, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Keri Kodama, 956-3097, kodamak8@hawaii.edu

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