Films and Videos in Moving Images Database

  1. 10 Hottest Cruises
  2. 1941-42: The First 1000 Days
  3. 1943: At Home and Abroad
  4. The 1987 Hiri Moale Festival: Cultural Performances
  5. The 1989 Mount Hagen Show
  6. 1994 Mana! The Spirit of Our People
  7. 1994 Tahiti Fete of San Jose! Day 1: Solo Competitions
  8. 1994 Tahiti Fete of San Jose! Day 2: Solo Competitions
  9. 1998 World Sprints
  10. 1st Annual Tahiti Fete of Hilo: Heiva 2000
  11. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
  12. 2003 MESD te Kabo n te Kuaea: CPP te Kabo te Mwaie (Open Choir & Dance Competitions)
  13. 25 Jaar Onrecht
  14. 45 Tausaga malo o Samoa 2007 - Part 2 (Samoa Independence Celebrations, 45 years, 2007. Part 2)
  15. 5 Ni Kaotioti Ikukira Ma te OOtabwanin
  16. The 5-Minute Project
  17. 5th Festival of Pacific Arts
  18. The 5th Festival of Pacific Arts: Souvenir Video
  19. 5th Festival of Pacific Arts: Tahiti at the Festival
  20. 5th Festival of Pacific Arts: The Melanesians
  21. 5th Festival of Pacific Arts: The Polynesians
  22. A Koe No Na Pua: Hawai'i's Delegations to the Pacific Arts Festivals
  23. A Vous Donner des Frissons: Le Traitement du Poisson ˆ Terre
  24. A Vous Faire Froid Dans le Dos: La Conservation du Poisson ˆ Bord
  25. A'di: The Kanak Shell-Moneys
  26. Aboriginese Dance Presentation
  27. About the United Nations: Decolonization
  28. Above and Beyond
  29. Absolutely New Zealand
  30. Ack-Ack Girl
  31. Across the Frontiers
  32. Across the South Pacific
  33. Act of No Choice
  34. The Admirable Crichton
  35. The Admirals
  36. Adolescent Reproductive Health: Pacific Experiences
  37. The Adorable Outcast
  38. Adventure
  39. Adventure Island
  40. Adventure's End
  41. Adventures in Western Polynesia: Paradise Islands of the South Seas
  42. The Adventures of Martin Eden
  43. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
  44. The Adventures of Sadie
  45. Advertising Missionaries
  46. The Adze and the Chainsaw
  47. Aerial Gunner
  48. The Aeroplane and Papua New Guinea
  49. Aeroplane Dance
  50. After Mabo
  51. After the Compact, What Then?
  52. After the Mine Came In
  53. Aggie GreyÕs Samoa
  54. Agharup Dancers
  55. An Agricultural Officer in Papua and New Guinea
  56. Agueda Johnston, A Biography
  57. Aia ka-5 n Rekenibong Unimwaane Makin (Makin Island Culture & Entertainment over a 24-hour period)
  58. Aia Mare Mikaere ao nei Anna, 28 Tuun 2003 (Kainaba: Wedding in a Small Remote Community)
  59. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Backen von Sago-Fladen und Sago-Brocken / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Baking Sago Flat Cakes and Sago Pieces
  60. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Bemalen eines Sago-Vorratstopfes / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Painting a Sago Jar
  61. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Flechten einer Frauen-Haube / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Plaiting a Woman's Hood
  62. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Flštenorchester auf einem sakralen Felsen (7 Bambusflšten, 2 Schlagstšcke) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Flute Orchestra on a Sacred Rock (7 Bamboo Flutes, 2 Sticks)
  63. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Flštenorchester im MŠnnerhaus / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Flute Orchestra in the Men's House
  64. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Gewinnen und FŠrben von Palmbaststreifen fŸr einen Frauen-Schurz (Reservierungstechnik) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Winning and Dyeing Palm Fibre Strips for a Women's Skirt (Reservation Technique)
  65. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Gewinnen und FŠrben von Rindenbast-Streifen / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Making and Dyeing Bark Fibre Strips
  66. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Gewinnung von Sago / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Winning Sago
  67. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Herstellen eines Einbaumes / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Construction of a Canoe
  68. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Herstellen eines Frauen-Schurzes / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Plaiting a Women's Skirt
