Environmental Health and Safety Office
July 1993
The University of Hawaii is committed to providing a safe and healthful work environment for all staff, faculty and students who occupy or work in University buildings which have asbestos-containing building material (ACBM). It is important that these materials be properly managed to minimize or prevent potential health hazards.
This management program is designed to minimize the possibility of accidental disturbance of ACBM and to protect workers and other building occupants who must work around these materials.
The Asbestos Management Program addresses the following concerns:
- Program Management
- Program Implementation
- Asbestos Control Alternatives
- Notification of Building Occupants
- Proper Warning Labels
- Training Requirements
- Employee Protection
- Air Monitoring
- Elements of an Operations and Maintenance Program
- Special Work Practices
- Emergency Response Procedures
The success of our Asbestos Management Program depends on the active involvement and cooperation of all parties from our Departmental Asbestos Manager (DAM) to the building staff. Without proper understanding of the elements of this program, we cannot be successful. The University DAM and his/her supervisors share responsibilities for the protection of all building occupants.
Departmental Asbestos Manager (DAM)
The DAM and alternate DAM shall be certified as asbestos building inspectors and management planners. The DAM shall implement this program. The DAM for the University of Hawaii is:
Emma Kennedy, Industrial Hygienist
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Environmental Health and Safety Office
2040 East-West Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Telephone: 956-3204/956-8660
The alternate DAM is:
Roy Takekawa, Certified Industrial Hygienist
Director of Environmental Health and Safety
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2040 East-West Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
telephone: 956-3200/956-8660
Duties shall include:
- Documenting, updating, announcing and disseminating the program. Addendums to the Management Plan should be recorded in the Appendix using the Addendums To Inspection Report and Management Plan Form A-01.
- Maintaining the inventory of ACBM and their location.
- Participation in the development, review, and monitoring of abatement designs, and/or repair and alteration projects to ensure compliance with applicable standards and regulations when ACBM are to be disturbed.
- Implementing the asbestos training, medical surveillance and other elements of the Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Program.
- Keep current on federal and state regulations on asbestos.
- Correspond with asbestos coordinators from UH Hilo and other community colleges.
Departmental Asbestos Coordinator (DAC)
The DAC for all community colleges is:
Maynard Young
Director of Facilities Planning for Community Colleges
Chancellor’s Office
2327 Dole Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
telephone: 587-2663
The DAC for UH-Hilo is:
Ed Katahira
University of Hawaii at Hilo
Environmental Health and Safety Office
telephone: 933-3333
The DAC for UH-West Oahu is:
Clifford Togo
Director of Administrative Services
UH-West Oahu
96-043 Ala Ike
Pearl City, HI 96742
The DAC for the College of Tropical Agriculture research farms on Oahu and other neighboring islands is:
Victor K. Weisberger
Farm Safety Specialist
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Environmental Health and Safety Office
2040 East-West Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
The DACs will assist the DAM in the implementation of this plan.
Building Managers
The building managers are individual campus members of the University of Hawaii Health and Safety Committee. Each member is responsible for assisting the DACs and serve as their campus representatives. The names of the building managers are listed in Attachment A.
Facilities Planning and Management Office – Director
Duties shall include:
The Director of FPMO or his designated representative is responsible for the performance of all asbestos-related activities in accordance with this plan. The Director of FPMO or his designated representative should:
- Follow the guidelines of this plan to reduce the potential for personal exposure to airborne asbestos fibers for build- ing occupants and maintenance/building and grounds personnel.
- Execute the directives of the DAM.
- Seek guidance from the DAM when it has been determined that the complexity or seriousness of the asbestos-related main- tenance work is beyond the capabilities of the in-house personnel.
- Ensure that the maintenance personnel follow the guidelines set forth in this plan.
- Ensure that FPMO planners, designers, construction inspectors and maintenance personnel are trained in the safe procedures in handling asbestos-containing materials. Such training should be in accordance with Section 5.3 of the plan.
Maintenance/Building and Grounds Personnel
- Only trained personnel directly involved with maintenance activities shall be allowed to work around ACM. Emergency clean up techniques will be implemented only by trained employees to ensure the safety of all building occupants.
