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TCP/IP Installation for Windows 95/98

TCP/IP is the computer protocol needed to access the internet

Level of expertise:   Easy..........Intermediate..........Hard

Always backup your data prior to making any configuration changes. ITS is not responsible for loss of data.
This procedure requires some technical knowledge as it changes the network settings. If a computer person is available, please consult with him or her before proceeding.

If the Network Interface Card (NIC) is already installed go to step 7.

Follow these steps to install the network driver in a PC running Windows 95/98:

  1. Install and configure Windows 95/98 before installing the NIC.
  2. Install the NIC and connect it to the network cable.
    - Open up the PC and find an open bus slot.
    - Insert NIC into slot and secure with a screw.
    - Close the cover on the PC.
  3. Restart the PC.

    Windows automatically detects the NIC in the PC.

  4. Select Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer and click OK.
  5. Insert diskette containing NIC driver in your drive and, if the diskette is in drive A, click OK.

    Otherwise, supply the correct drive letter and click OK.

    Once the installation files are read, Windows prompts you for the Windows 95 network installation files.

  6. Enter the correct path to the Windows files (CAB files) and click OK.

    If Windows prompts you to reboot, click No.

  7. Open the Windows 95 Control Panel  (Start button | Settings | Control Panel).
  8. In the Control Panel, double-click Network.

    The Network screen appears.

  9. For Microsoft networks, select the Configuration tab.

    The default Microsoft network setup contains the following components:

    (Figure 1) Your window may look slightly different

    Client for Microsoft Networks
    NIC Adapter(the above graphic lists a 3Com Etherlink III ISA NIC, your NIC may be different)
    IPX/SPX compatible protocol
    NetBEUI protocol

  10. Configure TCP/IP, follow these steps:
  1. Double-click on TCP/IP

    * If two or more TCP/IP installed, make sure to click on the one with the NIC name that you will be using.

  2. Select Specify an IP Address
  3. Type in your designated IP address and subnet mask, in most cases your IP will be similar to 128.171.xxx.xxx and subnet mask will be Contact ITS if unsure.
  4. Select Gateway and type in the gateway address, in most cases, the first three numbers are the same as the first three numbers of your IP address and the last number is usually "1", e.g., if your IP address is, your gateway address usually will be Click on the Add button.
  5. Select DNS Configuration and select the Enable DNS box. Type in the host and domain name. If either of those names are unknown, you can temporarily name them any words, then change them later after you found out the correct host and domain names for your computer from ITS.
  6. Enter into the DNS Server Search Order box and then click on the Add button. Repeat the same procedure with
  7. Enter your domain name into the Domain Suffix Search Order box and click on Add. Repeat the same procedure with its.hawaii.edu and hawaii.edu.
  8. Click on OK

  1. When the previous steps are finished, click OK.

    The network connection is configured. Windows 95 prompts you to restart the PC.

  2. Click Yes.

Information Technology Services
Maintained by: ITS Help Desk
©2002 University of Hawaii
Updated: October 10, 2002