  69. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Kalkbrennen und Betelkauen / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Burning Lime and Chewing Betel
  70. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mythologischer Gesang Ÿber die Vorfahren der Klane Mbowi-Semal / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Mythological Songs about the Ancestors of the Clans Mbowi-Semal
  71. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Sago-Gewinnung / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Winning of Sago
  72. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Tšpferei (Backschale, Feuerschale, Sago-Vorratstopf) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Pottery (Frying Pan, Fire Bowl, Sago Jar)
  73. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Tšpferei / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Pottery
  74. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Topfmarkt / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Jar Market
  75. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Zubereiten von Brei (Sago mit Kokos) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Preparation of Pudding (Sago with Coconut)
  76. Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Zubereiten von Kuchen (Sago mit Kokos und Banane) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Preparation of Cake (Sago with Coconut and Banana)
  77. Aibom (New Guinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Kochen von Klš§en (Sago mit Kokos)/Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Cooking Dumplings (Sago with Coconut)
  78. Aibom/Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Tauschmarkt in Tingei / Aibom/Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Bartering Market at Tingei
  79. AIDAB: AustraliaÕs Aid Program Making a Difference
  80. AIDS and the South Pacific
  81. AIDS in the Pacific: A Cause for Concern
  82. Air Campaign against Munda
  83. Air Force
  84. The Air Force Story: The AAF Fights Back, April-July 1942
  85. The Air Force Story: The Air Force and the Atom Bomb
  86. Air Operations: Lae-Salamaua
  87. The Air Road to Gold
  88. Air War in the Pacific
  89. The Air War in the Pacific
  90. Aircraft Carrier
  91. Airfreighting Chilled Fish
  92. Ajri in Majel
  93. Akamarokura: The Investiture of Mere Maraea Ariki
  94. Aku Aku: The Secret of Easter Island
  95. Aku Mahi Whatu Maori: My Art of Maori Weaving
  96. Albatrosses of Midway Island
  97. Alcohol or Life - The Choice is Yours
  98. The Alcohol Risk
  99. Alfred Melotu, the Death of a Paramount Chief
  100. Aliens from Inner Space: The Fastest Claw in the West
  101. All the Brothers Were Valiant
  102. All You Need is Big Auntie
  103. Alla Ricerca di Specie Perdute (Hunting ÒLostÓ Species)
  104. Alliance OcŽanienne
  105. Alluvial Gold Mining, New Guinea (1935-1937)
  106. Aloma of the South Seas [1925]
  107. Aloma of the South Seas [1941]
  108. Along the Sepik
  109. Alotau War Canoes
  110. Amazing New Zealand
  111. Ambassador Bodde Meets East-West Center Jefferson Fellows
  112. American Samoa
  113. American Samoa
  114. American Samoa Community College: Saili le Atamai
  115. American Samoa: Heart of Polynesia
  116. American Samoa: Paradise Lost?
  117. Among the Headhunters
  118. Ana ka-22 ni Kainaomata Kiribati 2001 (Independenc Celebration Highlights)
  119. Ana ka-50 n Ririki KGV/EBS 2003 (KGV School 50th Anniversary)
  120. Ana Koteueei Kiribati ma te Aonnaba (The Inaugural Flights of the ATR)
  121. Ana reta te Kaimoa nei Lesley Iabeta (Letter from a Seaman)
  122. Ancient Legends of Polynesia
  123. Andre Tschan's Ballets
  124. Andre Tschan's Ballets
  125. Anessi's Barkcloth Art
  126. Angels of War
  127. Angels of War
  128. Angle of Attack
  129. Another Week, Another Workshop
  130. Papua New Guinea: Anthropology on Trial
  131. Aotearoa - Earth and Sky: Stories of New ZealandÕs Extraordinary Landscape
  132. Apangai Village
  133. Aquaculture en Polynesie
  134. Araha Ana Romo
  135. Araura: Fragrant Wreaths for Dancing
  136. Arbeit mit dem Steinbeil in Talim - Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) / Working with a Stone Adze at Talim - Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands)