- All employees required to wear respirators shall be trained and qualitatively fit tested to assure a good face to face piece seal.
- All employees required to conduct procedures involving ACM shall receive physical examination consistent with the DOSH Asbestos Standard. In general, this exam is only required for employees who may be exposed to airborne asbestos fiber levels greater than 0.1 fiber per cubic centimeter (f/cc).
- All employees should take special care not to disturb any intact ACBM. All loose debris or dust found in the work area should be removed immediately by wet wiping or HEPA vacuum- ing, if possible. The in-house response team should be responsible for this work.
- Any employee who inadvertently comes in contact with asbestos should immediately report the exposure to his immediate supervisor or directly to the DAM.
Industrial Hygiene Consulting Firm
- The industrial hygiene consulting firm shall be engaged for major abatement projects. The industrial hygiene firm shall monitor occupational and environmental procedures during asbestos abatement by performing air monitoring and on-site observation of contractor’s work.
- Air monitoring of the area must be conducted by the consultant before, during and upon completion of the abatement activities. The consulting company may conduct personal air monitoring to verify the abatement contractor’s air monitoring results; however, it is the abatement con- tractor’s responsibility to conduct air monitoring on his workers.
- Review documentation of air monitoring sample results and other relevant data, e.g., notification, waste manifest copies, location of removed material and final report. All documentation will be provided to the University upon project completion.
Asbestos Abatement Contractor
- An asbestos abatement contractor shall be contracted for removal, encapsulation, and/or enclosure of all major projects.
- All work performed by the abatement contractor will be conducted in accordance with federal and state regulations.
Outside Contractor (Non-Abatement)
- Outside contractors (non-abatement) such as telephone service, electrical, plumbing or general contractors or their subcontractors must check with DAM/DAC to make sure that no ACBM is being disturbed.
- While working at the University, all contractors must abide by all provisions of this program.
A comprehensive survey for the presence of ACBM has been completed by a private consultant. Only visible interior materials have been tested for possible asbestos content. Suspect ACBM include sprayed-applied, trowelled-on, mechanical insulation, ceiling and floor tiles, and cementitious materials such as transite, fire curtains, etc. The completed survey report is available from the DAM/DAC. Inaccessible interior material and exterior surfaces have not been surveyed and may be surveyed as the need arises.
The condition, accessibility and location of ACBM should be evaluated by the DAM or an outside consultant certified as an asbestos building inspector/management planner to determine the most appropriate remedial action(s). There are four general approaches to asbestos management under this program:
- Material Removal or Cleanup – The removal of all ACBM is considered the only final solution to the potential problem of asbestos exposure. If removal is performed properly, the potential for asbestos exposure is eliminated.
- Enclosure – Enclosure involves construction of airtight walls and ceilings around the surfaces coated with ACBM. Since ACBM will generally need to be removed when the building is renovated or demolished or when maintenance occurs, enclosure may only be a temporary solution.
- Encapsulation – Encapsulation involves application of a pene- trating and/or bridging sealant onto the ACM. Since ACBM will generally need to be removed when the building is renovated or demolished or during maintenance, encapsulation is only a temporary solution. This may be a good short-term solution for correcting minor damage to thermal system insu- lation.
- Operation and Maintenance (O&M) – This is a program designed to oversee building repair and general maintenance. This program outlines the procedures necessary to control asbestos exposure through a systematic program of monitoring, warnings and notifications, employee training, recordkeeping and other items necessary to work around ACBM. The program also in- clude procedures for minor and emergency abatement.
Notification of Building Occupants
The purpose of notification is to inform the building occupants and outside contractors of the presence of ACBM and to explain potential risks of working with ACBM.
Notification of the presence of friable ACBM will be accomplished through a letter to each department. The letter should be accompanied with a routing slip of all the names of the staff and faculty of a department. The faculty and staff must initial the routing slip after reading the letter of notification.
Notification of outside contractors will be accomplished during the initial stages of any project by FPMO.
