Information for New Principal Investigators, Faculty, and Researchers

Welcome to the University of Hawaii and the State of Hawaii!! There are a multitude of rules and regulations pertaining to common laboratory materials and other research related activities in Hawaii which may be quite different from those at your previous institution. The University has specific programs and requirements for:

  1. Radioactive material
  2. Biological “commodities” – including micro-organisms, plants, animals, biological toxins, cell or tissue samples, recombinant DNA, etc.
  3. Compressed gas (SCUBA) diving
  4. Certain chemicals and hazardous materials
  5. Disposal of hazardous waste

In addition, there are regulations governing the importation and shipment of these materials or types of equipment into the State and/or University. For more information, please visit our website at In order to assist you in complying with these regulations, please contact us well in advance of your arrival!!

We also offer a variety of training programs in Laboratory Safety, Radiation Safety, Hazardous Waste, Scientific Diving, Fire Extinguisher Use, and Shipping of Biological Commodities. Please contact us to check on class schedules or to arrange for traini ng once you have arrived.

Thank you for your cooperation, please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


Emma Kennedy
Director, (808) 956-8660

Radiation Safety Program (808) 956-8591
Biological Safety Program (808) 956-3197
Diving Safety Program (808) 956-9643
Fire Safety Program (808) 956-4954
Hazardous Materials Management Program (808) 956-3198
Laboratory Safety Program (808) 956-5180
Environmental Compliance Program (808) 956-9173