In Fall 2013, the new UHM LIS Web Team captain, Kimberly Jackson assessed how her fellow LIS students were being offered information and decided to create an official Web Team YouTube channel in order to reach students more effectively. With busy schedules, varying class times and families, it was difficult to set up dates for face-to-face workshops.
As a result, this YouTube channel has enabled the Web Team to not only reach fellow students in the LIS program but also thousands of people around the world. Although the majority of these videos were created to teach technical skills which would compliment the LIS curriculum, there are also videos which answer various common technical questions as well as general LIS student questions.
However, with all the great content being offered on this channel, there is one video that was posted in September 2013 which has received over 25,600 hits and this number is growing daily!
This tutorial (as seen below) specifically addresses the simple task of how to embed a video into a PowerPoint slide using a Mac, and was born out of the frustration with proprietary restraints for Microsoft software features as used on Mac products.
We in the UHM LIS Web Team are excited to be able to rescue so many presentations while at the same time promoting our small student group to thousands of people throughout the world.