Posted Warning
A warning label should be posted immediately adjacent to any non-friable, or suspect ACBM located in routine maintenance areas. These labels should be prominently displayed and remain posted until the labeled ACBM is removed.
The warning label should be readily visible, in large letter size or bright color. The label should read as follows:
In addition to labeling the ACBM in maintenance areas, warning signs should be posted in areas where the airborne fiber concentrations exceed the DOSH permissible exposure limit of 0.1 fibers (longer than 5 micrometers) per cubic centimeter of air (f/cc).
These warning signs should read as follows:
Warning signs should also be placed in affected areas during minor episode removal and repair operations. These signs should be affixed to rope barriers to warn any bystanders of the potential danger in this area. These signs should be read as follows:
Maintenance/Custodial Staff
All maintenance and custodial staff, who during the performance of their duties, may work in a building containing ACBM will receive a 2-hour asbestos awareness training. This general awareness training will be given to all new maintenance and custodial personnel within 60 days of their start date. The information provided in this 2-hour training will include as a minimum:
- Asbestos and its various uses and forms
- Health effects associated with asbestos exposure
- Locations of ACBM identified in campus
- State and federal regulations
- University’s control measures
- Availability and location of Asbestos Management Program
- Name of DAM and other key individuals
- Procedures on reporting episodes
All members of the maintenance/custodial staff who are likely to conduct any activities that may disturb ACBM will receive the previous described general awareness training and an additional 14 hours as required in the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). This additional training must include:
- Descriptions of proper methods of handling ACBM
- Information on the use of respiratory protection
- Hands-on training in the use of respiratory protection, other personal protective equipment and measures, and good work practices
All types of training will emphasize that ACBM or assumed ACBM should not be disturbed during routine maintenance activities. Employees will be instructed on the following at a minimum:
- Avoid performing any activities on ACBM or assumed ACBM that may cause abrasion or physical deteriora- tion of the material. This includes sanding, nail- ing, drilling, cutting or otherwise damaging the material.
- Avoid damaging ACBM during maintenance activities NOT directly involving the ACBM such as installing drapes, carpets, etc.
- Always use a HEPA-vacuum and wet methods to clean up asbestos dust and debris. NEVER use a regular vacuum, compressed air or dry methods.
- Avoid any activities that may inadvertently release asbestos fibers into the air such as removing venti- lation filters, drying and/or shaking filters and removing suspended ceiling tiles without taking the proper precautions and using the proper protective equipment.
DAM/Assistant DAM
All DAMs and assistant DAMs shall attend the Asbestos Inspector/Management Planner courses.
All DACs must attend the 8-hour asbestos coordinator training course.
Asbestos Designer
Employees who design or manage asbestos projects shall attend the Asbestos Designer training course.
Building Managers
At a minimum, all building managers shall attend a 2-hour asbestos awareness training similar to the training provided to the maintenance/custodial personnel.
Worker Protection
The worker protection program includes policies for the use of respirators, protective clothing, and medical surveillance.
Personal Protective Equipment
- Disposal Coveralls – a “tyvek” brand or similar disposable coverall will be worn over the clothes to prevent contact with asbestos fibers on the clothing.
- Respirator – a respirator will be provided to all workers who may be exposed to asbestos levels of 0.1 f/cc. The respirator will be appropriately fit-tested to ensure that it functions effectively for all individuals. Each respirator will be supplied with disposable cartridges approved for asbestos by NIOSH/MSHA and will be worn at all times during cleanup and/or repair activities. All other provisions regarding respirator use is covered in the Respiratory Protection Program manual.
Medical Surveillance
All personnel required to wear negative pressure respirators or work in an area that is at or above the DOSH action level of 0.1 f/cc for 30 or more days per year, must be included in the medical surveillance program. However, for employees of the University, an individual who meets either of the follow- ing criteria shall be included in the medical surveillance program:
- Personal or area air monitoring results indicated levels of 0.1 f/cc for any period of time, or
- Involvement in accidental disturbance of asbestos-containing material, regardless of minor or major damage.
