Final Exam. Due 5/14/04, 2 p.m.
Email to your teaching intern and cc to me at
In the subject line, type "Final exam," then your name, your simulation country and position.

The essay is in three parts. Copy and paste the instructions below to your word processor. Answer each questions under the instructions for that section. Save either as a .doc file and email as an attachment, or copy and paste your essay to the body of your email as plain text. Email it to yourself so you have a record of it in case a problem arises and you need to remail it to your TI or to me (in which case you could simply forward it). If for some reason you find yourself unable to access email, print the essay and slip it under my office door, Saunders 619, or leave it in my mailbox in Saunders 640.
  1. Name and discuss three or more concepts, theories or ideas that you learned from the text and/or lectures, and which you feel were most important to improving your understanding of international relations. Discuss and explain yourself in enough detail to express why you give them highest priority (hints: perhaps referring to international events or other classes you have taken?). (There is no need to quote from the texts or online materials directly.) Take about two pages.
    place your answer here
  2. How do you see the above ideas helping you to understand what events happened in the simulation? Examine your own role a bit and perhaps your team's role in the simulation. Do those ideas help you critically appraise what happened? For instance, are there recommendations you would make to improving the educational value of the simulation for the next generation of students, in order to better represent real world constraints and opportunities? Take about two pages.
    place your answer here
  3. In the real world, Pakistan and India still have not resolved their nuclear issues, China and Taiwan still have not come to an agreement on their relationship, North and South Korea still are not at peace, and the USA, European powers, China, Russia and Japan still have major issues about their global relations, especially as they might be affected by these bilateral, regional tensions. From the viewpoint of the real world country that you simulated, write a few paragraphs using what you have learned, about how your real world country actually relates to any one of those issues. Pick the one with which you are most familar. Critically evaluate it; that is, using your judgment and drawing on what you know about their policy and situation, write why you feel they are on the right track or wrong track to resolving the problem. Use the theory or concepts you discussed in section one. Take about two pages.
    place your answer here

© 2004 Richard W. Chadwick
I created this page May 3, 2004 and last updated it May 3, 2004.
Students: email me at