The Traveler Role

I will be traveling for University business purposes...
Access to eTravel is via Profiler
  1. You must have a profile in the Profiler application.
    • Go to
    • Click the login image, login with your UH username & password, then click "User Profile" on the Main Menu
    • It's optional, but by filling out the Travel Information section, your Preparers can make all your travel arrangements for you.

  2. To grant other users access to prepare your travel documents, you must do the following:
    • Login to Profiler
    • Click 'My Position Profile' on the Main Menu
    • Click the 'My Preparers' tab
    • Select the application to create a Preparer section for, such as eTravel and click the Add button
    • Enter the UH Username of your Preparer(s)
    • Click the Update button at the bottom of the page

  3. Now when your Preparers login to eTravel, they will see your name in the Traveler pull-down list. They will be able to create new documents for you, and will have access to all your historical travel documents also.
Before the Trip

All travel must be approved prior to your departure. This covers you (the employee) while you're away for official University business purposes. There are 2 scenarios:
  1. If you are not requesting a travel advance, the travel must be approved prior to your departure date. This includes No Cost travel.
  2. If you are requesting a travel advance, the Travel Request must be approved and submitted to the Disbursing Office at least 10 working days prior to your departure date.

  3. Note: It is not possible to generate a Travel Completion after the trip unless a Travel Request exists.
To prepare the Travel Request, you or your Preparer will need the following:
  • Justification for / purpose of the trip
  • A copy of the airline or business itinerary, with appropriate dates and times in each business location. This will be used to determine the Lodging and daily Meal & Incidental Expense allowance.
  • A copy of the Federal Allowable Rate (FAR) for each business location, if the Traveler is entitled to the FAR. Some bargaining units receive a flat rate amount instead of the FAR.
  • Airfare cost. There are different supporting documentation requirements depending on whether the cost is less than or greater than $2,499.
  • Daily hotel rate, which should include taxes.
  • Cost of the conference or an registration fee.
  • If claiming Mileage, the DISB-33 Mileage form which contains the Traveler's auto insurance information.  
  • Any other anticipated costs (see list of allowable and disallowable expenses)
      Note: For No-Cost travel, only the Justification and Business Itinerary is required.

Once all required information has been entered into the Travel Request, the following is required:
  • Click the Submit button, which makes the document electronically available to the Business/Fiscal Office.
  • Print the document, attach all supporting documentation, and route it for signature (see the FAQ Approval section for more info on required approvals).
If you requested a Travel Advance, a check will be generated or the funds will be direct deposited to your bank account within 3 business days after the Disbursing Office "releases" the document in eTravel.
After the Trip

The Travel Completion is due to your Business Office 21 calendar days after you return from your business trip.

You or your Preparer will need the following to process the Travel Completion:
  • If the itinerary has changed and additional Lodging or M&IE is being requested, justification must be provided to substantiate the additional costs.
  • Original receipts for all expenses you are claiming reimbursement for, including:
    • Baggage receipt(s)
    • Hotel receipt(s)
    • Car rental receipt(s)
    • Gas receipt(s)
    • Transportation receipt(s) such as bus or shuttle
    • Taxi receipt(s) with information on from/to location(s) and date(s)
    • Parking receipt(s)
    • Receipts for any other allowable expense (see list of allowable and disallowable expenses)

    Note: Receipts are never required for meals and incidental expenses.
Once all required information has been entered into the Travel Completion, you or your Preparer must:
  • Click the Submit button, which makes the document electronically available to the Business/Fiscal Office.
  • Print the document, attach all original receipts and supporting documentation, and route it for signature (see the FAQ Approval section for more info on required approvals).
If you are due a reimbursement, a check will be generated or the funds will be direct deposited to your bank account within 3 business days after the Disbursing Office "releases" the document in eTravel.