A medical surveillance program is used to determine each employee’s baseline health status (health status before beginning work) and to monitor their interval medical and work histories periodically during their employment.
Required components of a medical surveillance program include a physical examination, with special attention to pulmonary findings, such as periodic measurements of pulmonary function and chest x-rays. Additional requirements include a medical history to describe smoking habits and past exposures to asbestos or other dusts, and to determine the presence or absence of related symptoms.
Custodial and maintenance workers who encounter ACBM while performing normal duties should be provided with medical surveillance. Examples of these duties might include working above false ceiling tiles or changing light fixtures near ACBM. The cost of the medical surveillance must be paid by the affected employee’s department.
For employees assigned a negative pressure respirator, a signed statement by the physician stating that the employee is capable of wearing such a respirator must be kept on file even if the respirator is used infrequently.
Surveillance of ACBM in each building must be conducted annually by a designated representative from each department. Reinspection of the building shall be conducted every six (6) years unless the DAM deems it necessary to conduct reinspection more often. Reinspection will be conducted by a certified asbestos building inspector. Use Form A-06 in the Appendix for the periodic surveillance reports.
A sample copy of the Action Report Form A-03 is provided in the Appendix. Form A-03 should be completely filled out each time an asbestos work-related activity is performed by maintenance/custodial staff or an outside contractor and returned to the DAM/DAC for recordkeeping.
For scheduled asbestos-related activities, this form should be filled out before work begins. After the work is completed, the DAM/DAC should be provided with all the support documents, such as:
- EPA/State notification
- Air Monitoring results
- Waste manifests
On a day-to-day basis, maintenance employees, janitorial service personnel and building engineers may be required to perform minor work which may disturb ACBM. If performed improperly, these activities may result in unnecessary exposure to asbestos:
- sweeping and vacuuming
- replacement or repairs of light fixtures or diffusers in ceiling tiles
- replacement or cleaning of ceiling tiles
- other routine maintenance and cleaning activities that could cause damage to ACBM
With each asbestos work related activity performed, an Action Report should be completed and submitted to the DAM/DAC. Persons performing the activities must be trained as described in Section 5.3.
Initial Cleaning
In accordance with AHERA, all buildings will undergo an initial cleaning process prior to commencing with a response action, with the exception of O & M and repair. The initial cleaning will be done in all areas of the building where friable ACBM, damaged or significantly damaged ACBM exist as determined in the Inspection report.
The following procedures will be followed for the initial cleaning of all appropriate areas of each building:
- All carpets will be HEPA vacuumed.
- All horizontal surfaces including sills, frames, door tops, wall protusions, signs, air vents, suspended light fixtures, and other immovable fixtures will be HEPA vacuumed. Follow- ing HEPA vacuuming, the same areas will be wet cleaned in order to remove any residual fibers not picked up during the vacuuming process.
- All walls will be wet wiped, except for those with sprayed-on or troweled-on materials or with other application with high liquid absorption potential.
- All uncarpeted floors will be wet mopped.
- All debris, filter, wet mop heads, dust mops, clothes, etc., will be sealed, while still wet, in leak-tight containers. Disposal containers will be 6-mil polyethylene bags labeled in such a fashion that they illustrate their usage as asbes- tos storage containers. These bags will be kept in a single location and will be kept closed and tied. Before transport, all waste must be double bagged with 6-mil plastic disposal bags.
- Fill-out Initial Cleaning Form A-04 in the Appendix.
Additional Cleaning
In all areas where friable ACM exists, normal daily cleaning procedures will be altered as necessary to ensure that fiber entrainment in the air will be minimized. Sweeping and dry mopping will not be allowed in areas containing friable ACBM.
Until all ACM is removed from the ceilings, etc., all daily mopping will be carried out with dampened, disposable mop heads. These mop heads will not be used in asbestos-free areas. All mop heads and other cleaning supplies used to clean ACBM will be disposed of as asbestos waste.
Detailed cleaning similar to initial cleaning procedures will be conducted periodically as recommended and deem necessary by the DAM.
Fill-out the Action Report Form A-03 after completing additional cleaning activities.
