Films and Videos in Moving Images Database

  1. I Am Fijian
  2. I am the Pain Doctor
  3. I Am the Taupou
  4. I Married Adventure
  5. I Sailed to Tahiti with an All Girl Crew
  6. I'll Get By
  7. IÕll See You in Court
  8. The Ia Ora Tahiti (Giles Hollande) Show at the OTAC
  9. Ia Orana Gauguin: Photographies DÕun Retour
  10. Iaorana Quebec
  11. Iatmul (Aibom) (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Verzieren eines Vorratstopfes / Iatmul (Aibom) (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Decorating a Sago Jar
  12. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Auftritt der "mai"-Masken in Korogo / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Scene with the "mai" Masks at Korogo
  13. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Backen von Sagofladen / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Baking Sago Flat Cakes
  14. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Befragung des Ahnengeistes / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Consulting the Ancestral Spirit
  15. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Bespannen und Herrichten einer Handtrommel / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Fixing the Membrane on a Hand Drum and its Further Preparation
  16. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Brennen und Lšschen von Kalk zum Betelkauen / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Burning and Slaking Lime for Chewing Betel
  17. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Ernten von Areca-NŸssen fŸr den Betelgenu§ / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Harvesting Areca Nuts for the Consumption of Betel
  18. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Fertigstellung eines Lieder-Memorierstabes, GesŠnge und Schlitztrommelschlagen bei einer Kanuweihe in Yindabu / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Preparing a Stick for Memorizing Songs, Singing and Beating Slit-drums at an Inauguration of Canoes at Yindabu
  19. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Fest zur Kanueinweihung in Kanganamun, Auftritt von Waldgeistern und Ahnfrauen / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Inauguration Feast for a New Canoe at Kanganamun, Appearance of Spirits of the Forest and of Female Ancestors
  20. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Fischen mit Speer / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Spear Fishing
  21. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Flštenspiel und Schlitztrommelschlagen bei einer Kanuweihe in Palimbei / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Playing Flutes and Beating Slit Drums during an Inauguration of a Canoe at Palimbei
  22. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Herstellen und Spielen der einsaitigen Stielzither "tagarangau" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Making and Playing the One-stringed Stick-zither "tagarangau"
  23. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Herstellen und Spielen der einsaitigen Stielzither "woragutngau" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Making and Playing the One-stringed Stick-zither "woragutngau"
  24. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Kandem erzŠhlt von Schlitztrommel und Kopfjagdtrompete. Spiel auf beiden Instrumenten / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Kandem Tells of Incision Drum and Headhunter's Trumpet. Playing Both Instruments
  25. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Kinderspiele / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Children's Games
  26. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - MŠnnerinitiation in Japanaut: "Neugeburt der Novizen" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Japanaut: "Re-birth of the Novices"
  27. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - MŠnnerinitiation in Japanaut: "Novizen in der Urzeit" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Japanaut: "Novices in Primeval Time"
  28. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - MŠnnerinitiation in Japanaut: "Tod der Novizen" / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Japanaut: "Death of the Novices"
  29. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - MŠnnerinitiation in Takgei / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Takgei
  30. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - MŠnnerinitiation in Yamanumbu / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Initiation of Men at Yamanumbu
  31. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Maso erzŠhlt die Mythe Ÿber die MŠnner im Bambus / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Maso Tells the Myth about the Men in the Bamboo
  32. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Matkwan erzŠhlt Ÿber das Kopfjagdfest / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Matkwan Tells about the Head-hunting Feast
  33. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Maultrommelspielen beim abendlichen Zusammensein / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Playing the Jew's Harp during a Meeting in the Evening
  34. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Mythologische Diskussion im MŠnnerhaus in Palimbei / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Mythological Discussion in the Men's House at Palimbei
  35. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Nagwan erzŠhlt die Mythe Ÿber die Geburt der Fischadler / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Nagwan Tells the Myth about the Birth of the Ospreys
