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Photography Subject Guide



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Collection Development Librarian for Photography

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Hamilton Library
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822


 = Database available to authorized UH Manoa users on or off campus


Find Articles and Journals


Academic Search Premier
Multi-disciplinary full text database containing full text for nearly 4,650 serials, including more than 3,600 peer-reviewed publications. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 8,200 journals.


ARTbibliographies Modern
ArtBibliographies Modern provides bibliographic access to over 500 major art journals, museum bulletins, exhibition catalogs and books covering all aspects of 20th Century modern and contemporary art.


Art Abstracts
Art Abstracts is a bibliographic database covering topics such as advertising art, antiques, architecture, computers, fashion, graphics, industrial design, photography, sculpture, television, textiles, and video from periodicals published throughout the world. Comprehensive abstracting and indexing is included for 378 international art publications such as periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins. Abstracts date as far back as January 1994 to the present, and indexing dates back as far as September 1984 to the present. This database is produced by the H.W. Wilson Company.


eHRAF (Human Relations Area Files) Collection of Ethnography
eHRAF (electronic Human Relations Area Files) Ethnography is a cross-cultural database that contains full-text information (e.g., books, journal articles, and dissertations) on world cultures. It includes indexes by ethnic group and topics. The database is useful for all disciplines concerned with cultural and social life.
Click here for a list of Hawaii titles available digitally through eHRAF


Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals is "the nation's most comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture." It provides citations to articles on the history and practice of architecture, historic preservation, interior design and city planning.


The Grove Art Online
The Grove Dictionary of Art Online provides Web access to the entire text ofThe Dictionary of Art (1996, 34 vols.). Include: extensive coverage of Art from civilizations and cultures of the world; 45,000+ signed articles on the visual arts from prehistory through the present, covering both the fine arts (painting, sculpture, and architecture) and the decorative arts (ceramics, textiles, jewelry, interior design, furniture, glass, metalwork, and more); 500,000+ bibliographical citations which can be searched independently or with the text; 30,000+ links to color images from high-quality museum and other art sites; 100,000+ images from The Bridgeman Art Library; 21,000+ biographies (of artists, architects, patrons, collectors, dealers, theorists, writers, and scholars) by birth/death dates, places, nationality and occupation (in addition to name searches).
NOTE:Only 1 user allowed at one time. If you cannot login, try again later.



Find Dissertations and Books


Hawaii Voyager Library Catalog
Use the online catalog to find books, journals, dissertations, videos, more.


Dissertations and Theses
Dissertations & Theses (PQD&T) includes bibliographic citations for the doctoral and master's work of authors from more than 1,000 graduate schools and universities dating back to 1861. More than 750,000 dissertations and theses from 1997 on have been digitized and are available for PDF download.


New Books at UHM Library
Interface for identifying new books. Can be limited by keyword and date range.



Dictionaries, Directories, Encyclopedias and Guides


Bibliographies, Indexes, Catalogs
Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Abstracts & Indexes
Directories, Handbooks, Biography




Films and videos on photography
Sinclair Reference TR147.F55

History of photography : a bibliography of books
Hamilton TR15.R66

Nineteenth-century photographic press : a study guide
Hamilton TR147.S465

Nineteenth-century photography : an annotated bibliography, 1839-1879
Hamilton Main Reference Z7134.J64

Photographic literature; an international bibliographic guide to general and specialized literature on photographic processes, techniques, theory, chemistry, physics, apparatus, materials & applications, industry, history, biography, aesthetics
Science and Technology Reference Z7134.B6

Photography and literature : an international bibliography of monographs
Hamilton Z1023.L33


Photography books index : a subject guide to photo anthologies
Hamilton Main Reference TR199.M67

Photography index : a guide to reproductions
Hamilton Main Reference TR199.P37


Catalogue of photography / the Cleveland Museum of Art
Hamilton TR6.U62 C583

A Century of photographs, 1846-1946 : selected from the collection of the Library of Congress
Government Documents LC 1.2:P 56/5

100 x photo : 100 photographs from the collection of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Hamilton TR654.O6413

Photography, an independent art : photographs from the Victoria and Albert Museum 1839-1996
Hamilton Folio TR650.H39

Viewpoints; a selection from the pictorial collections of the Library of Congress
Government Documents LC 25.2 V 67