“Minor” Release Episode
In the event of a “minor” release episode (less than 3 square or linear feet), the maintenance or custodial staff that has received the 2-hour asbestos awareness training and additional 14-hour hands-on training will be instructed to correct the episode.
- Evacuate the area and close door(s) leading to the area. Notify DAM/DAC immediately.
- Workers must wear protective clothing and air-purifying respirators with HEPA filters.
- Workers will saturate the asbestos debris with fine amended water. Place debris in labeled, 6-mil plastic asbestos bag for disposal. The floor and other work surfaces will be cleaned with a damp cloth or mop. Alternatively, the debris can be collected with a HEPA vacuum cleaner.
- All debris and materials used in the cleanup must be disposed of as asbestos waste.
- Workers will HEPA vacuum their disposable suits before leav- ing the worksite and dispose of them as asbestos waste.
- Repair or replace damaged ACBM.
- Fill-out Action Report A-03.
“Major” Release Episode
In the event of major release (equal to or more than 3 square or linear feet) the procedures outlined below should be followed:
- Notify DAM/DAC immediately. Evacuate the area, close door leading to the area, and/or rope of the area with stanchions and post warning signs.
- Shut off or temporarily modify the air-handling system to prevent the distribution of asbestos fibers from the work site to other areas of the building.
- Hire an asbestos accredited designer to design specification for abatement.
- Hire a licensed abatement contractor to conduct cleanup of large scale removal of ACBM as soon as possible. The con- tractor shall use EPA and DOSH procedures.
- The air-handling system should remain off until corrective action has been conducted and the clearance air sampling for reoccupancy has been determined to be below 0.01 f/cc by phase contract microscopy.
- Complete the Action Report Form A-03.
All records will be maintained by the DAM/DAC. Permanent records will be kept regarding O&M and abatement activities. These include:
- Whenever any cleaning activity as described in Section 5.7 is undertaken records will contain the name of the individual performing the cleaning, the dates of the cleaning, the locations cleaned, the methods utilized, and any other infor- mation pertinent to that particular cleaning episode.
- Whenever any O&M activity is undertaken records will contain the name and duties of each person involved; the start and completion date and time of activity; the locations where the activity occurred; a description of the activity; preventa- tive measures used; amount (if any) of ACM removed, and the name and location of the storage or disposal site for the ACBM.
- Whenever a major activity such as a renovation or abatement is undertaken, records will indicate the name, signature, state of accreditation and accreditation number of each person involved; the start and completion date and time; the locations where activity occurred; a description of the move; and the name and location of the storage or disposal site for the removed material.
- For every fiber release episode described in Section 5.8, the records will detail the date, time and location of the epi- sode; the method of repair; preventative measures or response action taken; the names of those persons doing the work; whether ACBM was removed; and the name and location of the storage or disposal site for the removal material.
- Copies of all inspection reports, results and amendments will be kept in the file with the Management Program. This also includes results of any reinspections or periodic surveil- lance. The updated inspection report will reflect current conditions (if ACBM has been removed, building demolished, etc., reports need to reflect these changes).
- Current lists of personnel trained including name, social security number, asbestos training course and date of training. Certificates of training for the DAM/DAC will also be retained.
- Copies of ACM disposal records.
- Notification records.
Renovation/Repair and Maintenance (R&M)/Abatement
Future renovations and R&M activities may involve disturbing ACBM and may also uncover building materials previously hidden that contain asbestos. If renovation or R&M activities involve the disturbance of inaccessible interior areas and exterior surfaces, a supplemental survey should be conducted to identify asbestos-containing materials in areas not previously surveyed. For major projects involving outside contractors, the asbestos survey reports should accompany the bid packages.
The DAM/DAC must be notified of all proposed projects. The DAM/DAC or a designated representative should carefully evaluate plans for building renovation and R&M to determine if and to what extent such activities will involve disturbance of ACM. The amount of asbestos will constitute whether the project is a minor or major one. AHERA distinction of a minor or major disturbance will be used. Minor asbestos renovation projects may be performed by in-house personnel or outside contractor.
