Films and Videos in Moving Images Database
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- E Tipu E Rea Series
- Early Foreign Contacts in Micronesia 1521-1885
- Early Pacific Campaign: December 7th, Midway, Bougainville
- Earth: Pacific Island Geography - 4th Grade
- Earth's Final Fury. See When Time Ran Out
- Earthquakes in PNG
- East Coast District Nurse
- East-West Center
- East-West Center Radio Personnel Development
- Easter Island
- Easter Island
- Easter Island
- Easter Island
- Easter Island in Context: From Paradise to Calamity (Mysteries of Easter Island)
- Easter Island: A Mystery Is Solved
- Easter Island: A Vanished Culture
- Easter Island: Puzzle of the Pacific
- Eaten Alive
- Eating Like a Gannet
- L'eau a Faaa (P.A.E. du college de Faaa)
- Ebb Tide [1922]
- Ebb Tide [1937]
- Ebeye Public School - Al Maron: Coming Together, Beginning a Change
- Echoes of an Island
- Echoes of War
- Les ecritures de lÕOcean
- EddieÕs Aiga: A Samoan Youth Justice Story
- The Eddy Duchin Story
- Education
- Education
- Education in Papua New Guinea
- Education the Pacific Way
- Eel
- Eel
- EGG in Operation Sandstone
- Egg-Laying Mammals: The Echidnas and Platypus
- Eipo (West Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Demonstration des rituellen Pflanzens einer Cordyline / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Demonstration of the Ritual Planting of a Cordyline
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Ab- und Anlegen von HŸftgŸrtel und Peniskalebasse / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Taking off and Putting on Waist Band and Penis Gourd
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - "Dit"-Gesang der MŠnner / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Men Singing "Dit"
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - "Mote", ein Besuchsfest in Munggona / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - "Mote", a Visiting Feast at Munggona
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - AktivitŠten vor dem MŠnnerhaus / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Activities in Front of the Men's House
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Anfertigen eines RŸckenschmucks ("Mum") / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making a Back Ornament ("Mum")
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Arbeit mit dem Steinbeil im Malingdam-Bereich / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Working with the Stone Adze in Malingdam District
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Arbeiten im Gartenland: Pflegen, Ernten und Pflanzen von Taro / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Horticulture: Cultivating, Harvesting, and Planting Taro
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Bau und Demonstration von Gewichts- und Schwippgalgenfallen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Construction and Demonstration of Weight Traps and Sling Traps
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Bauen einer BrŸcke / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Building a Bridge
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Bauen einer Gewichtfalle / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Setting up a Weight Trap
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Baumbestattung einer Frau / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Tree Burial of a Woman
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - BaumfŠllen mit dem Steinbeil / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Cutting down of Trees with a Stone Adze
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Behandlung einer infizierten Wunde / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Treatment of an Infected Wound
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Behandlung einer Pfeilwunde / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Treating an Arrow Wound
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Behandlung eines Panaritiums / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Treating a Panaritium
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Die Frau Danto im GesprŠch mit dem Linguisten V. Heeschen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - The Woman Danto in Conversation with the Linguist V. Heeschen
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Durchbohren der Nasenscheidewand / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Piercing the Nasal Septum
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Durchbohren des OhrlŠppchens / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Piercing of the Earlobe
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Ein Vormittag in Imarin / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Imarin during a Morning
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Entfernen der Barthaare durch Zupfen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Removing the Hair of the Beard by Plucking
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Fadenspiel / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Playing Cats Cradle
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - FeuersŠgen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making Fire with the Fire Saw
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Flechtspiel "Dungkula" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Plaiting Play "Dungkula"
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Flechtspiel "tetim aik" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Plaiting Game "tetim aik"
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Gartenbauarbeiten (Hochbeetbau) / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Horticultural Works (Ridge Culture)
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Gartenbauarbeiten im SumpfgelŠnde / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Gardening in Marshland
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Genu§ von Pflanzensalz / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Consumption of Salt Extracted from Plants
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Haarschnitt / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Haircut
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen einer Maultrommel / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making a Jew's Harp
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen einer Peniskalebasse (Sanyum) / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making a Penis Gourd (Sanyum)
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen eines Perlenbandes in Halbwebtechnik / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making a Ribbon of Pearls in Plait Weaving
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen eines Strickes / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Twisting a Rope
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Herstellen von NasenstŠben aus Kalzit (Arbeitssituation in der Gruppe) / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Making Nose Sticks out of Calcite (Work Situation in the Social Group)
