Films and Videos in Moving Images Database
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- Mabo - Life of an Island Man
- The Macuata Gillnet Ban: How a Fishing Community Benefited
- Mad Doctor of Blood Island
- The Mad Doctor of Market Street
- Made in Taiwan: Nathan and OscarÕs Excellent Adventure
- Magic Secrets and Religion: The Return of the Sorcerer
- Magical Curing
- Magically Maori
- Mahi whakaari / Taku waimarie
- The Mailu Story
- Maioro - A Question of Mana
- Maire
- Maire Nui Vaka - The 6th "Festival of Pacific Arts" and the Quest for a Pan-Pacific Identity / Das gro§e Fest der Boote - Das 6. "Festival of Pacific Arts" und die Suche nach einer panpazifischen IdentitŠt
- Makatea lÕoubli
- Make Good Copra
- Making Waves
- Mako: the Jaws of Death
- Malae: Sacred Ground
- Malaga
- Malagan Art of New Ireland
- Malagan Labadama: A Tribute to Buk-Buk
- Malagan, Scultori del Tempo (Malagan: Carvers of the Time
- Malama
- Malaria Control
- Malerei der Kwoma in Papua-Neuguinea - Ausdrucksform und Technik / The Kwoma (Papua New Guinea) as Painters - Expression, Form, Techniques
- Mama Bilong Olgeta
- Man Blong Custom
- Man Libre
- Man on the Rim: The Peopling of the Pacific
- The Man Who Cannot Die
- Man Without Pigs
- Man, the Solomon Islanders
- Mana Wahine
- Mana Waka
- Mana! The Spirit of Our People
- Managing Our Forests
- La Mangrove
- Mangrove
- A Mangrove Story
- The Mangroves
- Manhunt of Mystery Island
- Manihiki: La Perla delle Perle (Manihiki: The Lady of the Pearls)
- Manna of the South Seas
- Manoa Journal Celebrates French Polynesian Artists and Writers: A Colloquium
- Manoa Journal Celebrates French Polynesian Artists and Writers: A Roundtable
- Manšvrieren von Segelbooten im Gebiet des Gilbert-Archipels (Mikronesien)
- Manuera
- The Maori
- The Maori
- The Maori
- Maori Artists
- Maori Arts and Culture
- The Maori As He Was, Part 4
- Maori at Rotorua
- Maori Battalion Returns
- Maori Battalion Returns. Ruatoria: Ceremony in Honor of Maori V.C.
- The Maori Creation Myth
- Maori Culture, Traditions and History
- Maori Demonstrate Their Goodwill and Loyalty at Waitangi
- The Maori Experience
- Maori Food
- Maori Items
- Maori Legends of New Zealand
- Maori Medicine
- The Maori Merchant of Venice - Te Tangata Whai Rawao Weniti
- Maori Moods and Melodies
- The Maori Queen, 1931-2006: Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu
- Maori Rhythms
- Maori School
- The Maori Today
- Maori Village
- The Maori: Everyone Bathes on Washing Day at Rotorua
- Maori: The New Dawn
- A Maori's Love
- Marabe (Maribe)
- Marae
- Marae
- Marae: The Utterly Confused Person's Guide to Biculturalism
- Marae. Te Iwi: Maori Drama School
- Margaret Mead and Samoa
- Margaret Mead, American Anthropologist
- Margaret Mead: An Observer Observed
- Margaret Mead: Coming of Age
- Margaret Mead: Taking Note
- Margaret Mead's New Guinea Journal
- Marianas District
- The Marianas, Part II: Guam
- Marianas: Saipan, Tinian, Guam
- Mariken & Amwaraken Maeura
- Marine Biology: Life in the Tropical Sea
- Maring Film Project
- Maring in Motion: A Choreometric Analysis of Movement Style Among a New Guinea People
- Maring: Documents of a New Guinea People
- Marquesas 6th Festival
- Marriage Cheat
- Marriage. See For Richer, For Poorer. The Marshall Islands: A Matter of Trust
- Marshall Hall Pacific Travel Footage
- Marshall Islands: America's Radioactive Trust
- Marshall Islands: Living with the Bomb
- Marshallese Dances
- Marshallese Traditional Knowledge: Sailing, Navigation
- Marshalls District
- Marshalls: Kwajalein and Eniwetok
- Martin Eden
- Mary Pritchard
- Matai Samoa
- Matai Samoa
- Matalau
- Mataora
- Matenga - Maori Choreographer
- Matjemosh
- Matou Uma
- A Matter of Concern
- A Matter of Peace, a Question of Justice
- Maui and His Kite
- Maui Catches the Sun
- Mauis Ordnung
- Mauri
- The Mauriora Maori Show
- Mawai Hakona TV Fillers Series
- McHale's Navy
- Me'udana (Neuguinea, Normanby-Island) - Bespannen von Trommeln / Me'udana (New Guinea, Normanby Island) - Covering Drums