Major work involving disturbance of ACM will require that (1) contact a licensed abatement contractor to perform the work and (2) retain the services of a qualified industrial hygiene consultant to write the technical specification for abatement and perform air monitoring throughout the abatement project in accordance with DOSH and AHERA regulations or a qualified architect with asbestos design credentials may also be retained to write the technical specification.
Air monitoring is used to determine fiber concentrations in the air at a given point in time. Air monitoring during asbestos work-related activities are used to protect workers and other building occupants from unacceptable airborne fiber concentrations.
Air monitoring should consist of the following:
- Prevalent level sampling
- Personal sampling
- Perimeter sampling
- Clearance sampling
Prevalent level sampling establishes existing or “background” airborne fiber concentrations in each area prior to asbestos abatement or annually as part of the O&M Program.
Air sampling to determine personal exposure to airborne fiber concentrations is used during a renovation or abatement project. The results of personal sampling are used to select proper respiratory protection for an employee. Personal monitoring during an abatement project is required under the DOSH Asbestos Standard.
Under the DOSH Asbestos Standard, employees have a right to know the asbestos concentrations to which they are exposed and what measures are being taken to protect them.
During an abatement or renovation project, samples are collected from locations outside the work area but inside the building to determine how well asbestos fibers are being contained in the work site. These samples are especially important in situations where unprotected people occupy other areas of the building.
Clearance air monitoring will be performed in conjunction with a visual inspection to ensure that the work area is free of asbestos contamination.
- All custodians and maintenance personnel shall be familiar with the asbestos inspection survey reports for the facilities they work in and be aware where ACBM are located.
- Before disturbing surfaces which appear to contain suspect material, employees shall review the asbestos reports for confirmation. When necessary, supervisors or the DAM/DAC shall assist employees in interpreting these reports.
- Only asbestos-trained personnel with respirator and protective clothing will be permitted access into areas above suspended ceilings or attics where delamination of friable fireprooofing or acoustic ACM exists.
- If existing asbestos is accidentally disturbed, the DAM (956-3204) shall be notified as soon as possible so appropriate clean-up can be undertaken.
- Report any change to the condition of the ACBM, such as water or physical damage to the DAM.
Custodial Work
- If the asbestos survey reports indicate the presence of ACBM, do not disturb these surfaces.
- Where friable ACBM are located, do not dry mop or sweep the area. Until friable ceiling materials are removed, clean floors with damp disposable mop heads. Change disposable mop heads at the end of each day.
- When working close to friable asbestos, such as, when replacing ceiling light bulbs, do not brush against or disturb the friable asbestos.
- Do not strip wax from floors by dry methods. Floors shall be maintained in accordance with Attachment B the “RECOMMENDED INTERIM GUIDELINES” provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
- See Attachment C for additional do’s and don’ts.
Repair and Maintenance Work
- Before leaving the maintenance shop, workers shall check and review the asbestos survey reports to validate whether their proposed work would disturb any existing ACBM. If the work may or will impact existing ACBM, contact your supervisor and the DAM/DAC for directions.
- Do not drill, scrape, sand, abrade or disturb ACBM.
- If ACBM is accidentally disturbed, notify your super- visor and the DAM/DAC for directions.
- If suspect materials are encountered at the job site which are not reflected in the survey report, contact your supervisor and the asbestos manager for directions. If the job requires disturbing the suspect material and there are no reasonable alternatives, it shall be sam- pled and analyzed before proceeding with the work. The DAM shall arrange for sampling and analyzing the suspect material.
- See Attachment C for additional do’s and don’ts.
Removal of small amounts of asbestos (less than 3 square feet or linear feet) may be necessary for maintenance workers to perform repair and maintenance activities routinely or on an emergency basis. If performed improperly, removal of ACM may result in unnecessary exposure to asbestos. However, the following procedures, if carefully followed, will reduce the probability of exposure.
