Golden Scholars, top alumni honor and more
January 21st, 2010 | by Alumni Relations Staff | Published in UHAA News | 1 Comment
During a busy semester, the University of Hawaiʻi Alumni Association announced the 2010 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients, honored 50th anniversary graduates of 2009, announced its endowed scholarship recipients and held its first adopt-a-highway event.
Distinguished Alumni awardees announced
UHAA Distinguished Alumni awardees for 2010 are—
- Ashok Kumar Malhotra, PhD ’69 Mānoa, Distinguished Teaching Professor of Philosophy at State University of New York at Oneonta
- Wesley Fong, BA ’65 Mānoa, attorney and lecturer at the UH Mānoa School of Travel Industry Management
- David Lassner, PhD ’98 Mānoa, vice president for information technology and chief information officer for the University of Hawaiʻi System
- Virginia Pressler, MBA ’75, MS ’81, MD ’82 Mānoa, executive vice president and chief strategic officer, Hawaiʻi Pacific Health
The UH Founders Alumni Association Lifetime Achievement Award honoree is Patricia Saiki, BS ’52 Mānoa, a former teacher and member of U.S. House of Representatives representing Hawaiʻi 1987–91.
Save the date for the UH Distinguished Alumni Award dinner May 11, Sheraton Waikīkī hotel. See the website for details.
Golden Scholars honored at Mānoa reunion

Alumni from the Golden Scholars Class of 1959 with UH officals
Each year, UHAA honors graduates who are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their UH graduation by welcoming them into a special circle of alumni called the Golden Scholars. On Dec. 9 UHAA honored the Class of 1959 with a reunion on the UH Mānoa campus hosted by Mānoa Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw.
Following a docent-guided tour of the alumni invitational art exhibit Degrees of Distinction, the Golden Scholars enjoyed a narrated bus tour of upper campus, walking tour of the new Frear Hall dormitory, visit to athletics facilities and reception at the UH Letterwinners Clubhouse.
The evening concluded with the men’s basketball game against Chaminade University, courtesy of UH Athletics.
View the Golden Scholars photo gallery.
Alumni contribute to brighter future for students
Congratulations to the five recipients of UHAA Endowed Scholarship Fund for spring 2010. Receiving scholarships are Kimberly Hayama, a sophomore in pre-education at Mānoa; Kelsie Kanetake, a sophomore in civil engineering at Mānoa; Nicole Pasalo, a junior in psychology at Hilo; Kai Sarmiento, a senior in public administration at UH West Oʻahu; and Lissa Tsutsumi, a sophomore in kinesiology and exercise science at Hilo.
The UHAA Endowed Scholarship Fund assists children and grandchildren of alumni from the 10 UH System campuses and/or UHAA members who will pursue full-time studies at any UH campus. For more information, see the scholarship website.
Association adopts Kalanianaʻole Highway

Among those helping with the clean up are, from left, Darrell Yamagata ’84, Melissa Miyashiro ’12, Terri Miyashiro, Stacia Garlach, Melvin Miyashiro, Jill Hasegawa ’04, Ernest Mau ’57, Gordon Inouye, Doug Inouye ’85, ’03 and Janet Bullard ’82. Not pictured are Annette Hee ’53 and Teri Fukuhara ’96.
UHAA members and staff met at the ʻĀina Haina Public Library Dec. 12 to grab their brooms and trash bags and set out to tidy up east Oʻahu’s Kalanianaʻole Highway.
The association recently adopted the stretch between West Hind Drive and Halemaʻumaʻu Street through the state’s Adopt-A-Highway program, and this was their first cleanup.
UHAA members and friends will report for cleanup duty again on Mar. 6, weather permitting.
Tags: alumni, Distinguished Alumni Award, Jan10 issue, UH Alumni Association, UH Manoa
February 8th, 2010at 12:51 pm(#)
[...] Read about the other 2010 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients [...]