Workshop on Lamakū Learning Management System

November 21, 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room

This workshop is organized into two parts where faculty will learn: (1) How to integrate online resources into Lamakū courses. (2) How to navigate Lamakū, including a basic features overview, showcase of example courses in various contexts, and tips for getting started. Presented by: Jacob Algrim - Graduate Assistant, UHM Outreach College; Billy Meinke - OER Technologist, UHM Outreach College; Brian Richardson - Reference Librarian

Ticket Information
To Register:

Event Sponsor
OFDAS Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Mānoa Campus

More Information
OFDAS Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), (808) 956-6978,,

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