Buļabōļ (Konpat) (Sonneratia alba - Sonneratiaceae)
Description: Būļabōļ is a large native "white mangrove." It grows up to 30 m (100 ft) tall with trunks that may measure 1.5 m (5 ft) in diameter. The large breathing roots of būļabōļ are spike-like, conical pneumatophores (breathing roots) 20-60 cm (8-16 in) tall that protrude from the muddy soil. Būļabōļ also has an interesting ability to generate new sprouts from fallen branches that root in the soil and by setting aerial roots in the ground. It produces very small seeds, not easily noticed, that also sprout new plants. buļaboļ plants produced directly from seeds are more easily uprooted than those developing from cuttings or fallen branches. Būļabōļ often supports many epiphyte species ("air plants") such as ferns, orchids and other herbs that grow on its trunk. |
Uses: The wood of this tree is good for floor timber and canoes. Its timber is also used for making house posts because the wood is resistant to rot.
Distribution: Būļabōļ grows in both sand and mud and is found in the seaward, middle and landward areas of the mangrove. Commonly found in the mangrove forests of the high islands of Micronesia, this large mangrove tree has been reported from the following coral reef islands and atolls in the Marshall Islands: Aelōñļapļap, Arņo, Jalwōj, and Ellep. |
Main Plants