- Me'udana (Neuguinea, Normanby-Island) - Fest zum Abschlu§ der Trauerzeit (bwabware) / Me'udana (New Guinea, Normanby Island) - Festival at the Conclusion of Mourning (Bwabware)
- Me'udana (Neuguinea, Normanby-Island) - Flechten einer Schlafmatte / Me'udana (New Guinea, Normanby Island) - Plaiting a Sleeping Mat
- Me'udana (Neuguinea, Normanby-Island) - sagari-TŠnze / Me'udana (New Guinea, Normanby Island) - Sagari Dances
- Me'udana (Neuguinea, Normanby-Island) - Schnitzen eines Schmuckkammes / Me'udana (New Guinea, Normanby Island) - Carving a Decorative Comb
- Me'udana (Neuguinea, Normanby-Island) - Zubereiten von Sagospeisen / Me'udana (New Guinea, Normanby Island) - Preparing Sago Dishes
- Me'udana Neuguinea, Normanby Island. Bespannen von Trommeln
- Me'udana Neuguinea, Normanby Island. Schnitzen Eines Schmucklammes
- The Meaning of Food
- Measina Samoa: Stories of the Malu
- Medlpa (Mbowamb) (Neuguinea) - Werberitual (Amb Kanant)
- Medlpa (Neuguinea) - Totentrauer: Trauern und Tršsten / Medlpa (New Guinea) - Mourning and Consoling after Death
- Medlpa (New Guinea)
- Medlpa (Ost-Neuguinea, Zentrales Hochland) - Werberitual ("amb kenan"/"tanim het") / Medlpa (East New Guinea, Central Highlands) - Courtship Dance ("amb kenan"/"tanim het")
- Meeting Place in the Hills
- Mein Vater, der Kopfjager
- Mekeo: Preparing to Dance
- MelanŽsie
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Ndende) - Anlegen des Tanzschmuckes und TŠnze / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Ndende) - Putting on the Dance Jewellery and Dances
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Ndende) - Herstellen von Federgeld / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Ndende) - Making Feather Money
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Ndende) - Herstellen von Rindenbaststoff / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Ndende) - Making Bark Fibre Cloth
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Ndende) - Sago-Gewinnung / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Group, Ndende) - Winning of Sago
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Betelkauen / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Chewing Betel
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Feuererzeugung mit dem Feuerpflug / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Fire Making with the Fire Plough
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Herstellen eines Bogens / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Making a Bow
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Herstellen eines Pfeiles / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Making an Arrow
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Klettern mit dem Kletterstrick / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Climbing with a Climbing Rope
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Pflanzen von Yams / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Planting Yam
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Segeln mit einem Auslegerboot / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Sailing with an Outrigger Canoe
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Versorgung mit Trinkwasser / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Supply with Drinking Water
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Weben / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Weaving
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Zubereiten einer Blattspeise / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Preparation of a Leaf Dish
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Zubereiten einer Puddingspeise / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Preparation of a Pudding Dish
- Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Riff-Inseln) - Zubereiten von BaumfrŸchten / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands) - Preparation of Tree Fruits
- Men of Kanganaman
- Men of War
- The Mendi
- Merry Christmas, Mr. Laurence
- Met Poraus? (What's the News?)
