Films and Videos in Moving Images Database

  1. E Tipu E Rea Series
  2. Early Foreign Contacts in Micronesia 1521-1885
  3. Early Pacific Campaign: December 7th, Midway, Bougainville
  4. Earth: Pacific Island Geography - 4th Grade
  5. Earth's Final Fury. See When Time Ran Out
  6. Earthquakes in PNG
  7. East Coast District Nurse
  8. East-West Center
  9. East-West Center Radio Personnel Development
  10. Easter Island
  11. Easter Island
  12. Easter Island
  13. Easter Island
  14. Easter Island in Context: From Paradise to Calamity (Mysteries of Easter Island)
  15. Easter Island: A Mystery Is Solved
  16. Easter Island: A Vanished Culture
  17. Easter Island: Puzzle of the Pacific
  18. Eaten Alive
  19. Eating Like a Gannet
  20. L'eau a Faaa (P.A.E. du college de Faaa)
  21. Ebb Tide [1922]
  22. Ebb Tide [1937]
  23. Ebeye Public School - Al Maron: Coming Together, Beginning a Change
  24. Echoes of an Island
  25. Echoes of War
  26. Les ecritures de lÕOcean
  27. EddieÕs Aiga: A Samoan Youth Justice Story
  28. The Eddy Duchin Story
  29. Education
  30. Education
  31. Education in Papua New Guinea
  32. Education the Pacific Way
  33. Eel
  34. Eel
  35. EGG in Operation Sandstone
  36. Egg-Laying Mammals: The Echidnas and Platypus
  37. Eipo (West Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Demonstration des rituellen Pflanzens einer Cordyline / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Demonstration of the Ritual Planting of a Cordyline
  38. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Ab- und Anlegen von HŸftgŸrtel und Peniskalebasse / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Taking off and Putting on Waist Band and Penis Gourd
  39. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - "Dit"-Gesang der MŠnner / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Men Singing "Dit"
  40. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - "Mote", ein Besuchsfest in Munggona / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - "Mote", a Visiting Feast at Munggona
  41. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - AktivitŠten vor dem MŠnnerhaus / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Activities in Front of the Men's House
  42. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Anfertigen eines RŸckenschmucks ("Mum") / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making a Back Ornament ("Mum")
  43. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Arbeit mit dem Steinbeil im Malingdam-Bereich / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Working with the Stone Adze in Malingdam District
  44. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Arbeiten im Gartenland: Pflegen, Ernten und Pflanzen von Taro / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Horticulture: Cultivating, Harvesting, and Planting Taro
  45. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Bau und Demonstration von Gewichts- und Schwippgalgenfallen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Construction and Demonstration of Weight Traps and Sling Traps
  46. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Bauen einer BrŸcke / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Building a Bridge
  47. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Bauen einer Gewichtfalle / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Setting up a Weight Trap
  48. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Baumbestattung einer Frau / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Tree Burial of a Woman
  49. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - BaumfŠllen mit dem Steinbeil / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Cutting down of Trees with a Stone Adze
  50. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Behandlung einer infizierten Wunde / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Treatment of an Infected Wound
  51. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Behandlung einer Pfeilwunde / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Treating an Arrow Wound
  52. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Behandlung eines Panaritiums / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Treating a Panaritium
  53. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Die Frau Danto im GesprŠch mit dem Linguisten V. Heeschen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - The Woman Danto in Conversation with the Linguist V. Heeschen
  54. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Durchbohren der Nasenscheidewand / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Piercing the Nasal Septum
  55. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Durchbohren des OhrlŠppchens / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Piercing of the Earlobe
  56. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Ein Vormittag in Imarin / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Imarin during a Morning
  57. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Entfernen der Barthaare durch Zupfen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Removing the Hair of the Beard by Plucking
  58. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Fadenspiel / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Playing Cats Cradle
  59. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - FeuersŠgen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making Fire with the Fire Saw
  60. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Flechtspiel "Dungkula" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Plaiting Play "Dungkula"
  61. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Flechtspiel "tetim aik" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Plaiting Game "tetim aik"
  62. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Gartenbauarbeiten (Hochbeetbau) / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Horticultural Works (Ridge Culture)
  63. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Gartenbauarbeiten im SumpfgelŠnde / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Gardening in Marshland
  64. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Genu§ von Pflanzensalz / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Consumption of Salt Extracted from Plants
  65. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Haarschnitt / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Haircut
  66. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen einer Maultrommel / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making a Jew's Harp
  67. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen einer Peniskalebasse (Sanyum) / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making a Penis Gourd (Sanyum)
  68. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen eines Perlenbandes in Halbwebtechnik / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making a Ribbon of Pearls in Plait Weaving
  69. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen eines Strickes / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Twisting a Rope
  70. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen von NasenstŠben aus Kalzit (Arbeitssituation in der Gruppe) / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making Nose Sticks out of Calcite (Work Situation in the Social Group)