Dictionary of optics, photography, and photogrammetry: German-English and English-German
Hamilton Main Reference QC351.2.R5

Digital imaging dictionary
Hamilton Main Reference TR267.F37

Early photographs and early photographers: a survey in dictionary form
Hamilton TR139.M3

Elsevier's dictionary of photography in three languages : English, French and German
Hamilton Main Reference TR9.E46

Focal dictionary of photographic technologies
Hamilton Main Reference TR9.S77

Photography and cinematography : a four language illustrated dictionary and glossary of terms; Terms in English, with equivalents in French, German, and Spanish; definitions in English
Hamilton TR9.T6

Thesaurus of photographic science & engineering terms
Science and Technology Reference Z695.1.P48 T5


Encyclopedia of practical photography
Hamilton TR9.A46

Focal encyclopedia of photography
Hamilton Main Reference TR9.F6

The ICP encyclopedia of photography
Hamilton Main Reference TR9.I24


Abstracts of photographic science & engineering literature
Hamilton TR1.A27 (1962-1972)

Art Index
Hamilton Main Reference N1.A79 (1929-)

Art Index
Online (1984-)

Artbibliographies modern
Hamilton Main Reference N1.A1 L66

Photographic abstracts
Hamilton Main Reference TR1.P727


Guide to photography workshops and schools
Hamilton TR161.G84

Index to American photographic collections : compiled at the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House
Hamilton Main Reference TR12.M4

The Photograph collectors' resource directory
Hamilton Main Reference TR12.P49

Photographer's Market
Hamilton TR12.P515
(Current Volume Reference)

Picture Sources
Hamilton Main Reference N4000.S7


The permanence and care of color photographs : traditional and digital color prints, color negatives, slides, and motion pictures
Hamilton TR465.W55

Picture research : a practical guide
Hamilton Main Reference TR147.S38

Picture researcher's handbook : an international guide to picture sources and how to use them
Hamilton Main Reference N4000.E8


Black photographers, 1840-1940 : a bio-bibliography
Hamilton TR139.W55

Contemporary Photographers
Hamilton Main Reference TR139.C663

International guide to nineteenth-century photographers and their works
Hamilton TR15.E48

Macmillan biographical encyclopedia of photographic artists & innovators
Hamilton Main Reference TR139.B767



Selected Journals for Photography




Call Number

Afterimage. Hamilton Folio TR640 .A2
American cinematographer. Hamilton TR845 .A43
American photo. Hamilton CLOSED TR1 .A5683
Aperture. Hamilton CLOSED TR1 .A62
ASMP Hawaii. Hamilton Hawaiian TR24.H3 A22a
British journal of digital imaging. Hamilton TR267 .B75
British journal of photography. Hamilton TR1 .B8
British journal of photography information directory. Hamilton TR1 .B82
Camera. Hamilton CLOSED TR1 .C116
Darkroom & creative camera techniques. Hamilton TR287 .D375
Foto Magazin. Hamilton CLOSED TR1 .F756
Graphis photo. Hamilton CLOSED FOLIO TR690 .A1P482
The Guide to photography workshops & schools. Hamilton TR161 .G84
History of photography. Hamilton Folio TR15 .H57
Inform. Hamilton TR835 .I535
International photographer. Hamilton TR1.I65
Optical engineering. Hamilton TR692.5 .S65
Optical microlithography. Hamilton TR940 .O67
Photographer's market. Hamilton
(Current Volume in Reference)
TR12 .P515
Photographic. Hamilton TR1 .P46
Photographic journal. Hamilton TR1 .P794
Photographic news. Hamilton TR1 .P785
Photographic science and technique. Hamilton TR1 .P7945
Photographic techniques in scientific research. Hamilton TR692 .P52
Popular photography. Hamilton TR1 .P886
Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics / Hamilton TR593 .I5
Revue photo interpretation. Hamilton CLOSED TR1 .R48
SMPTE journal : Hamilton TR845 .S6
View camera. Hamilton TR1 .V53



About the Photography Collection


The Photography collection contains approximately 4200 books and 29 current periodical subscriptions supporting interests in Photography, as well as thousands of other books and periodicals in related fields.


Books count compiled from The North American Title Count, University of Hawaii Library, 1997, using the call # ranges TR1-1050. Periodicals count compiled by searching a serials database for current photography periodicals.


Last modified: Thursday October 9, 2006



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