Films and Videos in Moving Images Database
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- 10 Hottest Cruises
- 1941-42: The First 1000 Days
- 1943: At Home and Abroad
- The 1987 Hiri Moale Festival: Cultural Performances
- The 1989 Mount Hagen Show
- 1994 Mana! The Spirit of Our People
- 1994 Tahiti Fete of San Jose! Day 1: Solo Competitions
- 1994 Tahiti Fete of San Jose! Day 2: Solo Competitions
- 1998 World Sprints
- 1st Annual Tahiti Fete of Hilo: Heiva 2000
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
- 2003 MESD te Kabo n te Kuaea: CPP te Kabo te Mwaie (Open Choir & Dance Competitions)
- 25 Jaar Onrecht
- 45 Tausaga malo o Samoa 2007 - Part 2 (Samoa Independence Celebrations, 45 years, 2007. Part 2)
- 5 Ni Kaotioti Ikukira Ma te OOtabwanin
- The 5-Minute Project
- 5th Festival of Pacific Arts
- The 5th Festival of Pacific Arts: Souvenir Video
- 5th Festival of Pacific Arts: Tahiti at the Festival
- 5th Festival of Pacific Arts: The Melanesians
- 5th Festival of Pacific Arts: The Polynesians
- A Koe No Na Pua: Hawai'i's Delegations to the Pacific Arts Festivals
- A Vous Donner des Frissons: Le Traitement du Poisson ˆ Terre
- A Vous Faire Froid Dans le Dos: La Conservation du Poisson ˆ Bord
- A'di: The Kanak Shell-Moneys
- Aboriginese Dance Presentation
- About the United Nations: Decolonization
- Above and Beyond
- Absolutely New Zealand
- Ack-Ack Girl
- Across the Frontiers
- Across the South Pacific
- Act of No Choice
- The Admirable Crichton
- The Admirals
- Adolescent Reproductive Health: Pacific Experiences
- The Adorable Outcast
- Adventure
- Adventure Island
- Adventure's End
- Adventures in Western Polynesia: Paradise Islands of the South Seas
- The Adventures of Martin Eden
- Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
- The Adventures of Sadie
- Advertising Missionaries
- The Adze and the Chainsaw
- Aerial Gunner
- The Aeroplane and Papua New Guinea
- Aeroplane Dance
- After Mabo
- After the Compact, What Then?
- After the Mine Came In
- Aggie GreyÕs Samoa
- Agharup Dancers
- An Agricultural Officer in Papua and New Guinea
- Agueda Johnston, A Biography
- Aia ka-5 n Rekenibong Unimwaane Makin (Makin Island Culture & Entertainment over a 24-hour period)
- Aia Mare Mikaere ao nei Anna, 28 Tuun 2003 (Kainaba: Wedding in a Small Remote Community)
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Backen von Sago-Fladen und Sago-Brocken / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Baking Sago Flat Cakes and Sago Pieces
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Bemalen eines Sago-Vorratstopfes / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Painting a Sago Jar
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Flechten einer Frauen-Haube / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Plaiting a Woman's Hood
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Flštenorchester auf einem sakralen Felsen (7 Bambusflšten, 2 Schlagstšcke) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Flute Orchestra on a Sacred Rock (7 Bamboo Flutes, 2 Sticks)
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Flštenorchester im MŠnnerhaus / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Flute Orchestra in the Men's House
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Gewinnen und FŠrben von Palmbaststreifen fŸr einen Frauen-Schurz (Reservierungstechnik) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Winning and Dyeing Palm Fibre Strips for a Women's Skirt (Reservation Technique)
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Gewinnen und FŠrben von Rindenbast-Streifen / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Making and Dyeing Bark Fibre Strips
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Gewinnung von Sago / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Winning Sago
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Herstellen eines Einbaumes / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Construction of a Canoe
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Herstellen eines Frauen-Schurzes / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Plaiting a Women's Skirt
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Kalkbrennen und Betelkauen / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Burning Lime and Chewing Betel
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mythologischer Gesang Ÿber die Vorfahren der Klane Mbowi-Semal / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Mythological Songs about the Ancestors of the Clans Mbowi-Semal
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Sago-Gewinnung / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Winning of Sago
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Tšpferei (Backschale, Feuerschale, Sago-Vorratstopf) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Pottery (Frying Pan, Fire Bowl, Sago Jar)
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Tšpferei / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Pottery
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Topfmarkt / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Jar Market
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Zubereiten von Brei (Sago mit Kokos) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Preparation of Pudding (Sago with Coconut)
- Aibom (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Zubereiten von Kuchen (Sago mit Kokos und Banane) / Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Preparation of Cake (Sago with Coconut and Banana)
- Aibom (New Guinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Kochen von Klš§en (Sago mit Kokos)/Aibom (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Cooking Dumplings (Sago with Coconut)
- Aibom/Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Tauschmarkt in Tingei / Aibom/Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Bartering Market at Tingei
- AIDAB: AustraliaÕs Aid Program Making a Difference
- AIDS and the South Pacific
- AIDS in the Pacific: A Cause for Concern
- Air Campaign against Munda
- Air Force
- The Air Force Story: The AAF Fights Back, April-July 1942
- The Air Force Story: The Air Force and the Atom Bomb
- Air Operations: Lae-Salamaua
- The Air Road to Gold
- Air War in the Pacific
- The Air War in the Pacific
- Aircraft Carrier
- Airfreighting Chilled Fish
- Ajri in Majel
- Akamarokura: The Investiture of Mere Maraea Ariki
- Aku Aku: The Secret of Easter Island
- Aku Mahi Whatu Maori: My Art of Maori Weaving
- Albatrosses of Midway Island
- Alcohol or Life - The Choice is Yours
- The Alcohol Risk
- Alfred Melotu, the Death of a Paramount Chief
- Aliens from Inner Space: The Fastest Claw in the West
- All the Brothers Were Valiant
- All You Need is Big Auntie
- Alla Ricerca di Specie Perdute (Hunting ÒLostÓ Species)
- Alliance OcŽanienne
- Alluvial Gold Mining, New Guinea (1935-1937)
- Aloma of the South Seas [1925]
- Aloma of the South Seas [1941]
- Along the Sepik
- Alotau War Canoes
- Amazing New Zealand
- Ambassador Bodde Meets East-West Center Jefferson Fellows
- American Samoa
- American Samoa
- American Samoa Community College: Saili le Atamai
- American Samoa: Heart of Polynesia
- American Samoa: Paradise Lost?
