Films and Videos in Moving Images Database
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- Pace of Life
- The Pacific
- The Pacific
- The Pacific - Discovery and Development
- Pacific Adventure
- Pacific Age
- Pacific Agendas Feminist Connexions: Dawn
- Pacific Arts Association 5th International Symposium
- Pacific at Risk: The Reality of Climate Change
- Pacific Battle Group
- Pacific Battlefront
- Pacific Blackout
- Pacific Destiny
- Pacific Endeavour
- Pacific Forum CSIS
- Pacific Horizons
- Pacific Island
- Pacific Island
- Pacific Island Drums
- Pacific Island Life Series
- Pacific Island Perspectives: Issues in the 90s
- Pacific Islands Conference Session IV: Government and Administrative Systems
- The Pacific Islands Experience
- Pacific Islands Forum (31st: 2000: Tarawa, Kiribati)
- Pacific Liner
- Pacific Literature: A Conversation with Albert Wendt
- Pacific Milk Run
- Pacific Nightmare
- Pacific Paradise?
- Pacific Passages
- Pacific Peace
- Pacific Plenary
- Pacific Power Bases
- Pacific Profiles - ADB Projects in the Pacific
- Pacific Rendezvous
- Pacific Report Segments, Tapes 1-2
- Pacific Report Segments, Tapes 3-4
- Pacific Shock Waves
- Pacific Solutions
- Pacific Sound Waves
- Pacific Star
- The Pacific Theater
- Pacific Thrust
- The Pacific War
- The Pacific Way
- Pacific Women in Politics
- Pacific Women in Trades
- Pacific Women in Transition
- Pacific Women: Building a middle road
- Pacific Women: Challenge to Change
- The Pacific World
- Pacific Writers' Workshop
- Pacific, the Island to Island War
- Pacific: February 1942-July 1945
- Pacific: Paradise In Pain
- Pacific: The Lost Evidence: Guam
- Pacific: The Lost Evidence: Saipan
- Pacific! Pacific?
- Pacifica - Tales from the South Seas
- Pacifica: Tales from the South Seas
- Pag-asa: Understanding Forest Conservation
- The Pagan
- Pagan Island
- Pagan Love Song
- Paikea
- Paikeda: Man in Stone
- The Painted Men
- Painting the Ancestral Stories of the Asaur
- Paka and His Hawaiian Road Company: Legends, Music and Dances of Polynesia
- Palau (Belau)
- Palau (Belau)
- Palau (Belau)
- Palau District
- Palau Micronesia: Underwater Enchantment
- Palau Plebiscite 86: A Video Testimony
- Palau: Conserve Our Precious Environment
- Palau: Paradise of the Pacific
- Palau: the Enchanted Islands
- Pania of the Reef
- Panic in the Parlor
- Papa Bilong Chimbu
- Papa Mau: The Wayfinder
- Papua and New Guinea
- Papua and New Guinea
- Papua and New Guinea Command
- Papua and New Guinea Development
- Papua and New Guinea Election 1967
- Papua Merdeka / Free Papua
- Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands
- The Papua New Guinea Delegation
- Papua New Guinea Report
- Papua New Guinea Today
- Papua New Guinea, Land of the Unexpected
- Papua New Guinea: "Diary" at Wharf
- Papua New Guinea: Missionaries Arrive
- Papua New Guinea: People in Change
- Papua New Guinea: Raskols
- Papua New Guinea: Unsung Paradise
- Papua New Guinea: Winged Ghosts of the Pacific
- Papua New Guinea/New Ireland Is
- Papuan Rubber
- Paradise
- Paradise Bent: Boys Will Be Girls in Samoa
- A Paradise Domain
- Paradise Drowned - Tuvalu: The Disappearing Nation
- Paradise Found: The Phoenix Islands
- Paradise Imperfect
- Paradise in Danger
- Paradise in Peril
- Paradise in the South Seas
- Paradise Island
- Paradise Isle
- Paradise Lagoon, see The Admiral Crichton
- Paradise Lost
- Paradises in the Pacific
- Pardon My Sarong
- The Pareau
- Pari Village: A Tradition in Crafts
- Paris Playboys
- Participatory Learning and Action: The First Steps Toward Change
- Partnerships in the Pacific
- Passion and Conflict - Te Aurere me te Papa
- Passport to Adventure: Guam, Where East Meets West
- Passport to Micronesia
- Pasum (Papua) (NO-Neuguinea, Oberer Rumu) - Initiationsfest / Pasum (Papua) (Northeast New Guinea, Upper Rumu) - Initiation Festival
- Path to Nationhood
- Pattera: Midwives of Guam
- Patu Ihu
- Patu!
