Marketing efforts receive industry recognition
July 19th, 2010 | by Malamalama Contributor | Published in Campus News | 1 Comment
Recent marketing efforts by University of Hawaiʻi campuses have won top honors in advertising industry awards programs, including regional Peles for a UH Mānoa commercial and national Paragon gold and silver for print pieces from Windward and Leeward Community Colleges.
Mānoa commercial receives Pele
Mānoa’s 30-second television commercial titled “One Day” received regional American Advertising Federation awards at the AAF Hawaiʻi chapter’s 2010 Pele Awards ceremony—an ADDY Pele Regional Gold for its musical score and Excellence Regional Silver ADDYs in both cinematography and best commercial divisions.
The commercial highlights the study and research opportunities at Mānoa—from science, engineering, health sciences and agriculture to performing arts, Hawaiian studies, foreign language and study abroad. It was produced through a joint partnership between 1001 Stories (formerly known as HDOLOGY) and Bluewater Multimedia. Both companies are comprised of recent graduates and current students of the Academy for Creative Media at the Mānoa campus.
“We’re excited and proud that, not only has this award-winning commercial featured our very own students and faculty, but that UH Mānoa students and graduates were instrumental in producing it,“ says UH Mānoa Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw.
“One Day” is part of a television advertising campaign designed to attract local students to the campus. The campaign focuses on the depth and breadth of educational opportunities offered at UH’s flagship campus. Other spots in the campaign include “Innovation,” “Exploration” and “Experience the World.” An additional spot, “Always” will complete the arc of commercials. View all the commercials.
The campaign is funded through the chancellor’s discretionary account at UH Foundation and monies set aside from student tuition for marketing.
AAF awards also went to two Honolulu Community College students in the student advertising division. Quintin Campbell received a Pele for “Bob Marley CD Packaging” and an Excellence award for “Ghirardelli Business System;” Kalena Leong received an Excellence award for “The Other Half You’ve Been Searchin.”
Community colleges marketing captures Paragon honors
Windward Community College received a Paragon Gold award from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations for its postcard series. Part of a campaign that included posters, ads, banners and refrigerator magnets, the postcards showcase Spanish, Hawaiian and Japanese language offerings at the Oʻahu campus. They were mailed to high school students and distributed at college fairs.
Marketing Coordinator Bonnie Beatson and Graphic Designer Peter Owen designed the pieces using illustrations by artist Katie Doka and the language of dance to span the human experience in each culture.
The project also received a second-place Silver award for computer-generated illustration.

Award-winning Leeward Community College marketing materials
Leeward Community College received a Paragon Silver award in the student handbook category. Marketing Director Kathleen Cabral and Graphic Designer Tomi Ponciano led the team project.
With a vinyl insert envelope on the cover, bright stickers and “doodling encouraged,” the handbook was a customizable academic planner that informed students of campus services, student life activities and college policies in an engaging manner.
The Paragon program recognizes communications excellence by community and technical colleges. “For two University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges to place so high in competition with so many other two-year institutions is a real testament to the talent we have,” says John Morton, vice president for community colleges.
Tags: Academy for Creative Media, award, Honolulu Community College, July10 issue, Leeward Community College, UH Manoa, Windward Community College
August 1st, 2010at 8:01 pm(#)
awesome accomplishments, and what a GREAT tv commercial! (sadly, i must confess that i’ve never seen it before!)