Films and Videos in Moving Images Database

  1. Pace of Life
  2. The Pacific
  3. The Pacific
  4. The Pacific - Discovery and Development
  5. Pacific Adventure
  6. Pacific Age
  7. Pacific Agendas Feminist Connexions: Dawn
  8. Pacific Arts Association 5th International Symposium
  9. Pacific at Risk: The Reality of Climate Change
  10. Pacific Battle Group
  11. Pacific Battlefront
  12. Pacific Blackout
  13. Pacific Destiny
  14. Pacific Endeavour
  15. Pacific Forum CSIS
  16. Pacific Horizons
  17. Pacific Island
  18. Pacific Island
  19. Pacific Island Drums
  20. Pacific Island Life Series
  21. Pacific Island Perspectives: Issues in the 90s
  22. Pacific Islands Conference Session IV: Government and Administrative Systems
  23. The Pacific Islands Experience
  24. Pacific Islands Forum (31st: 2000: Tarawa, Kiribati)
  25. Pacific Liner
  26. Pacific Literature: A Conversation with Albert Wendt
  27. Pacific Milk Run
  28. Pacific Nightmare
  29. Pacific Paradise?
  30. Pacific Passages
  31. Pacific Peace
  32. Pacific Plenary
  33. Pacific Power Bases
  34. Pacific Profiles - ADB Projects in the Pacific
  35. Pacific Rendezvous
  36. Pacific Report Segments, Tapes 1-2
  37. Pacific Report Segments, Tapes 3-4
  38. Pacific Shock Waves
  39. Pacific Solutions
  40. Pacific Sound Waves
  41. Pacific Star
  42. The Pacific Theater
  43. Pacific Thrust
  44. The Pacific War
  45. The Pacific Way
  46. Pacific Women in Politics
  47. Pacific Women in Trades
  48. Pacific Women in Transition
  49. Pacific Women: Building a middle road
  50. Pacific Women: Challenge to Change
  51. The Pacific World
  52. Pacific Writers' Workshop
  53. Pacific, the Island to Island War
  54. Pacific: February 1942-July 1945
  55. Pacific: Paradise In Pain
  56. Pacific: The Lost Evidence: Guam
  57. Pacific: The Lost Evidence: Saipan
  58. Pacific! Pacific?
  59. Pacifica - Tales from the South Seas
  60. Pacifica: Tales from the South Seas
  61. Pag-asa: Understanding Forest Conservation
  62. The Pagan
  63. Pagan Island
  64. Pagan Love Song
  65. Paikea
  66. Paikeda: Man in Stone
  67. The Painted Men
  68. Painting the Ancestral Stories of the Asaur
  69. Paka and His Hawaiian Road Company: Legends, Music and Dances of Polynesia
  70. Palau (Belau)
  71. Palau (Belau)
  72. Palau (Belau)
  73. Palau District
  74. Palau Micronesia: Underwater Enchantment
  75. Palau Plebiscite 86: A Video Testimony
  76. Palau: Conserve Our Precious Environment
  77. Palau: Paradise of the Pacific
  78. Palau: the Enchanted Islands
  79. Pania of the Reef
  80. Panic in the Parlor
  81. Papa Bilong Chimbu
  82. Papa Mau: The Wayfinder
  83. Papua and New Guinea
  84. Papua and New Guinea
  85. Papua and New Guinea Command
  86. Papua and New Guinea Development
  87. Papua and New Guinea Election 1967
  88. Papua Merdeka / Free Papua
  89. Papua New Guinea
  90. Papua New Guinea
  91. Papua New Guinea
  92. Papua New Guinea
  93. Papua New Guinea
  94. Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands
  95. The Papua New Guinea Delegation
  96. Papua New Guinea Report
  97. Papua New Guinea Today
  98. Papua New Guinea, Land of the Unexpected
  99. Papua New Guinea: "Diary" at Wharf
  100. Papua New Guinea: Missionaries Arrive
  101. Papua New Guinea: People in Change
  102. Papua New Guinea: Raskols
  103. Papua New Guinea: Unsung Paradise
  104. Papua New Guinea: Winged Ghosts of the Pacific
  105. Papua New Guinea/New Ireland Is
  106. Papuan Rubber
  107. Paradise
  108. Paradise Bent: Boys Will Be Girls in Samoa
  109. A Paradise Domain
  110. Paradise Drowned - Tuvalu: The Disappearing Nation
  111. Paradise Found: The Phoenix Islands
  112. Paradise Imperfect
  113. Paradise in Danger
  114. Paradise in Peril
  115. Paradise in the South Seas
  116. Paradise Island
  117. Paradise Isle
  118. Paradise Lagoon, see The Admiral Crichton
  119. Paradise Lost
  120. Paradises in the Pacific
  121. Pardon My Sarong
  122. The Pareau
  123. Pari Village: A Tradition in Crafts
  124. Paris Playboys
  125. Participatory Learning and Action: The First Steps Toward Change
  126. Partnerships in the Pacific
  127. Passion and Conflict - Te Aurere me te Papa
  128. Passport to Adventure: Guam, Where East Meets West
  129. Passport to Micronesia
  130. Pasum (Papua) (NO-Neuguinea, Oberer Rumu) - Initiationsfest / Pasum (Papua) (Northeast New Guinea, Upper Rumu) - Initiation Festival
