LIS Alumni Group Board Minutes
March 3, 2002

Attendance: Eileen Herring, Treasurer: Janet Hesson, Newsletter: Jeff Boling, Member-at-Large; Gwen Sinclair, President; Stewart Chun, Member-at-Large; Jackie Reed, Secretary.

Meeting came to order at 12:07

  1. Approval of minutes--not enough members present.
  2. Treasurer’s report--see written report. Did receive some monies after the last newsletter. Balance is 439.50 Eileen has done the balance from July 01 to Jan 02. still running short, need more to send newsletter.
  3. Newsletter--have enough to print and hope to have enough to mail.
  4. Awards--this year is School Librarians and the deadline is April 4. Gwen will forward the information to Jackie, who will put it out on the list serve.
  5. Reunion--we will participate in a cooperative reunion at the ALA Conference.
  6. New Board Members--thank you to Eileen and Janet for joining the board. We still need events and fundraiser chairs. Stewart is again collecting packets from various groups to give out at the graduate dinner.

Submitted by Jackie Reed