- Mi Talum Wan Stori
- Michael Loves Nancy
- Micronesia
- Micronesia
- Micronesia
- Micronesia Underwater
- Micronesia: An Introduction to the US Territories
- Micronesia: Our Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
- Micronesia: The People and Their Arts
- Micronesian Mangroves: Harvesting and Caring For Our Mangrove Forests
- Micronesian Transitions Series
- Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i #1: MicronesiansÕ Contributions and Challenges in Hawai`i
- Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i #2: Strengthening Communities
- Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i #3: Increasing Effective Communication
- Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i #4: Building Programs in Education and Health
- Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i #5: Compact Negotiations, Expectations, and Hopes
- Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i #6: Educating About Rights, Responsibilities, and Representation
- Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i #7: PastorsÕ Panel
- Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i #8: Recommendations for Policy Makers and Response from State of Hawai`i GovernorÕs Representatives
- Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea)
- Micronesians Abroad
- Micronesie
- Midway
- The Mighty Moa
- MihiÕs Whanau: A Maori Care and Protection Story
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti und Onotoa) - Angeln / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti and Onotoa) - Fishing with Rod and Line
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti und Onotoa) - Rochen-Jagd / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti and Onotoa) - Hunting Rays
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - "tirere"-Tanz "ngeaba" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - "tirere" Dance "ngeaba"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Anfertigen eines Balles mit Steinkern / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Making a Ball with a Stone Core
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Anfertigen eines Kopfschmuckes / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Making a Headdress
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Anfertigen eines Schlingenstabes fŸr den Aalfang auf dem Ostriff / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Making a Pole-snare for Eel Catching on the East Reef
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Ballspiel der MŠdchen "warebwi" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Girls' Ball Games "warebwi"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Ballspiel der MŠnner "boiri" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Men's Ball Game "boiri"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Ballspiel der MŠnner "oreano" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Men's Ball Game "oreano"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Bau einer Reuse fŸr den MurŠnen-Fang / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Construction of a Fish Trap for Catching Muraenas
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Bau eines Flo§bootes / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Building a Raft Boat
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Bereiten der Taro-Speise "buatoro" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Preparation of the Taro Dish "buatoro"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Bereiten von Kokosšl zur Šu§erlichen Anwendung / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Preparation of Coco Oil for External Use
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Bereiten von Palmsaft-Sirup / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Preparation of Palm Sap Syrup
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Binden und Abbrennen einer Fackel / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Rolling and Burning a Torch
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Ernten und Verzehren junger KokosnŸsse / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Harvesting and Eating Young Coconuts
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Fangen und Sammeln von Meerestieren auf dem Ostriff / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Catching and Gathering Sea Animals on the East Reef
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Fangen von Krebsen (Lysiosquilla maculata) im Lagunenwatt / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Catching Crustaceans (Lysiosquilla maculata) in the Shallows of a Lagoon
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Flechten des Fischerkorbes "baene ni kibe" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Plaiting the Fishing Basket "baene ni kibe"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Flechten einer Sitzmatte / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Plaiting a Sitting Mat
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Flechten eines Balles / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Plaiting a Ball
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Flechten eines Fischerhutes / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Plaiting a Fisherman's Hat
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Flechten eines Kokosblatt-FŠchers / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Plaiting a Coco Palm-leaf Fan
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Flechten eines Vorratskorbes / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Plaiting a Provision Basket
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Gemeinschaftlicher Fischfang durch Absperren einer Lagunenbucht / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Communal Fishing by Fencing of a Lagoon Bight
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Hahnenkampf / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Cock Fight
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Herstellen eines Keschers / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Making a Landing Net
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Herstellen eines Kokosfaserseiles / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Making a Coco Fibre Rope
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Herstellen und Benutzen des Feuerpfluges / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Making and Using a Fire Plough
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Herstellen von Kokosfaserschnur / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Making Coco Fibre Cord
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Kinderspiele / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Children's Games
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - KnŸpfen eines Erdsiebes / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Knotting a Sand Sieve
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - KnŸpfen eines Kokospalmblatt-Schurzes / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Knotting a Coco Palm-leaf Skirt
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Krankenbehandlung (Massage, Zahnbehandlung) / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonouti) - Treatment of the Sick (Massage, Tooth Care)
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Pflanzen des Feigenbaumes Ficus tinctoria / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Planting the Fig Tree Ficus tinctoria
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Pflanzen einer Kokosnu§ / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Planting a Coconut
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Pflanzen von Pandanus / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Planting Pandanus Palms
