1962–2022: Did the Cuban Missile Crisis Actually End?

November 16, 12:00pm - 1:15am
Mānoa Campus, George Hall 301B and Online

The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was the nearest we humans have come to destroying ourselves. Now is also a time of severe tensions between Russia and the U.S. Vladimir Putin flaunts his nuclear-armed missiles, while Russian generals discuss using nuclear weapons to defeat the Ukrainians. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is rapidly expanding the U.S. Military. All of which brings home how terribly vulnerable we all are in the nuclear age. The Cuban Missile Crisis sixty years ago did end peacefully and with diplomacy. Now is the time to discuss its lessons and if they are usable today. What did we do right to keep peace then? How do we avoid a nuclear war in our own time? Attend in person or online by registering at cubancrisis.eventbrite.com

Ticket Information

Event Sponsor
Ethnic Studies, Political Science, History and Matsunaga Institute for Peace, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Ruben Campos, 1 (808) 956-8086, recampos@hawaii.com, Did the Cuban Missile Crisis Actually End? (PDF)

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