The following practices are presented in a step-by-step sequence which should be followed for each work activity described:
- Procedure for Repairing Small Diameter Pipe Insulated with ACM
- Procedure for Working Near or on Materials Covered with Sprayed-or-Troweled-on ACBM in Areas without a false Ceiling
- Procedures for Repair of Pipe and Boiler Insulation which Contains Asbestos
The following practices are prohibited during work activities involving ACBM:
- Use of compressed air
- Use of high speed discs
- Dry sweeping
- Smoking and eating in work areas
NOTE: With each asbestos work-related activity performed, an asbestos Action Report Form A-03 should be completed.
Persons performing the activities described in this Section should have received the required 16-hour training described in Section 5.3.
Procedure For Repairing Small Diameter Pipe Insulated With ACBM
- Notify the DAM/DAC.
- Put on respirator coveralls and gloves.
- Rope off area with stanchions to ensure a separation of at least 20 feet and post warning signs.
- HEPA-vacuum all surfaces within reach of the work.
- Cover horizontal surfaces with plastic sheeting.
- Shut off all fans, blowers, heaters, and air-conditioning in the area using lock out procedures.
- Seal all openings in ducts, vents, heaters, radiators, etc. with tape.
- Close all doors to area. Install plastic barriers where no doors exist. Seal gaps around door.
- Put tools into glove bag.
- Place glovebag on pipe.
- Wet material to be removed with amended water.
- Remove insulation inside bag.
- Encapsulate rough ends of insulation.
- Carefully wipe tools clean with a wet disposable cloth, and place them in the tool pouch (inside glovebag).
- Remove excess air from glovebag using a HEPA vacuum.
- Twist glovebag closed and seal.
- Remove the glovebag from the pipe.
- HEPA vacuum all surfaces within reach of the work.
- Wipe newly exposed area with wet, disposable cloth; then, place cloth in asbestos disposal bag.
- Seal asbestos disposal bag.
- Double bag all waste bags.
- Remove disposable clothing; wash or wipe off hands, face, and outside of respirator with wet cloth.
- Remove respirator. Remove cartridges and dispose of in asbestos disposal bag.
- Complete repair work on pipe.
Procedures For Working Near Or On Materials Covered With Sprayed-or Troweled-on ACBM In Areas Without A False Ceiling
- Notify DAM/DAC.
- Rope off area with stanchions to ensure a separation of at least 20 feet and post warning signs.
- Remove draperies and furniture from the work area.
- Cover horizontal surfaces with plastic and seal the plastic in place with duct tape.
- Shut off all fans, blowers, heaters and air-conditioning in the area using lock out procedures.
- Close all doors to the area. Install plastic barriers where no doors exist. Seal gaps around doors.
- Seal all openings in ducts, vents, heaters, radiators, etc. with tape.
- Put on coveralls, respirator, and gloves.
- Perform work required. Avoid disturbing ACBM.
- Thoroughly wet any visible pieces of loose ACBM.
- Carefully pick up wetted ACBMs and place in the asbestos waste bag.
- Vacuum all horizontal surfaces in the work area with a HEPA vacuum, starting near the ceiling and working down.
- Remove plastic from horizontal surfaces and carefully place in asbestos waste bag.
- Using a HEPA vacuum, vacuum underneath the area where the plastic was removed.
- Remove seals from doors and vents. Carefully place them in the printed disposal bag.
- Wipe all horizontal, non-porous surfaces with a wet, disposable cloth. Place soiled clothes in the asbestos disposal bag.
- Wet mop any uncarpeted floors. Dispose of mop head in asbestos disposal bag.
- Wipe off tools with wet cloth. Place soiled cloths in printed asbestos waste bag.
- Double bag all wastes.
- Thoroughly HEPA-vacuum all dust from coveralls and gloves.
- Remove coveralls and gloves. Place them in waste disposal bag.
- Remove respirator. Dispose of cartridges in asbestos waste bag. Clean respirator thoroughly before placing in storage container.
Procedure For Repair Of Pipe and Boiler Insulation Which Contains Asbestos
- Notify the DAM/DAC.
- Rope off area with stanchions to ensure a separation of at least 20 feet and post warning signs.
- Put on coveralls, respirator, and gloves.
