Army ROTC alumni mark anniversary
January 7th, 2010 | by Alumni Relations Staff | Published in UHAA News | 1 Comment
The University of Hawaiʻi Army ROTC alumni chapter plans to celebrate ROTC’s 90th year at UH with multiple events the first week in May 2010.
Tentative plans call for golf on Friday followed by a mixer, attendance at a Rainbow Warrior baseball or volleyball game if the schedule allows and joining cadets at their military ball.
Organizers want to hear ideas from alumni; contact Lt. Col. Rod Laszlo.
Tags: alumni, Jan10 issue, ROTC, UH Alumni Association, UH Manoa
April 7th, 2010at 10:39 am(#)
Reunion plans have been firmed up for this all-years reunion. Activities include an Mānoa cmapus and Arizona Memorial tours, golf bournament, athletic event, and the Army ROTC Military Ball Lūʻau. Retirees are encouraged to wear the dress uniform of their period of service.
Contact Ed Gayagas or visit the Hawaiʻi ROTC website.