Accident, Injury, and Near Miss Reporting
Asbestos Management Program
Blood-Borne Pathogens for NON-Researcher Personnel
This Blood-Borne Pathogen for NON-Researchers module presents information required by the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health’s Biological Agents and Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and is intended for non-research personnel at UH. This includes requirements of the Standard, nature and epidemiology of bloodborne pathogens, the practices and procedures of protecting yourself and others against exposure, proper documentation, and any new updates or changes to the standard.
This training module may be used for:
The Initial Blood-Borne Pathogen training, the required Annual refresher for Bloodborne Pathogens, or
a means of documenting understanding of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard after taking an Initial training course at a UH facility.
Note: If you have not received an initial in-person training session from your department or our office, you are not eligible to receive a certificate for this module. Please contact your departmental coordinator to arrange through the UH EHSO.
If you need further information please contact the UH EHSO at (808) 956-5180 or e-mail kekina@hawaii.edu.
Departmental Health and Safety Guide
Ergonomics in the Workplace: NIOSH Guides
Hazard Communication Program (HAZCOM)
Hearing Conservation Program
Job Safety Analysis
- Job Safety Analysis template – UH Manoa Supervisors can use this as a means of establishing written risk reduction controls for tasks assigned to employees.
- Personal Protective Equipment Assessment Certification (for supervisors in non-lab areas) – Supervisors can use this form fillable pdf as a means of selecting and certifying PPE for the tasks assigned to employees in non-lab areas (shops, grounds crews, etc.).
- HIOSH Referenced sample JHA (PDF)
- HIOSH inspection checklists for over 30 different topics
Laboratory Safety Reference Materials
Ladder Safety Information
The following information is provided to departments to guide the safe use of portable ladders at UHM:
- Conduct a Job Safety Analysis.
- Train ladder users (i.e. https://www.
laddersafetytraining.org/) - Inspect ladders using the ALI Ladder Checklist and UHM Ladder Checklist
- Retain all documents at the department and supervisor level
- Note: ALWAYS follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the use and maintenance of any portable ladders at UHM.
- Additional Resources
Fixed ladders and Lift Devices
- For the safe use of fixed ladders installed in buildings or the use of scissor lifts or aerial lift equipment UHM, contact Hans O. Nielsen, OHS Program Manager, at hansn@hawaii.edu.
- Additional Resources
- OSHA eTools for:
- Working from Heights:
Guardrails are the primary means of preventing falls from working heights over four feet above a lower level at UHM. Any employee conducting work activities on a walking-working surface with an unprotected side or edge four feet or above a lower level must have completed a documented Job Safety Analysis by their supervisor and have an OSHA-compliant fall protection system in place, such as personal fall arrest, travel restraint, or positioning system. Documented training by a qualified individual on these systems is required before purchasing and using any of these systems. Contact Hans O. Nielsen with the UH EHSO at hansn@hawaii.edu for more information.
Mold Information
Respiratory Protection Program
- Respiratory Protection Program and Appendices (Rev. 1/2021) (PDF)
- Respiratory Protection Program Fact Sheet
- Video: Respirator Safety (US Department of Labor)
- Video: The Difference Between Respirators and Surgical Masks (US Department of Labor) Note: UH Manoa personnel needing respiratory protection who will be conducting work at JABSOM Kaka’ako contact the on site EHSO Staff to coordinate. Email Lisa Johns at ljohns@hawaii.edu for more information.
UH Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan for Non-research Personnel
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