- Thoroughly wet any visible pieces of loose ACBM.
- Carefully pick up wetted ACBM and place in asbestos waste bag.
- Vacuum around the damaged area with a HEPA vacuum.
- Encapsulate the exposed material and repair covering.
- HEPA vacuum the entire area.
- Wipe all horizontal, non-porous surfaces with a wet disposable cloth. Place soiled cloths in an asbestos waste disposal bag.
- Wipe off all tools with wet cloth. Place soiled clothes in asbestos waste bag.
- Double bag all waste.
- HEPA-vacuum all dust from coveralls and gloves.
- Remove coveralls and gloves. Place them in an asbestos waste bag.
- Remove respirator. Dispose of cartridges in asbestos waste bag. Clean respirator thoroughly before placing in storage container.
All materials that contain asbestos or have been contaminated with asbestos fibers are subject to special processing and disposal requirements.
All asbestos-containing or contaminated materials that cannot be effectively cleaned must be disposed as asbestos-contaminated waste following the procedures set forth by federal and state regulations.
Asbestos waste, double-bagged in 6-mil labelled bags from small, in-house removals will not always be disposed of immediately after each project. The waste stored in two 6-mil polyethylene bags must be placed in a restricted area until disposal.
Handling and Transport
Asbestos-containing or contaminated waste shall be sealed in airtight nonreusable containers (e.g., double 6-mil plastic bags, boxes, drums, cans or a combination of these) from which fibers cannot escape. Wastes should be placed within the container(s) in a wetted state to reduce potential for release of asbestos fibers if the container is broken.
Asbestos-containing or contaminated waste shall be transported to an approved landfill in closed vehicles (e.g., covered drop boxes or canvas-covered truck boxes). Wastes that are too bulky to enclose in sealed containers may be transported in closed vehicles provided that wastes are wetted to prevent release of asbestos fibers and wrapped in several layers of 6-mil poly-ethylene sheeting sealed with duct tape. Caution must be exercised not to introduce excess water, into the disposal bags that may cause rupture of the container on impact. Each container must be labelled in accordance with state regulations.
Nonreusable containers should be opened, broken or ruptured during disposal. Sealed containers must be transported to a disposal site that complies with applicable U.S. EPA and state regulations. Efforts must be made to avoid release of asbestos fibers into the atmosphere. Landfills that accept asbestos-containing wastes require advance notification of incoming shipments to allow for proper disposal site preparation. Once at the landfill, the asbestos waste must be covered with soil at the end of each workday.
Manifests/Trip Ticket
All asbestos-containing waste that arrives at a disposal site must be accompanied by properly completed documentation.
Asbestos-containing waste materials continue to be the responsibility of the disposer even when surrendered to a landfill. For this reason, every effort must be made to ensure that subject waste materials are processed according to applicable regulations and that proper care is exercised by all parties. Full documentation of the entire waste disposal process from shipping through burial should be completed and retained, including landfill receipts. All disposal related information, receipts and data must be maintained in the 30-year life asbestos management file.
Mr. Derk Inafuku
Administrative Officer
Employment Training Office
600 Pensacola Street
Honolulu, HI 96814
Phone: 587-2617Mr. Steve Nakasone
Director of Administrative Services
Windward Community College
45-720 Keaahala Road
Kaneohe, HI 96744
Phone: 235-7404Ms. Karen Muraoka
Director of Administrative Services
Maui Community College
310 Kaahamanu Avenue
Kahului, Maui, HI 96732Ms. Chulee Grove
Health & Safety Coordinator
Honolulu Community College
874 Dillingham Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: 845-9478Mr. Gary Nitta
Director of Administrative Services
Kauai Community College
3-1901 Kaumalii Highway
Lihue, Kauai, HI 96766
Phone: 245-8230Mr. Michael Unebasami
Director of Administrative Services
Leeward Community College
96-045 Ala Ike Street
Pearl City, HI 96782
Phone: 455-0213Mr. Vernon Wong
Auxiliary Service Officer
Kapiolani Community College
Ilima 203
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI 96816
Phone: 734-9541