Films and Videos in Moving Images Database
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- I Am Fijian
- I am the Pain Doctor
- I Am the Taupou
- I Married Adventure
- I Sailed to Tahiti with an All Girl Crew
- I'll Get By
- IÕll See You in Court
- The Ia Ora Tahiti (Giles Hollande) Show at the OTAC
- Ia Orana Gauguin: Photographies DÕun Retour
- Iaorana Quebec
- Iatmul (Aibom) (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Verzieren eines Vorratstopfes / Iatmul (Aibom) (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Decorating a Sago Jar
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Auftritt der "mai"-Masken in Korogo / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Scene with the "mai" Masks at Korogo
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Backen von Sagofladen / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Baking Sago Flat Cakes
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Befragung des Ahnengeistes / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Consulting the Ancestral Spirit
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Bespannen und Herrichten einer Handtrommel / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Fixing the Membrane on a Hand Drum and its Further Preparation
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Brennen und Lschen von Kalk zum Betelkauen / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Burning and Slaking Lime for Chewing Betel
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Ernten von Areca-Nssen fr den Betelgenu§ / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Harvesting Areca Nuts for the Consumption of Betel
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Fertigstellung eines Lieder-Memorierstabes, Gesnge und Schlitztrommelschlagen bei einer Kanuweihe in Yindabu / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Preparing a Stick for Memorizing Songs, Singing and Beating Slit-drums at an Inauguration of Canoes at Yindabu
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Fest zur Kanueinweihung in Kanganamun, Auftritt von Waldgeistern und Ahnfrauen / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Inauguration Feast for a New Canoe at Kanganamun, Appearance of Spirits of the Forest and of Female Ancestors
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Fischen mit Speer / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Spear Fishing
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Fltenspiel und Schlitztrommelschlagen bei einer Kanuweihe in Palimbei / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Playing Flutes and Beating Slit Drums during an Inauguration of a Canoe at Palimbei
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Herstellen und Spielen der einsaitigen Stielzither "tagarangau" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Making and Playing the One-stringed Stick-zither "tagarangau"
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Herstellen und Spielen der einsaitigen Stielzither "woragutngau" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Making and Playing the One-stringed Stick-zither "woragutngau"
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Kandem erzhlt von Schlitztrommel und Kopfjagdtrompete. Spiel auf beiden Instrumenten / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Kandem Tells of Incision Drum and Headhunter's Trumpet. Playing Both Instruments
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Kinderspiele / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Children's Games
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mnnerinitiation in Japanaut: "Neugeburt der Novizen" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Japanaut: "Re-birth of the Novices"
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mnnerinitiation in Japanaut: "Novizen in der Urzeit" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Japanaut: "Novices in Primeval Time"
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mnnerinitiation in Japanaut: "Tod der Novizen" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Japanaut: "Death of the Novices"
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mnnerinitiation in Takgei / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Takgei
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mnnerinitiation in Yamanumbu / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Yamanumbu
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Maso erzhlt die Mythe ber die Mnner im Bambus / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Maso Tells the Myth about the Men in the Bamboo
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Matkwan erzhlt ber das Kopfjagdfest / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Matkwan Tells about the Head-hunting Feast
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Maultrommelspielen beim abendlichen Zusammensein / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Playing the Jew's Harp during a Meeting in the Evening
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mythologische Diskussion im Mnnerhaus in Palimbei / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Mythological Discussion in the Men's House at Palimbei