- Among the Headhunters
- Ana ka-22 ni Kainaomata Kiribati 2001 (Independenc Celebration Highlights)
- Ana ka-50 n Ririki KGV/EBS 2003 (KGV School 50th Anniversary)
- Ana Koteueei Kiribati ma te Aonnaba (The Inaugural Flights of the ATR)
- Ana reta te Kaimoa nei Lesley Iabeta (Letter from a Seaman)
- Ancient Legends of Polynesia
- Andre Tschan's Ballets
- Andre Tschan's Ballets
- Anessi's Barkcloth Art
- Angels of War
- Angels of War
- Angle of Attack
- Another Week, Another Workshop
- Papua New Guinea: Anthropology on Trial
- Aotearoa - Earth and Sky: Stories of New ZealandÕs Extraordinary Landscape
- Apangai Village
- Aquaculture en Polynesie
- Araha Ana Romo
- Araura: Fragrant Wreaths for Dancing
- Arbeit mit dem Steinbeil in Talim - Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) / Working with a Stone Adze at Talim - Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands)
- Archaeology in the Marshall Islands: What Is It All About?
- Archeology: Heeia Marsh and Kaneohe
- Archive Robin White - Kiribati Weaving
- Archive Winnie & Connie - Childhood
- Archive Winnie & Connie - War
- Arctic Meltdown, Rising Seas: Threatened Land, Threatened People
- 'Are'Are Maasina
- 'Are'Are Music and Shaping Bamboo
- Arnavon Marine Conservation Area
- Arno Atoll
- Aroha
- Aroha Mai
- Aron te Beku: A Portrait of Pioneering
- Arou
- Around the World
- Arrows Against the Wind
- L'art du Fai, Jeu de Ficelle
- The Art of Tapa
- Art/Craft
- Arts du mythe - Crane Iatmul
- Arts of Polynesia
- Arts Pasifika
- As far as man could go: a documentary on the life of James Cook
- As It Happened: The Canecutters
- As We Begin
- Asmat (Neuguinea, SŸdwestkŸste) - Herstellen einer Sanduhrtrommel / Asmat (New Guinea, Southwest Coast) - Making an Hourglass-shaped Drum
- Asmat (Neuguinea, SŸdwestkŸste) - Ornamentieren eines Blashorns aus Bambus / Asmat (New Guinea, Southwest Coast) - Decorating a Bamboo Signal Horn
- Asmat (Neuguinea, SŸdwestkŸste) - Streit zwischen Angehšrigen zweier MŠnnerhŠuser / Asmat (New Guinea, Southwest Coast) - Quarrel between Members of Two Men's Houses
- Asmat (Neuguinea, SŸdwestkŸste) - Zeichnen mit Filzschreiber auf Papier / Asmat (New Guinea, Southwest Coast) - Drawing with a Marking Pen on Paper
- The Asmat of New Guinea: A Case Study in Religion and Magic
- Asmat: Cannibal Craftsmen of New Guinea
- Asmat: Cannibal Tribe in Papua New Guinea
- Asmat: Time's Forgotten People
- Assault on the Sepik
- Assault on the Sepik
- Assignment South Pacific
- At the End of the World
- Atiu: Una Storia Sepolta (Atiu: A Buried History)
- Atlantis Approaching
- Atoll K (Utopia)
- Atoll Life on Kiribati
- Atoll People
- Atomic Filmmakers: Behind the Scenes
- Atomic Guinea Pigs
- Attack Carrier
- Attack Force Z
- Attack in the Pacific
- Attack of the Crab Monsters
- Attack! The Battle for New Britain
- Attenborough in Paradise
- Atugalalaga I Le AIDS
- Au dela dÕun naufrage
- Auckland Fa'a Samoa
- Aunty Betelnut
- Aus dem Leben der Kate auf Deutsch-Neuguinea - Aufnahmen aus dem Jahre 1909 / From the Life of the Kate in German New Guinea - Pictures from the Year 1909
- Australasian Landforms
- Australia in New Guinea
- Australia's Own
- Australian Army at War, 1939-1945
- Australian Colour Diary No. 35: Port Moresby
- Australian Diary, No. 049
- Australian Diary, No. 110
- Australian to Kokoda: Out of the Office and into the Jungle
- Autour de Tetua
- Awa Hikoi: The River Journey
- Away All Boats
- Axes and ArŽ: Stone Tools of the Duna
- Azera (Austro-Melanesier) (NO-Neuguinea, Oberer Markham) - Tšpferei in Spiralwulsttechnik / Atzera (Austro-Melanesians) (Northeast New Guinea, Upper Markham) - Pottery by Coiling Technique
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Center for Pacific Islands Studies
Moving Images
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