  71. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kastrieren eines Schweines / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Castration of a Pig
  72. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kinder beim Ratespiel "Mana" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children at Guessing-Game "Mana"
  73. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kinderspiel: "Rodeln" auf Baumrinde / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children's Game: Sledding on Tree Bark
  74. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kinderspiel: Bauen eines Hausmodells / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children's Game: Building a Model House
  75. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kinderspiele "taruk linglingana" und "mana" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children's Games "taruk linglingana" and "mana"
  76. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kšrperbemalung der MŠdchen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Body Painting of Girls
  77. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kreiselspiel der Kinder / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children's Spinning-Top Game
  78. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - MŠnnertanz "sang mote" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Men's Dance "sang mote"
  79. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - MŠnnertanz "sang mote" als Kinderspiel / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Men's Dance "sang mote" as Children's Play
  80. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - NŠchtlicher Tanz und Gesang bei einem "mote"-Fest / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Dancing and Singing at Night on the Occasion of a "mote" Feast
  81. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Neubau des sakralen MŠnnerhauses in Munggona / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Reconstruction of the Sacral Men's House at Munggona
  82. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Neubau einer FamilienhŸtte in Imarin / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Reconstruction of a Family's Hut at Imarin
  83. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Pflanz-Zauber / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Magic Planting
  84. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - RŸckkehr zum normalen Leben nach einem Erdbeben / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Return to Everyday Life after an Earthquake
  85. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Sammeln von Wasserinsekten / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Collecting of Water Insects
  86. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Schleifen von Steinklingen am Kirimye / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Grinding of Stone Blades Near the Kirimye
  87. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Schleifen von Steinklingen am Mumye / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Grinding Stone Blades by the Mumye River
  88. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Schnitzen von Pfeilspitzen vor dem MŠnnerhaus in Malingdam / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Carving Arrowheads in Front of the Men's House at Malingdam
  89. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Singen bei der Arbeit / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Singing at Work
  90. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Speisenbereitung in Erdšfen und festliche Bewirtung / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Preparing Food in Earth Ovens and Festive Hospitality
  91. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Spielen einer Maultrommel / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Playing a Jew's Harp
  92. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Terrassieren und Bepflanzen eines Hanges (Wiederbewirtschaftung von Brachland) / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Terracing and Planting after a Period of Fallow
  93. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Vorbereitungen zum Kampf / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Preparations for a Fight
  94. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - VorgŠnge anlŠ§lich der zermoniellen Ÿbergabe einer Stirnbinde aus Nassa-Schnecken / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Practices on the Occasion of the Ceremonial Handing-over of a Forehead Band Made of Nassa-Snails
  95. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Wundbehandlung mit Schweinefett und durch WŠrmeanwendung / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Wound Treatment with Lard and Heat
  96. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Zerlegen und Zubereiten von Schweinen durch Frauen in Munggona / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Dissecting and Cooking Pigs by Women at Munggona
  97. Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Zusammenwirken der Gemeinschaft beim Wohnhausbau / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Community Cooperation in Building a House
  98. Eipomek 1986
  99. El Mundo Submarino de Isla de Pascua: Te Mau Vaikava o Rapa Nui: The Underwater World of Easter Island
  100. El Nino and the Link Between Oceans, Atmospher and Weather
  101. Elsewhere
  102. Em i Graun Blong Yumi: Popular Theatre and the Melanesian Environment
  103. The Empire Strikes Back
  104. Empty Promises: The Plunder of Paradise
  105. Enchanted Island
  106. The End of a Chapter
  107. The Endless Summer
  108. The Endless Summer II
  109. Enewetak: A Radiological Cleanup
  110. Enga Film Project
  111. Engendering Pacific Development
  112. Eniwan I Luk Rose?
  113. Ensign Pulver
  114. Enterprise Papua New Guinea
  115. Enterprise South Pacific
  116. Entfernen der Barthaare durch Zupfen - Bime (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) / Removing the Beard Hair by Plucking - Bime (West New Guinea, Central Highlands)
  117. Enua Mane (Manea?)
  118. Environmental Impact Assessment: A Tool for a Better Future
  119. Ep an ri-Majol: Marshallese Dance
  120. Eric Haiveta
  121. Escape to the South Seas
  122. Escape under Sail
  123. The Escoude: Poroi Concert
  124. Etablissement pour la Valorisation des ActivitŽes Aquacoles et Maritimes
  125. Ethics of Development
  126. The Ethnic Art Institute of Micronesia
  127. Les Ethnies de la Nouvelle-CalŽdonie
  128. Les Ethnies de la Nouvelle-Caledonie: pase, present, perspectives
  129. LÕEvangile eet la Coutume
  130. An Evergreen Island
  131. Every Bend . . . a Power
  132. Everything Happens in Tanna
  133. Everything is Relatives / Verwandtschaft ist alles
  134. Excerpts from 1976-77 Cultural Programs
  135. Executive Outcomes: The War Business
  136. Exotic Fruit Trees
  137. Experience the Pacific Islands
  138. Experimental Animals
  139. Explore Pleasure Islands
  140. The Explorers: Five Europeans Who Redrew the Map of the World
  141. Exploring Bensbach
  142. The Exploring Isles
  143. Exploring Planets in the Classroom
  144. Exploring the Islands
  145. The Eye of the Octopus
  146. Eyes of the River