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Department of Educational Technology

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The faculty consists of professionally and academically qualified personnel, each with many years of experience in different aspects of the educational technology field. The backgrounds and experiences of the faculty complement each other so that the department can offer a strong and competent instructional program.

Graduate Faculty

Geoffrey Z. Kucera, Ph.D. (Communications) - Department Chairman
Has a background in mass communications (newspapers, magazines and broadcasting), and in commercial and educational television production. Main interest in research, technological product evaluations, and microcomputers in education and training.

Catherine P. Fulford, Ph.D. (lnstructional Systems)
A broad background in instructional systems, including needs assessment, instructional development, media production and evaluation. Has experience in management of instructional and training systems, with emphasis in text, audio, video, and telecommunications media.

Curtis P. Ho, Ph.D. (Educational Technology)
A specialist in interactive technologies including Internet, CD-ROM and video for distance learning. Has extensive experience in designing instructional and training programs for all levels of education and in private sectors.

Annette C. Sherry, Ed.D. (Educational Technology)
Extensive experience in instructional design and educational applications of videodisc technology. Broad knowledge of all aspects of educational media. Experience in the public schools and at the college level as a Media Director. Background includes training public school and college faculty in curriculum design and development with an emphasis on technology in education.

Shirley F. Yamashita, Ph.D. (Educational Psychology)
A background in instructional design, classroom management, educational psychology, integration of technology resources in instruction. Extensive teaching and teacher training experience in public schools and Pacific Rim. Main interests include technology education, mircrocomputers in classrooms, and ergonomic considerations in technology

Ms. Beverly M.L. Suemoto (Department Secretary)
Manages and supervises the office operation. All official business should be refered to Ms. Suemoto who will either be able to resolve the matter directly, or assist in resolving problems in the most expeditious way possible.

Leslie Arakaki, M. Ed. (Educational Technology)
BS in Computer Science with Honors, Spring 1999
University of Hawaii at Manoa
MEd in Educational Technology, Spring 2001
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Current title: Outreach Manager.

Ariana Eichelberger, M.Ed. (Educational Technology)
Ariana is Outreach Manager for the Learning Enhancement through Innovation (LEI Aloha) technology integration project in the Department of Educational Technology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She works with faculty throughout the University system to promote effective use of technology in the training of future teachers. Ariana's areas of expertise are instructional design, mentoring, and personnel training and management.

Gary Theal, M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
Gary Theal, B.A.A., MEd., Outreach Manager. Mr. Theal has over 30 years of experience in educational and commercial radio and television, communication and technology. He has an equally extensive amount of experience in teaching elementary, secondary and post-secondary courses in the United States, Canada and the Middle East.

Rachel Rivers, M.A. (English as a Second Language)
Rachel Rivers is a recent graduate of the ESL masters program. She has taught both at the University of Hawaii and on the mainland. Rachel currently works as the LEI Aloha grant project Manager in the Department of Educational Technology. She is co-author of the Catalyst grant recently awarded (4.1 million) to the Educational Technology Department by the US Department of Education's Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to use Technology program.

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Cooperating Faculty

Linda Johnsrud, Ph.D. (Educational Administration)
Extensive background in higher education administration and experience in distance education policy and planning.

E. Barbara Klemm, Ed.D. (Curriculum & Instruction)
Specialist in instructional systems design, development, evaluation, and dissemination. Extensive experience in training systems design and management. Interest in instructional technology delivery systems, including telecommunications.

David Lassner, Ph.D. (Office of Information Technology Services)
Areas of interest include computer systems, data communnications and networking, policy and planning, and quantitative modeling.

Thomas W. Speitel, Ph.D. (Curriculum Research and Development)
Science curriculum researcher and developer and educational computer software designer and computer communications.

Shuqiang Zhang, Ph.D. (Educational Psychology)
Shuqiang Zhang, Ph.D., Project Evaluator, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dr. Zhang specialized in quantitative research methodology, statistics and second language acquisition.

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