  131. Path to Nationhood
  132. Pattera: Midwives of Guam
  133. Patu Ihu
  134. Patu!
  135. Patupaiarehe
  136. Paul Gauguin: Te Oviri Rerioa (The Savage Dream)
  137. Paul Kahata
  138. Paul Wirz Research Footage of New Guinea and Indonesia
  139. Pautiriao
  140. Payoff in the Pacific, Part I & II
  141. Peace Child
  142. Peace Comes to the Highlands
  143. Pearl Harbor and the War in the Pacific
  144. Pearl of the South Pacific
  145. Pearl of the South Seas
  146. Pearlers of the Coral Sea
  147. Pearls and Savages
  148. Pearls and Savages
  149. PEC 2004 Rota
  150. Pche Hauturire Artisanale: Oceanic Fisheries
  151. Peche Hauturiere industrielle: ressources, thoniers, longline
  152. Pche Lagonaire: Lagoon Fishing
  153. Peleliu 1944 - Horror in the Pacific
  154. Peleliu and Anguar
  155. People Helping People
  156. People of Fire
  157. People of Kolevu
  158. People of Niupani
  159. The People of Paradise
  160. The People of Porgera
  161. People of the Free Train
  162. People of the Land / Tagata Whenua
  163. The People of the Sea
  164. People of the Sea: Changing Traditions in Solomon Islands
  165. People of the Waikato
  166. Peoples of Papua and New Guinea
  167. Peoples of the Island World
  168. Pepsi War / Pepsi-Krieg
  169. Pere Village, Manus Province, Papua New Guinea
  170. Perspectives on Human Rights in Samoa
  171. Pesepesega a le Gataula
  172. Petanque in New Caledonia
  173. La Petite Ferme de Ouemo
  174. Pflanzer und Knstler - Fhrende Mnner bei den Kwoma in Papua-Neuguinea / Planters and Artists - The Roles of Leading Members of the Kwoma in Papua New Guinea
  175. The Philippine Connection
  176. Phytophthora Colocasiae: Resistant Taro Cultivars from Palau
  177. The Piano
  178. A Piece of Land
  179. Pierced Sky
  180. Pig Tusks and Paper Money
  181. Piig: Thoughts from Micronesia
  182. Pikizjaa
  183. Pikowae
  184. Pila: Rencontre a Hienghne
  185. Pioneering in New Guinea
  186. Pippi in the South Seas
  187. Pirates' Island
  188. Pitcairn : A Gem in the Pacific
  189. Pitcairn People
  190. Piupiu
  191. Place of Power in French Polynesia
  192. Plante Baruya
  193. Playing for the Solomons
  194. The Plumber
  195. Plume
  196. PNG: Drug Traffic
  197. PNG: More Under the Spell
  198. A Poets Insurrection
  199. The Poets Salary (Le Salaire Du Poete)
  200. Pohnpei
  201. Pohnpei 2003: PREL Slide Show
  202. Pohnpei: Preserving Our Natural Heritage
  203. Poi Dances at Whakarewarewa
  204. The Poison Game in the New Hebrides
  205. Poison in Paradise: Guam disease
  206. Political Development as at May 1961
  207. Political Development in Papua New Guinea
  208. Polynesia: Physical and Cultural Geography
  209. Polynesia: Physical and Cultural Geography
  210. The Polynesian and the Ti-Leaf Plant
  211. Polynesian Culture
  212. Polynesian Dance Competition of California 1987
  213. Polynesian Dance Competition of California 1988
  214. Polynesian Dance Competition of California 1989
  215. Polynesian Dance Competition U.S.A. Highlights
  216. Polynesian Dances
  217. The Polynesian Games in Moorea
  218. The Polynesian Gift to Utah
  219. The Polynesian Odyssey
  220. The Polynesian Paradises
  221. Polynesian Power: Islanders in Pro Football
  222. The Polynesians
  223. The Polynesians of Kapingamarangi
  224. Polynesie
  225. La Polynesie au Coeur (Series)
  226. Polynesien, Gesellschaftsinseln - Zubereitung einer Mahlzeit im Erdofen / Polynesia, Society Islands - Preparation of a Meal in an Earth Oven
  227. Polynesier (Ellice-Inseln, Niutao) - Fadenspiele / Polynesians (Ellice Islands, Niutao) - String Figures
  228. Polynesier (Gesellschaftsinseln, Huahine) - Herstellen eines Fischbehlters / Polynesians (Society Islands, Huahine) - Making a Fish-Box