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - PflŸcken und Zubereiten der FrŸchte des Feigenbaumes Ficus tinctoria / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Picking and Preparing the Fruits of the Fig Tree Ficus tinctoria
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Sammeln und Zubereiten von Portulak / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Gathering and Preparing Portulaca
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Sammeln von Meerestieren / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Gathering Sea Animals
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Steinwurfspiel "katua" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Stone Hurling Game "katua"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Nonouti) - Zubereiten von Taro im Erdofen / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Nonuti) - Preparation of Taro in an Earth Oven
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - "batere"-Tanz / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - "batere" Dance
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - "ruoia"-Tanz "kamei" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - "ruoia" Dance "kamei"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Anfertigen eines Drachens / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - Making a Kite
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Anfertigen und Gebrauch eines Mattensegels / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - Fabrication and Use of a Mat Sail
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Ausgraben von Geocaroides-Krabben im Buschland; Zubereiten / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - Digging out Geocaroides Crabs in the Bush; Preparation
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Fadenspiele / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - String Figures
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Flechten des Fischerkorbes "kurubaene" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - Plaiting the Fishing Basket "kurubaene"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Flechten eines FŠchers aus jungem Kokosblatt / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - Plaiting a Fan out of Young Coco Palm-leaves
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Schlagstabspiel "bwerera" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - Hitting Stick Game "bwerera"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Schwimmstile / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - Swimming Styles
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Onotoa) - Tanzbewegungen mit dem "kakekekeke"-Schurz / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Onotoa) - Dance Movements with the "kakekekeke" Skirt
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - "bino"-Tanz / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - "bino" Dance
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - "ruoia"-Tanz "kawawa" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - "ruoia" Dance "kawawa"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - "ruoia"-TŠnze / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - "ruoia" Dances
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Anbau von Taro in Pflanzungsgruben / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Cultivation of Taro in Pits
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Bau eines Schlafhauses / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Building a Sleeping House
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Fadenspiele / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - String Figures
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Fischfang mit Zugnetz in der Lagune / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Catching Fish with a Drag Net in the Lagoon
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Flechten einer Bodenmatte / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Plaiting a Floor Mat
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Flechten einer Schlafmatte / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Plaiting a Sleeping Mat
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Flechten eines Lastenkorbes / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Plaiting a Heavy Duty Basket
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - KnŸpfen eines Riedgras-Schurzes / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Knotting a Cypress Grass Skirt
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Palmsaft-Gewinnung / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Extracting Palm Sap
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Zubereiten der Pandanus-PrŠserve "kabubu" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Preparation of the Pandanus Preserve "kabubu"
- Mikronesier (Gilbert-Inseln, Tabiteuea) - Zubereiten der Pandanus-PrŠserve "tuae" / Micronesians (Gilbert Islands, Tabiteuea) - Preparation of the Pandanus Preserve "tuae"
- Military effects on Operation REDWING
- Mind Your Own Business
- Mini Games in Rarotonga
- Mining and the Environment
- Minister Without Money
- Mipela Mekin
- Miss Cook Islands 2000
- Miss Independence - Drag Queen
- Miss Robin Crusoe
- Miss Sadie Thompson
- Miss Tau'olunga Hawai'i, 1996
- Miss Tiare Pageant 2006
- Miss Unitech 1988
- The Missing Micronesians
- Misson Pacific
- Mission to Rabaul
- Missions
- Missionsgesellschaften in PNG
- Mister Roberts
- The Mitiaro Experience: Mitiaro Integrated Rural Development Programme
- Moana and the Tribe: Live and Proud
- Moana of the South Seas
- Moana Roa
- Moana: A Romance of the Golden Age
- Moby Dick
- Moeata and Company
- The Moka Festival
- Moki
- Mokil
- Moko - Art of Nature
- Moko Toa
- Moment in Time: The Ghost Fleet of Truk Lagoon
- Mondo Cane
- Monsoon
- La Montagna del Dio Cannibale (Mountain of the Cannibal God)
- Moon and Sixpence
- Moontide
- Moorea
- More Than Just Doctors
- Moresby Modern: A New Generation for PNG?
- Morning Comes So Soon
- Moro: Melanesian Bigman
- Moruroa: The Big Secret
- The Most Dangerous Game
- Mothra
- The Mount Hagen Show
- The Mount Hagen show
- Mountain Festival in New Britain
- Mountains of Gold: The People of Porgera
- Mountains, River, Sea: An Ok Tedi Mining Presentation
- Move Over Darling
- Mr Right Guy
- Mr Robinson Crusoe
- Mr Tahiti Contest
- Mr Tahiti Preselection
- Mr Winkle Goes To War
- Mrs. MafuaÕs Hat
- The Mulberry is White and Ready for Harvest / Kuo hina e hiapo
- Multiplication des arbres Fruitiers: semis, greffes, marcottes
- Mururoa 1973
- Musical Mariner
- Musique 'Are'Are
- La Musique Polynesienne au College (Rythmique)
- Mutiny on the Bounty [1916]
- Mutiny on the Bounty [1935]
- Mutiny on the Bounty [1962]
- Mwaie n Kiribati: Man te le ni Kiribati (Dance of Kiribati)
- Mwan Mwich
- Mwane n Tania n Abwanakoro (Outer Island Development Programme)
- My Brother Wartovo
- My Crasy Life
- My Father, My Country
- My Father, the Cannibal
- My Favorite Wife
- My Home
- My Jack London: A Daughter Remembers
- My Lost Kainga
- My Valley Is Changing
- My Visit to the Fish Market: Better Facilities for Selling Better Seafood
- Mysteries of Easter Island
- The Mysteries of Easter Island
- Mysteries of El Nino
- Mysterious Island [1929]
- Mysterious Island [1961]
- Mysterious Mamberamo
- Mystery in the Pacific
- The Mystery of Amelia Earhart
- The Mystery of Easter Island
- The Mystery of the Giants of Easter Island
- Mythen der SŸdsee (Myths from Oceania)
- Mythen der SŸdsee (Myths from Oceania)
- Mythen und Multis auf PNG: Die Enkel der Kopfjager
- Myths and Legends
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Center for Pacific Islands Studies
Moving Images
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