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If you have a Macintosh with a network connection, you can use the program TN3270 to telnet, or connect, to IBM-type Internet hosts. In very general terms, telnet means for one Internet host to login directly to another Internet host (UHCC Newsletter, vol. 28 no. 3 p.12). The TN3270 program will emulate an IBM 3270 terminal, hence the name "TN3270," or "telnet 3270". If your Macintosh has a network connection it is considered an Internet host. The network connection can be a direct connection through your office datajack or via a modem if you have an Information Technology Services (ITS) username. For more information on obtaining an ITS username, see the document Getting Started with UNIX, which is available at the ITS Help Desk in Keller 105 or on the World Wide Web (WWW) at:

In this document, we will connect to the following hosts:

msoesa.its.hawaii.eduadministrative IBM system
uhccmvs.its.hawaii.eduacademic IBM system

For the most part, TN3270 allows you to login and accomplish most of your work. However, you cannot print to a locally attached printer with this program. If you need to print to a locally attached printer (i.e. HRIS PNF form), you need to use the Telnet program. Please refer to the document Using NCSA Telnet: Connecting to the IBM Mainframe Administrative and Academic Systems, which is available at the ITS Help Desk in Keller 105, for more information.


If ITS connected your Macintosh to the network, you should already have TN3270. Go on to the next section, Getting Started. Otherwise, you can get TN3270 in the following ways:

  1. From the following anonymous ftp site:
    in the directory: /mirrors/info-mac/comm/inet
    download the file: tn3270-25b2.hqx

  2. Download it from the WWW from:


If ITS installed your network connection, look for the folder on your Macintosh called Network Clients. Double click on the Network Clients folder. Double click on the TN3270 2.5b2 folder, then double click on the tn3270 application folder, then double click on tn3270 icon. This starts the tn3270 application.


Note: if this is the first time you are signing on, you will have to change your password. Please read the sections Changing your Administrative Password and Password Information.

You will see the following dialog box. On the Host Name line, type then click on Open Connection.

You will now be at the Administrative Signon Screen.

At the RACF USERID => prompt, type your RACF userid, which is usually some form of your name (but might not be the same as your ITS username), then press the <tab> key. The cursor will move to the RACF PASSWORD => prompt. Type in your RACF password, then press the <return> key.

You should now be at the Application Selection Menu. This menu may look different on your screen; it depends on which administrative systems you can access.

Make your choice by typing the appropriate number on the Command => line and pressing <return>. You should now be in the Administrative system of your choice.

Changing your administrative password

The first time you signon, you will be required to enter a new password. You will only have to do this once. Your password must also meet certain criteria. Please read the section Password Information before choosing a password.

The first time you signon, after you type your password, you will see the following screen:

At the Please enter your new password => prompt, type in a new password and press the <tab> key. The cursor will move to the and again => line. Type in your new password again (this is for verification purposes) and press <return>. Your password has now been changed to the new password.

You can also change your password at any time beyond the first time you signon. After you type your password, instead of pressing <return>, press <tab>. This will take you to the NEW RACF PASSWORD => line, where you can type in a new password and press <return>. You will have to type your new password and press <return> one more time for verification.


Note: if this is the first time you are signing on, you will have to change your password. Please read the sections Changing your Academic Password and Password Information.

After you've started the tn3270 application, you will see the following dialog box. On the Host Line, type and click on Open Connection.

You will see the following screen:

At the USERID=> prompt, type in your TSO id (usually some form of your name) and press the <tab> key. At the PASSWORD => prompt, type in your TSO password and press <return>.

You should see the following or similar screen. At the Command => prompt, type 1 or the number for TSO on your menu, then press <return>.

You should now be logged into your TSO account.

Changing your Academic Password

The first time you signon to your TSO account, you will need to enter a new password. You should see the following screen:

At the Please enter your new password => prompt, type in a new password and press the <tab> key. The cursor will move to the and again => line. Type in your new password again (this is for verification purposes) and press <return>. Your password has now been changed to the new password.

You can also change your password at any time beyond the first time you signon. After you type your password, instead of pressing <return>, press <tab>. This will take you to the enter your new password here => line, where you can type in a new password and press <return>. You will have to type your new password and press <return> one more time for verification.


Your password needs to meet certain criteria. Please read the following (from the ITS document MVS010 RACF by Naomi Okinaga) before choosing a password:


First, logoff the system you were using (ISIS, HRIS, uhccmvs, etc.). You will return to the Application Menu. Press the <F3> key or the <3> key on the numeric keypad to exit the Application Menu. Quit TN3270 by going to the FILE menu and choosing Quit. If your session hangs and you cannot issue the logout command, go to the FILE menu and choose Close Connection, then click on OK to confirm closing the session.


If you need further assistance with TN3270, you can contact the ITS Help Desk by sending e-mail to, calling 956-8883, or visiting Keller 105.


Note: If something is enclosed in <>, it refers to a key. For example, the backslash key would be denoted like this: <\>. Do not press the < and > keys.

<command> means this key:

PF key Function Standard Keyboard Extended Keyboard
PF1 help <1> on numeric keypad <F1>

PF2 split screen <2> on numeric keypad <F2>

PF3 end <3> on numeric keypad <F3>

PF4 return <4> on numeric keypad <F4>

PF5 repeat find <5> on numeric keypad <F5>

PF6 repeat change <6> on numeric keypad <F6>

PF7 page up <7> on numeric keypad <F7>

PF8 page down <8> on numeric keypad <F8>

PF9 swap screen <9> on numeric keypad <F9>

PF10 scroll left <0> on numeric keypad <F10>

PF11 scroll right <.> on numeric keypad <F11>

PF12 cursor <enter> on numeric keypad <F12>

For PF13 - PF24, add the <shift> key

Other keys of interest

PA1 (break) <command> <,>

PA2 (redisplay screen) <command> <.>

PA3 <command> <\>

clear screen <clear> on numeric keypad

cursor movement use arrow keys

move cursor backwards <delete>

delete character <shift> <delete> (standard) or <del> (extended)

enter <return>

erase to end-of-line <-> on numeric keypad

home <command> <return> (standard) or <home> (extended)

newline <shift> <return>

tab <tab>

toggle insert mode <command> <i>