Films and Videos in Moving Images Database
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- La B.C.D. (Bibliotheque Centre Documentaire)
- Babata of Chea Village, Solomons
- Back River Road
- Back Yard Burn Off
- Backblock Medical Service
- Bali-Vitu Islands: Singsing Miri
- Balus He Come . . . Walk Along Top
- The Bamboo Blonde
- Banabas: A Portrait of a New Guinean Artist
- Bark Belt
- Baruya Muka Archival / Baruya Muka Archivmaterial
- Basoga ni Sala
- Bastion Point: Day 507
- Bathing Babies in Three Cultures
- The Battle Against Mosquitoes
- Battle At Bloody Beach
- Battle for New Guinea
- The Battle for Saipan
- The Battle for Saipan
- The Battle for the Marianas
- The Battle of Midway
- The Battle of Midway
- Battle of Midway: Global War
- Battle of Midway: To the Shores of Iwo Jima & Fury in the Pacific
- Battle of the Bands 2000
- The Battle of the Pacific: The Conquest
- Bau Einer Reuse Fur Den Muranen-Fang
- Bau Eines Grossen Auslegerbootes
- Bauen von BrŸcken - Fa (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) / Building Bridges - Fa (West New Guinea, Central Highlands)
- The Beachcomber [1938]
- The Beachcomber [1955]
- Beachhead
- Beast of the Dead
- Beautiful Islands
- Beche-de-mer Processing
- Becoming a Navigator, Becoming a Priest
- Bed Nets that Kill Mosquitoes
- Before ItÕs Too Late
- Before ItÕs Too Late: Land of the Unexpected
- Behaviours of the Backpacker
- Behind the Labels: Garment Workers on US Saipan
- Being Rapanui
- Belau (Palau)
- Beldeklel a Ngloik: Palauan Dance: the Process
- Belles of the South Seas
- Beneath Paradise
- Beneath the South Pacific
- The Best Kept Secret: Western Samoa
- The Best Kept Secret: Western Samoa
- The Best of Laughing with Samoans
- The Best of Palau's Diving and Sceneries II
- The Best of Palau's Diving Sceneries, I
- The Best of Papua New Guinea
- Betelnut Bisnis: A Story from Papua New Guinea
- Beth's World
- Better Safe
- Better Safe than Sorry
- Better Safe than Sorry (E Raoiroi Riki te Tauraoi Nakon te Nanokawaki)
- Betty Boop on Bamboo Isle
- Between Heaven and Hell
- Beyond the Blue Horizon
- Beyond the Horizon: Creative Exploration in Contemporary Oceania
- Beyond the Reef
- Beyond the Roaring Forties: South the Story of New Zealand's Subantarctic Islands
- Beyond the Spoken Word: Insuring the Legacy of Our Land
- Bifo Kam
- Big Bay Conservation Area
- Big Brother of Christmas Island: The Legend of Tai Ko Seng
- Big Brother, Little Sister
- Big Fish, Little Fish
- Big Hair Woman
- Big Mama Daisy
- Big Man Politics
- The Bikini Atoll
- Bikini Destinations: Bora Bora
- Bikini: Forbidden Paradise
- Bill Daniel
- Bime (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Geburtsverlauf bei einer ErstgebŠrenden mit Klumpfu§mi§bildung des Neugeborenen / Bime (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Parturition of a Primiparous Woman Getting a New-Born with Clubfoot Deformation
- Bime (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Magische Behandlung einer LungenentzŸndung mit Schildkrštenknochen / Bime (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Magic Treatment of Pneumonia with Tortoise Bones
- Bime (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Magische Behandlung von Kopf- und Nackenschmerzen mit BananenblŠttern / Bime (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Magic Treatment of Headache and Neck Pain with Banana Leaves
- Bime (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Magische Behandlung von Kopf- und Schulterschmerzen mit Schweinefett / Bime (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Magic Treatment of Headache and Shoulderache with Lard
- Bime (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Magische Behandlung von Kopfschmerzen mit einem Stein / Bime (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Magic Treatment of Headache with a Stone
- Biogas in Fiji
- Birap: Singsing Tumbuan (Part 1-abridged)
- Birap: Singsing Tumbuan (Part 2-abridged)
- Birap: Singsing Tumbuan (Part 2)
- Birap: Singsing Tumbuan (Part 3-abridged)
- Birap: Singsing Tumbuan (Part 3)
- Bird Man Tale (Birdman Tale)
- Bird of Paradise [1932]
- Bird of Paradise [1951]
- Bird of the Thunderwoman (Bird of the Thunder Woman)
- Bird's Eye View of Papua New Guinea University of Technology
- Birds and Fauna of Takutea, Cook Islands
- Birds of Fiji
- Birth of a Pearl
- Bismarck Sea Battle
- Bitter Sweet Hope
- Black Grace - From CannonÕs Creek to JacobÕs Pillow
- Black Harvest
- The Black Heart of New Guinea
- Black Magic
- Black Paradise
- Black Pearl
- The Black Pearls of Polynesia
- Black Power: Fast Forward
- The Black Stilt
- Blackwater Camp
- Blast Measurement Group in Operation Sandstone
- Blast Measurements Group in Operation Sandstone
- Blessings
- Blind Leading the Blind
- The Blind Prophets of Easter Island
- Blong Save Hu Nao Yumi: To Learn Who We Are
- Blood And Steel
- Blood Creature
- Bloody Santa Cruz (Battle 360)
- The Blue Lagoon [1948]
- The Blue Lagoon [1980]
- The Blue Paradise: The Marshall Islands
- The Blue Parakeets of the Tuamotu Islands
- The Blurring of Boundaries: Maori and Polynesian Music Videos
- Bodyspeak
- Bombardier
- Bora Bora
- Bora Bora - Diving in Paradise
- Bora Bora - L'Eden du Pacifique Sud
- Botaki Aika a Boutokai Karikirake
- Botany Bay
- Bougainville
- Bougainville
- Bougainville
- The Bougainville Copper Project
- Bougainville in Crisis
- Bougainville Independence Struggle
- Bougainville Sky
- Bougainville: AustraliaÕs Hidden War
- Bougainville: Our Island, Our Fight
- Le Bougna
- Bouma Forest Project, Fiji
- Bound by the Wind
- The Bounty
- The Bounty Experiment
- The Bounty Mutineers
- Bounty's heritage: the legacy of Fletcher Christian
- Boy
- Boys and Girls of Papua New Guinea
- Breaking Bows and Arrows: A Search for Reconciliation and Forgiveness
- Breaking the ice
- Breeding Behavior of Tropical Pelagic Birds
- A Bride for Barter?
- Bride of Samoa
- Bridewealth for a Goddess
- The Bridge: A Story of Men in Dispute
- BroÕTown - Series 1
- BroÕTown - Series 2
- BroÕTown - Series 3
- BroÕTown - Series 4
- Broken Barrier
- Broken English
- Broken English
- The Broken Silence
- Broken Silence (Off the Verandah)
- Bronislaw Malinowski: Off the Veranda
- Brown Sugar
- Brown Tree Snake
- The Brown Tree Snake: A Silent Threat
- Bruce Li in New Guinea (She Nu Yu Chao)
- Brukim Bus: Breaking the Bush
- Bugla Yunggu: The Great Chimbu Pig Festival
- Building a Middle Road
- Building the Belau Modekngei School
- Bundi: Singsing Kaima
- Burning their Boats
- BushBagarap: The Ruined Rain Forest
- Buy Culturalism
- By Many Paths
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Center for Pacific Islands Studies
Moving Images
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