  36. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Sammeln, Ršsten und Essen von Ameisen / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Collecting, Roasting and Eating Ants
  37. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Spiel der Kinder im Flu§ / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Children Playing in the River
  38. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Tanzfest mit der Flšte "Yawanganamak" in Palimbei / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Ritual Dance with the Flute "Yawanganamak" at Palimbei
  39. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Ÿbermodellieren und Bemalen eines SchŠdels / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Overmodelling and Painting a Skull
  40. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Ÿbermodellieren und Bemalen eines SchŠdels / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Overmodelling and Painting a Skull
  41. Iatmul (Neuguinea, Mittlerer Sepik) - Vorschulunterricht / Iatmul (New Guinea, Middle Sepik) - Preschool Lesson
  42. An Icy Tale: Chilling Fish on Board
  43. The Idol Dancer
  44. Ihi FrENZy: The Making of a Dance
  45. Iiti Aika a Kakawaki Ibukiia Ataei (Immunization)
  46. IKA no. 5 Tuna - Pole and Line
  47. L' Ile de Paques
  48. Ile de Paques, retour vers le passe
  49. L' Ile MystŽrieuse (The Mysterious Island)
  50. Ileksen: Politics in Papua New Guinea
  51. Les Iles francaises du Pacifique
  52. In a Savage Land
  53. In Hot Water
  54. In Love and War
  55. In New Guinea Wilds
  56. In One Lifetime
  57. In Search of Cook
  58. In Search of Michael Rockefeller
  59. In Search of Paradise
  60. In Search of Paradise: French Polynesia
  61. In Search of the Castaways
  62. In Search of the Easter Island Massacre
  63. In Search of the Primitive
  64. In Search of the Shark Worshipers
  65. In Spring One Plants Alone
  66. In the Name of Growth -- Fiji: A Story of Fisheries Development, Indigenous Women and Politics
  67. In the Navy
  68. In the South Seas
  69. In the Wake of the Bounty
  70. In the Year of the Dragon, parts 1, 2, and 3
  71. Inaomatan te Kontumwa (ConsumerÕs Rights)
  72. An Incidental Kill
  73. Incredibly Shrinking Man
  74. Independence Day 1997: 35 Anniversary Celebrations (Tutoatasi Samoa)
  75. Independence for Fiji
  76. Indigenous People
  77. Indo-Fijian Women of Suva: The Untold Story
  78. Infant Feeding
  79. The Infinite Pacific: In the Path of Captain Cook
  80. Inseln der Illusionen. Briefe aus der Subsee
  81. Inside Nauru: Pacific Despair
  82. Inside Rapa Nui
  83. An Inside Story
  84. The Institute of Pacific Studies
  85. The Insular Empire: America in the Mariana Islands
  86. The Integrated Curriculum
  87. The International Dancer of the Year, 1994
  88. Interregnum
  89. Interviews with CETC Students
  90. Into Antiquity - A Memory of the Maori Moko
  91. Introduction to Kuru
  92. Introduction to Papua New Guinea
  93. Introduction to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  94. Invaders of Truk Lagoon
  95. The Invasion
  96. Ion Tabonibaan te Aumwa Roron Rikirake Ma Aia Utu (Drama on courtship and arranged marriages)
  97. Irene
  98. Irian Jaya
  99. Irian Jaya
  100. Irian Jaya: Stripping the Frontier
  101. Irikura
  102. Is This My Future?
  103. Isi Laef
  104. An Island Calling
  105. Island Captives
  106. Island Dreaming: The Heiva i Tahiti Fete
  107. Island Eaten by Rats
  108. Island Government: Making It Work
  109. Island Hopping: The Road Back
  110. Island Impact
  111. An Island Invaded
  112. Island Memory
  113. Island Observed
  114. Island of Desire
  115. The Island of Drums
  116. Island of Lost Souls
  117. Island of Pearls
  118. Island of Regeneration
  119. Island of Silence
  120. Island of Strange Noises
  121. Island of the Blue Dolphins
  122. Island of the Bounty
  123. Island of the Colorblind: Monochromatism
  124. Island of the Lepers
  125. Island of the Lost
  126. Island of the Red Prawns
  127. Island Patrol
  128. Island Topics Series
  129. Island Voyages: State of the Art World Travel
  130. An Island World: The Peopling of Polynesia
  131. The Islanders
  132. Islands and Climate Change
  133. Islands Arising
  134. Islands Hanging in the Balance
  135. Islands in the Sky
  136. Islands in the Storm
  137. Islands of Excellence
  138. The Islands of Fiji
  139. Islands of Fire and Magic
  140. Islands of Iguana
  141. Islands of Light: South Pacific Dance
  142. Islands of Love, People of Faith
  143. Islands of the Empire: New Zealand's Military Links with the US
  144. Islands of the Pacific
  145. Islands of the South Pacific
  146. Islands of the South Pacific
  147. Islands of the South Seas
  148. The Islands of Torres Strait
  149. The Islands of Torres Strait
  150. Islands on the Edge of Time
  151. Isle of Desire
  152. Isle of Escape
  153. Isle of Forgotten Sins
  154. Isle of Forgotten Women
  155. Isle of Fury
  156. Isle of Lost Men
  157. Isle of Tabu
  158. Isles of Paradise: The Polynesian Cultural Center
  159. It Can't Last Much Longer
  160. It Could be You: Sexual Issues in Micronesia
  161. It Couldn't Happen Here
  162. It's a New Day
  163. ItÕs About Whanau
  164. It's All in the Soil
  165. ItÕs My Own Land, IsnÕt It?
  166. ITFM
  167. Itianeia ŌNgkai & NingabongĶ (Protection & Management of our Fragile Coastline)
  168. Iu Mi Nao: Solomon Islands Regains Independence