In Hawaiʻi and throughout the Pacific Islands, sea-level rise is occurring. While most people are not negatively impacted by the rising seas on a daily basis yet, “king tides,” the highest predicted tides that occur only a few times per year, give us a glimpse into the future and show what will likely be at risk.
According to global projections, which are in line with what people in Hawaiʻi can expect, a three-foot rise in sea-level by 2100 is predicted. In Hawaiʻi and low-lying islands in the Pacific, this will be particularly devastating and could cause increased coastal flooding and beach loss, damage homes and infrastructure, endanger critical habitat, and impact tourism, a vital part of the state’s economy.
The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program (Hawaiʻi Sea Grant) is the project lead for this region of the Pacific for the International King Tides Project, Snap the Shore, See the Future, which captures and records extreme high tide events on a global scale.
On Monday, November 7, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant will train community members on how to participate as citizen scientists and photograph the king tides that occur where they live, work and play.
Citizen scientist community training
- Monday, November 7, 6–7:30 p.m.
ʻIolani School, Sullivan Center for Innovation and Leadership (563 Kamoku Street, Honolulu, HI 96826)
The training is free, but space is limited and registration is required. To register, go to Eventbrite.
The training will also be streaming live. Registration is still requested; simply indicate your participation option through the ticket selection.
The upcoming king tides in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific Islands will occur in the Republic of the Marshall Islands on November 15–16, Hawaiʻi on November 17–18, American Samoa on December 12–13 and in Guam on December 13–14.
For more information, visit the King Tides Project or read the Hawaiʻi Sea Grant news release.
—By Cindy Knapman