COVID-19 & International Student Services Updates (UPDATED for Fall 2022)

The English Language Institute (ELI) is working hard to ensure your needs are being met as best and safely as possible. You can find updates specific to the ELI and for the Mānoa campus below:

ELI Course Delivery: ELI and ESL courses are currently planned to be fully in-person, with select sections of our advanced courses (ELI 80, 82, 83, and ESL 100) available in a fully online synchronous format (everyone logs on at the same time). For more information, refer to the Fall 2022 Class Availability.

Please also refer to your instructor’s syllabus when class starts; different classes will have different requirements. For more guidance and Best Practices for learning online, visit UH Online’s Guide for Remote Learning in Fall 2020.

ELI Placement Test: The ELI Placement Tests will be mandatory for Fall 2022. There are three dates available: Tuesday, August 16; Thursday, August 18; and Tuesday, August 23. Please note the August 23 date is after the semester starts, and is reserved for students who have flight/visa issues and cannot make the first date. All students should plan ahead to be here for the first two test dates.

Should there be a need for the ELI to cancel the Placement Test, placements into ELI courses will be based on a review of all relevant data provided: standardized English test scores and subscores (such as TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, or Cambridge English Tests), SAT or GRE scores, transfer credits and GPA, etc. Placements, as well as any cancellation notices, will be emailed to your email.

  • For those with “ELI Placement Test” or “ELI Placement Test, no writing” in your ELI hold: Please fill out the ELI Placement Test Form. Your registration hold will be removed thereafter (usually within three business days), and more information about the test will be provided after your form is submitted.
  • For those with “Take ESL 100 for FW” or “confirm w/ELI” in your ELI hold: Please email us at

COVID-19 Updates: UH Mānoa updates their COVID-19 page with relevant information as it’s available, and will email your address. You can continue to check this page for the most up-to-date information relevant to your situation.

The vaccination/negative test requirement was rescinded as of March 26, 2022.

International Student Services (ISS) Updates: ISS should be in direct contact with you, but you can also find information on this ISS web page.

If you have questions about your ELI requirements, please feel free to email us at or call (808) 956-8610.

Please be advised that your individual academic programs (for example, your BA/BS major or your Masters/Doctoral department) may have additional guidance related to your studies and the COVID-19 pandemic. For questions related to your degree program, registration for classes other than ELI classes, etc., please check with your major advisor.