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kastrieren eines Schweines / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Castration of a Pig
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kinder beim Ratespiel "Mana" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children at Guessing-Game "Mana"
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kinderspiel: "Rodeln" auf Baumrinde / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children's Game: Sledding on Tree Bark
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kinderspiel: Bauen eines Hausmodells / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children's Game: Building a Model House
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kinderspiele "taruk linglingana" und "mana" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children's Games "taruk linglingana" and "mana"
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kšrperbemalung der MŠdchen / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Body Painting of Girls
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Kreiselspiel der Kinder / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Children's Spinning-Top Game
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - MŠnnertanz "sang mote" / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Men's Dance "sang mote"
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - MŠnnertanz "sang mote" als Kinderspiel / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Men's Dance "sang mote" as Children's Play
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - NŠchtlicher Tanz und Gesang bei einem "mote"-Fest / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Dancing and Singing at Night on the Occasion of a "mote" Feast
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Neubau des sakralen MŠnnerhauses in Munggona / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Reconstruction of the Sacral Men's House at Munggona
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Neubau einer FamilienhŸtte in Imarin / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Reconstruction of a Family's Hut at Imarin
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Pflanz-Zauber / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Magic Planting
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - RŸckkehr zum normalen Leben nach einem Erdbeben / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Return to Everyday Life after an Earthquake
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Sammeln von Wasserinsekten / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Collecting of Water Insects
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Schleifen von Steinklingen am Kirimye / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Grinding of Stone Blades Near the Kirimye
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Schleifen von Steinklingen am Mumye / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Grinding Stone Blades by the Mumye River
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Schnitzen von Pfeilspitzen vor dem MŠnnerhaus in Malingdam / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Carving Arrowheads in Front of the Men's House at Malingdam
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Singen bei der Arbeit / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Singing at Work
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Speisenbereitung in Erdšfen und festliche Bewirtung / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Preparing Food in Earth Ovens and Festive Hospitality
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Spielen einer Maultrommel / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Playing a Jew's Harp
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Terrassieren und Bepflanzen eines Hanges (Wiederbewirtschaftung von Brachland) / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Terracing and Planting after a Period of Fallow
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Vorbereitungen zum Kampf / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Preparations for a Fight
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - VorgŠnge anlŠ§lich der zermoniellen Ÿbergabe einer Stirnbinde aus Nassa-Schnecken / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Practices on the Occasion of the Ceremonial Handing-over of a Forehead Band Made of Nassa-Snails
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Wundbehandlung mit Schweinefett und durch WŠrmeanwendung / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Wound Treatment with Lard and Heat
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Zerlegen und Zubereiten von Schweinen durch Frauen in Munggona / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Dissecting and Cooking Pigs by Women at Munggona
- Eipo (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Zusammenwirken der Gemeinschaft beim Wohnhausbau / Eipo (West New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Community Cooperation in Building a House
- Eipomek 1986
- El Mundo Submarino de Isla de Pascua: Te Mau Vaikava o Rapa Nui: The Underwater World of Easter Island
- El Nino and the Link Between Oceans, Atmospher and Weather
- Elsewhere
- Em i Graun Blong Yumi: Popular Theatre and the Melanesian Environment
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Empty Promises: The Plunder of Paradise
- Enchanted Island
- The End of a Chapter
- The Endless Summer
- The Endless Summer II
- Enewetak: A Radiological Cleanup
- Enga Film Project
- Engendering Pacific Development
- Eniwan I Luk Rose?
- Ensign Pulver
- Enterprise Papua New Guinea
- Enterprise South Pacific
- Entfernen der Barthaare durch Zupfen - Bime (West-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) / Removing the Beard Hair by Plucking - Bime (West New Guinea, Central Highlands)
- Enua Mane (Manea?)
- Environmental Impact Assessment: A Tool for a Better Future
- Ep an ri-Majol: Marshallese Dance
- Eric Haiveta
- Escape to the South Seas
- Escape under Sail
- The Escoude: Poroi Concert
- Etablissement pour la Valorisation des ActivitŽes Aquacoles et Maritimes
- Ethics of Development
- The Ethnic Art Institute of Micronesia
- Les Ethnies de la Nouvelle-CalŽdonie
- Les Ethnies de la Nouvelle-Caledonie: pase, present, perspectives
- LÕEvangile eet la Coutume
- An Evergreen Island
- Every Bend . . . a Power
- Everything Happens in Tanna
- Everything is Relatives / Verwandtschaft ist alles
- Excerpts from 1976-77 Cultural Programs
- Executive Outcomes: The War Business
- Exotic Fruit Trees
- Experience the Pacific Islands
- Experimental Animals
- Explore Pleasure Islands
- The Explorers: Five Europeans Who Redrew the Map of the World
- Exploring Bensbach
- The Exploring Isles
- Exploring Planets in the Classroom
- Exploring the Islands
- The Eye of the Octopus
- Eyes of the River
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Center for Pacific Islands Studies
Moving Images
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