- Patupaiarehe
- Paul Gauguin: Te Oviri Rerioa (The Savage Dream)
- Paul Kahata
- Paul Wirz Research Footage of New Guinea and Indonesia
- Pautiriao
- Payoff in the Pacific, Part I & II
- Peace Child
- Peace Comes to the Highlands
- Pearl Harbor and the War in the Pacific
- Pearl of the South Pacific
- Pearl of the South Seas
- Pearlers of the Coral Sea
- Pearls and Savages
- Pearls and Savages
- PEC 2004 Rota
- Pche Hauturire Artisanale: Oceanic Fisheries
- Peche Hauturiere industrielle: ressources, thoniers, longline
- Pche Lagonaire: Lagoon Fishing
- Peleliu 1944 - Horror in the Pacific
- Peleliu and Anguar
- People Helping People
- People of Fire
- People of Kolevu
- People of Niupani
- The People of Paradise
- The People of Porgera
- People of the Free Train
- People of the Land / Tagata Whenua
- The People of the Sea
- People of the Sea: Changing Traditions in Solomon Islands
- People of the Waikato
- Peoples of Papua and New Guinea
- Peoples of the Island World
- Pepsi War / Pepsi-Krieg
- Pere Village, Manus Province, Papua New Guinea
- Perspectives on Human Rights in Samoa
- Pesepesega a le Gataula
- Petanque in New Caledonia
- La Petite Ferme de Ouemo
- Pflanzer und Knstler - Fhrende Mnner bei den Kwoma in Papua-Neuguinea / Planters and Artists - The Roles of Leading Members of the Kwoma in Papua New Guinea
- The Philippine Connection
- Phytophthora Colocasiae: Resistant Taro Cultivars from Palau
- The Piano
- A Piece of Land
- Pierced Sky
- Pig Tusks and Paper Money
- Piig: Thoughts from Micronesia
- Pikizjaa
- Pikowae
- Pila: Rencontre a Hienghne
- Pioneering in New Guinea
- Pippi in the South Seas
- Pirates' Island
- Pitcairn : A Gem in the Pacific
- Pitcairn People
- Piupiu
- Place of Power in French Polynesia
- Plante Baruya
- Playing for the Solomons
- The Plumber
- Plume
- PNG: Drug Traffic
- PNG: More Under the Spell
- A Poets Insurrection
- The Poets Salary (Le Salaire Du Poete)
- Pohnpei
- Pohnpei 2003: PREL Slide Show
- Pohnpei: Preserving Our Natural Heritage
- Poi Dances at Whakarewarewa
- The Poison Game in the New Hebrides
- Poison in Paradise: Guam disease
- Political Development as at May 1961
- Political Development in Papua New Guinea
- Polynesia: Physical and Cultural Geography
- Polynesia: Physical and Cultural Geography
- The Polynesian and the Ti-Leaf Plant
- Polynesian Culture
- Polynesian Dance Competition of California 1987
- Polynesian Dance Competition of California 1988
- Polynesian Dance Competition of California 1989
- Polynesian Dance Competition U.S.A. Highlights
- Polynesian Dances
- The Polynesian Games in Moorea
- The Polynesian Gift to Utah
- The Polynesian Odyssey
- The Polynesian Paradises
- Polynesian Power: Islanders in Pro Football
- The Polynesians
- The Polynesians of Kapingamarangi
- Polynesie
- La Polynesie au Coeur (Series)
- Polynesien, Gesellschaftsinseln - Zubereitung einer Mahlzeit im Erdofen / Polynesia, Society Islands - Preparation of a Meal in an Earth Oven
- Polynesier (Ellice-Inseln, Niutao) - Fadenspiele / Polynesians (Ellice Islands, Niutao) - String Figures
- Polynesier (Gesellschaftsinseln, Huahine) - Herstellen eines Fischbehlters / Polynesians (Society Islands, Huahine) - Making a Fish-Box
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Arbeiten in einer Pflanzungsgrube / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Working in a Taro Pit
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Bau einer Erdofenhtte / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Building an Earthoven Hut
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Bau eines groen Auslegerbootes / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Building a Large Outrigger Canoe
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Bau eines Schlafhauses / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Building a Sleeping House
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - failima-Schaukmpfe / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - "failima" Mock Battles
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - fakanau-Tnze / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Fakanau Dances
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - fatele-Tnze / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Fatele Dances
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Fischfang auf hoher See (Bonito-Fang) / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Catching Fish on the High Seas (Catching Bonitos)
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Herstellen von Kokosfaserschnur / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Making Coconut Fibre Cord
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - siva-Tanz / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Siva Dance
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - viiki-Tanz / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Viiki Dance
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Wettkmpfe und Spiele / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Contests and Games
- Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Zubereiten von pulaka-Knollen (taufangongo-Verfahren) / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Preparation of Pulaka Tubers (Taufangongo Procedure)
- The Pomare Show
- Ponape District
- Popular Theatre Workshop with William Takaku
- Population, Settlement and Change: A Case Study - Solomon Islands
- Porgera Mine Pollution
- Poroporoaki
- Port Moresby: Coronation Celebrations
- Portrait of a People
- Portrait of America: Territories
- Portrait of Guam Series
- Portrait of Polynesia: The Polynesian Cultural Center
- A Portrait Retrospective
- Positive
- Postmark Impressions
- Pou Kapua
- The Power of Music (Te kaha o te waiata)
- Practical Training for Fishing Students
- The Precarious Balance: Living with the Sea
- Preparation for Singsing Kaima: Bundi
- Presentation EVA AM
- Presenting the Hotels of Polynesia
- Preventing Reading Failure
- Pride of the Marines
- The Prime Minister and the Preacher
- Primitive Paradise
- Princess Cruises: Polynesia
- Principles and Priorities of Child Health in Papua New Guinea
- Prisoners of Paradise
- Private War of Lucinda Smith
- Problems in the Pacific Islands Environment
- Problems in the Pacific Islands Environment
- Producing Black Pearls
- Project Crossroads: Test Able 1 July 1946
- Project Takahe
- The Prophets: Tuhoe Ringatu
- Protect the Earth and She Will Provide for You
- Protecting Our Future
- Protegeons Nos Iles
- Proud and the Profane
- PT-109
- PTC (Pacific Telecommunications Council)
- Punake of Tonga
- Purakau: Maori Myths and legends
- Puri-Puri
- Pushing Out to Sea: Creating an FSM Economy
- Putting Right the Wrong: Victims Rights in the Family Group Conference Process
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Center for Pacific Islands Studies
Moving Images
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