SNAP (foodstamps) Clinic with SPAM
April 10, 10:30am - 1:00pmMānoa Campus, QLCSS, 412- Drop-IN & Get Help!
Paying your own living expenses and finding it hard to feed yourself? Do you have an Expected Family Contribution of $0 based on your FAFSA? Talk with the Student Parents At Mānoa (SPAM) program to find out about SNAP a federal food program you could be eligible for and how to apply for the food benefit. Most parenting students are eligible! However, you do not need to have children to apply. DROP-IN & Get Help. Not on campus, email us to arrange a time to meet via zoom, complete our SNAP assistance google form and we'll respond. -CONSISTENT ACCESS TO HEALTHY AND SAFE FOOD IS A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT-
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Student Parents At Manoa Program, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Coordinator: Angie Solomon, 808-956-9306,
Wednesday, April 10 |
8:00am |
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SNAP (foodstamps) Clinic with SPAM Mānoa Campus, QLCSS, 412- Drop-IN & Get Help!
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