  229. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Arbeiten in einer Pflanzungsgrube / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Working in a Taro Pit
  230. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Bau einer Erdofenhtte / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Building an Earthoven Hut
  231. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Bau eines groen Auslegerbootes / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Building a Large Outrigger Canoe
  232. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Bau eines Schlafhauses / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Building a Sleeping House
  233. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - failima-Schaukmpfe / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - "failima" Mock Battles
  234. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - fakanau-Tnze / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Fakanau Dances
  235. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - fatele-Tnze / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Fatele Dances
  236. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Fischfang auf hoher See (Bonito-Fang) / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Catching Fish on the High Seas (Catching Bonitos)
  237. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Herstellen von Kokosfaserschnur / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Making Coconut Fibre Cord
  238. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - siva-Tanz / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Siva Dance
  239. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - viiki-Tanz / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Viiki Dance
  240. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Wettkmpfe und Spiele / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Contests and Games
  241. Polynesier (Niutao, Ellice-Inseln) - Zubereiten von pulaka-Knollen (taufangongo-Verfahren) / Polynesians (Niutao, Ellice Islands) - Preparation of Pulaka Tubers (Taufangongo Procedure)
  242. The Pomare Show
  243. Ponape District
  244. Popular Theatre Workshop with William Takaku
  245. Population, Settlement and Change: A Case Study - Solomon Islands
  246. Porgera Mine Pollution
  247. Poroporoaki
  248. Port Moresby: Coronation Celebrations
  249. Portrait of a People
  250. Portrait of America: Territories
  251. Portrait of Guam Series
  252. Portrait of Polynesia: The Polynesian Cultural Center
  253. A Portrait Retrospective
  254. Positive
  255. Postmark Impressions
  256. Pou Kapua
  257. The Power of Music (Te kaha o te waiata)
  258. Practical Training for Fishing Students
  259. The Precarious Balance: Living with the Sea
  260. Preparation for Singsing Kaima: Bundi
  261. Presentation EVA AM
  262. Presenting the Hotels of Polynesia
  263. Preventing Reading Failure
  264. Pride of the Marines
  265. The Prime Minister and the Preacher
  266. Primitive Paradise
  267. Princess Cruises: Polynesia
  268. Principles and Priorities of Child Health in Papua New Guinea
  269. Prisoners of Paradise
  270. Private War of Lucinda Smith
  271. Problems in the Pacific Islands Environment
  272. Problems in the Pacific Islands Environment
  273. Producing Black Pearls
  274. Project Crossroads: Test Able 1 July 1946
  275. Project Takahe
  276. The Prophets: Tuhoe Ringatu
  277. Protect the Earth and She Will Provide for You
  278. Protecting Our Future
  279. Protegeons Nos Iles
  280. Proud and the Profane
  281. PT-109
  282. PTC (Pacific Telecommunications Council)
  283. Punake of Tonga
  284. Purakau: Maori Myths and legends
  285. Puri-Puri
  286. Pushing Out to Sea: Creating an FSM Economy
  287. Putting Right the Wrong: Victims Rights in the Family Group Conference Process