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Nagwan erzhlt die Mythe ber die Geburt der Fischadler / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Nagwan Tells the Myth about the Birth of the Ospreys
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Sammeln, Rsten und Essen von Ameisen / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Collecting, Roasting and Eating Ants
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Spiel der Kinder im Flu§ / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Children Playing in the River
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Tanzfest mit der Flte "Yawanganamak" in Palimbei / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Ritual Dance with the Flute "Yawanganamak" at Palimbei
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - bermodellieren und Bemalen eines Schdels / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Overmodelling and Painting a Skull
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - bermodellieren und Bemalen eines Schdels / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Overmodelling and Painting a Skull
- Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Vorschulunterricht / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Preschool Lesson
- An Icy Tale: Chilling Fish on Board
- The Idol Dancer
- Ihi FrENZy: The Making of a Dance
- Iiti Aika a Kakawaki Ibukiia Ataei (Immunization)
- IKA no. 5 Tuna - Pole and Line
- L' Ile de Paques
- Ile de Paques, retour vers le passe
- L' Ile Mystrieuse (The Mysterious Island)
- Ileksen: Politics in Papua New Guinea
- Les Iles francaises du Pacifique
- In a Savage Land
- In Hot Water
- In Love and War
- In New Guinea Wilds
- In One Lifetime
- In Search of Cook
- In Search of Michael Rockefeller
- In Search of Paradise
- In Search of Paradise: French Polynesia
- In Search of the Castaways
- In Search of the Easter Island Massacre
- In Search of the Primitive
- In Search of the Shark Worshipers
- In Spring One Plants Alone
- In the Name of Growth -- Fiji: A Story of Fisheries Development, Indigenous Women and Politics
- In the Navy
- In the South Seas
- In the Wake of the Bounty
- In the Year of the Dragon, parts 1, 2, and 3
- Inaomatan te Kontumwa (ConsumerÕs Rights)
- An Incidental Kill
- Incredibly Shrinking Man
- Independence Day 1997: 35 Anniversary Celebrations (Tutoatasi Samoa)
- Independence for Fiji
- Indigenous People
- Indo-Fijian Women of Suva: The Untold Story
- Infant Feeding
- The Infinite Pacific: In the Path of Captain Cook
- Inseln der Illusionen. Briefe aus der Subsee
- Inside Nauru: Pacific Despair
- Inside Rapa Nui
- An Inside Story
- The Institute of Pacific Studies
- The Insular Empire: America in the Mariana Islands
- The Integrated Curriculum
- The International Dancer of the Year, 1994
- Interregnum
- Interviews with CETC Students
- Into Antiquity - A Memory of the Maori Moko
- Introduction to Kuru
- Introduction to Papua New Guinea
- Introduction to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Invaders of Truk Lagoon
- The Invasion
- Ion Tabonibaan te Aumwa Roron Rikirake Ma Aia Utu (Drama on courtship and arranged marriages)
- Irene
- Irian Jaya
- Irian Jaya
- Irian Jaya: Stripping the Frontier
- Irikura
- Is This My Future?
- Isi Laef
- An Island Calling
- Island Captives
- Island Dreaming: The Heiva i Tahiti Fete
- Island Eaten by Rats
- Island Government: Making It Work
- Island Hopping: The Road Back
- Island Impact
- An Island Invaded
- Island Memory
- Island Observed
- Island of Desire
- The Island of Drums
- Island of Lost Souls
- Island of Pearls
- Island of Regeneration
- Island of Silence
- Island of Strange Noises
- Island of the Blue Dolphins
- Island of the Bounty
- Island of the Colorblind: Monochromatism
- Island of the Lepers
- Island of the Lost
- Island of the Red Prawns
- Island Patrol
- Island Topics Series
- Island Voyages: State of the Art World Travel
- An Island World: The Peopling of Polynesia
- The Islanders
- Islands and Climate Change
- Islands Arising
- Islands Hanging in the Balance
- Islands in the Sky
- Islands in the Storm
- Islands of Excellence
- The Islands of Fiji
- Islands of Fire and Magic
- Islands of Iguana
- Islands of Light: South Pacific Dance
- Islands of Love, People of Faith
- Islands of the Empire: New Zealand's Military Links with the US
- Islands of the Pacific
- Islands of the South Pacific
- Islands of the South Pacific
- Islands of the South Seas
- The Islands of Torres Strait
- The Islands of Torres Strait
- Islands on the Edge of Time
- Isle of Desire
- Isle of Escape
- Isle of Forgotten Sins
- Isle of Forgotten Women
- Isle of Fury
- Isle of Lost Men
- Isle of Tabu
- Isles of Paradise: The Polynesian Cultural Center
- It Can't Last Much Longer
- It Could be You: Sexual Issues in Micronesia
- It Couldn't Happen Here
- It's a New Day
- ItÕs About Whanau
- It's All in the Soil
- ItÕs My Own Land, IsnÕt It?
- Itianeia ŌNgkai & NingabongĶ (Protection & Management of our Fragile Coastline)
- Iu Mi Nao: Solomon Islands Regains Independence
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Center for Pacific Islands Studies
Moving Images
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