  137. Archaeology in the Marshall Islands: What Is It All About?
  138. Archeology: Heeia Marsh and Kaneohe
  139. Archive Robin White - Kiribati Weaving
  140. Archive Winnie & Connie - Childhood
  141. Archive Winnie & Connie - War
  142. Arctic Meltdown, Rising Seas: Threatened Land, Threatened People
  143. 'Are'Are Maasina
  144. 'Are'Are Music and Shaping Bamboo
  145. Arnavon Marine Conservation Area
  146. Arno Atoll
  147. Aroha
  148. Aroha Mai
  149. Aron te Beku: A Portrait of Pioneering
  150. Arou
  151. Around the World
  152. Arrows Against the Wind
  153. L'art du Fai, Jeu de Ficelle
  154. The Art of Tapa
  155. Art/Craft
  156. Arts du mythe - Crane Iatmul
  157. Arts of Polynesia
  158. Arts Pasifika
  159. As far as man could go: a documentary on the life of James Cook
  160. As It Happened: The Canecutters
  161. As We Begin
  162. Asmat (Neuguinea, SŸdwestkŸste) - Herstellen einer Sanduhrtrommel / Asmat (New Guinea, Southwest Coast) - Making an Hourglass-shaped Drum
  163. Asmat (Neuguinea, SŸdwestkŸste) - Ornamentieren eines Blashorns aus Bambus / Asmat (New Guinea, Southwest Coast) - Decorating a Bamboo Signal Horn
  164. Asmat (Neuguinea, SŸdwestkŸste) - Streit zwischen Angehšrigen zweier MŠnnerhŠuser / Asmat (New Guinea, Southwest Coast) - Quarrel between Members of Two Men's Houses
  165. Asmat (Neuguinea, SŸdwestkŸste) - Zeichnen mit Filzschreiber auf Papier / Asmat (New Guinea, Southwest Coast) - Drawing with a Marking Pen on Paper
  166. The Asmat of New Guinea: A Case Study in Religion and Magic
  167. Asmat: Cannibal Craftsmen of New Guinea
  168. Asmat: Cannibal Tribe in Papua New Guinea
  169. Asmat: Time's Forgotten People
  170. Assault on the Sepik
  171. Assault on the Sepik
  172. Assignment South Pacific
  173. At the End of the World
  174. Atiu: Una Storia Sepolta (Atiu: A Buried History)
  175. Atlantis Approaching
  176. Atoll K (Utopia)
  177. Atoll Life on Kiribati
  178. Atoll People
  179. Atomic Filmmakers: Behind the Scenes
  180. Atomic Guinea Pigs
  181. Attack Carrier
  182. Attack Force Z
  183. Attack in the Pacific
  184. Attack of the Crab Monsters
  185. Attack! The Battle for New Britain
  186. Attenborough in Paradise
  187. Atugalalaga I Le AIDS
  188. Au dela dÕun naufrage
  189. Auckland Fa'a Samoa
  190. Aunty Betelnut
  191. Aus dem Leben der Kate auf Deutsch-Neuguinea - Aufnahmen aus dem Jahre 1909 / From the Life of the Kate in German New Guinea - Pictures from the Year 1909
  192. Australasian Landforms
  193. Australia in New Guinea
  194. Australia's Own
  195. Australian Army at War, 1939-1945
  196. Australian Colour Diary No. 35: Port Moresby
  197. Australian Diary, No. 049
  198. Australian Diary, No. 110
  199. Australian to Kokoda: Out of the Office and into the Jungle
  200. Autour de Tetua
  201. Awa Hikoi: The River Journey
  202. Away All Boats
  203. Axes and ArŽ: Stone Tools of the Duna
  204. Azera (Austro-Melanesier) (NO-Neuguinea, Oberer Markham) - Tšpferei in Spiralwulsttechnik / Atzera (Austro-Melanesians) (Northeast New Guinea, Upper Markham) - Pottery by Coiling Technique