Department of Educational Technology
Program & Courses (You are here)
EDTECH Interactive
Links: Masters Program| Doctoral Cognate |
TIES | TAP | College
of Education
Designation of
Educational Technology as the cognate should be done with the guidance of the
student's major advisor. The doctoral student should hold a preliminary consultation
with a member of the EdTech graduate faculty at an early stage, and the dissertation
committee should be formally established before the student enrolls in EdTech
courses (particularly in the electives).
Students in the College of Education Ph.D. program (with specializations in curriculum & instruction, educational administration, or exceptionalities) and in the Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology are eligible for this cognate.
A doctoral student interested in some aspect of Educational Technology and whose doctoral program allows such a cognate area may consider the following:
ETEC 600 Theory & Practice in ET (3 credits)
The profession of educational technology and the role of instructional designers.
Theoretical and philosophical foundations underlying practice that includes
instructional system theory, needs assessment, change theory, and relevant learning models. Practical applications of these theories to solve instructional
problems in real-life situations.ETEC 601 ET Research Review (3 credits)
Review of research in ed media/technology applicable to each student's own topic.
Seminar-like discussions and oral reports. Written-format presentation of findings as part of a project (research) proposal.
Designation of educational technology as the cognate should be done with the guidance of the student's major advisor. The doctoral student should hold a preliminary consultation with a member of the EdTech graduate faculty at an early stage, and the dissertation committee should be formally established before the student enrolls in EdTech courses (particularly in the electives).
Students in the College of Education Ph.D. program (with specializations in curriculum & instruction, educational administration, or exceptionalities) and in the Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology are eligible for this cognate.
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