Pflanzer und KŸnstler - FŸhrende MŠnner bei den Kwoma in Papua-Neuguinea / Planters and Artists - The Roles of Leading Members of the Kwoma in Papua New Guinea

Location:Papua New Guinea
Subject:Gesellschaft ; Arbeitsteilung ; Gemeinschaftsarbeit ; Vereinswesen ; Kleidung ; Farbstoff, Farbe ; Kunsthandwerk ; Malen, Malerei ; Religion (Ethnologie) ; Wirtschaft ; Bauwesen ; Landwirtschaft ; BodenbaugerŠte ; KnollenfrŸchte ; Forstwirtschaft, Waldwirtschaft ; Nahrungszubereitung ; Kochen ; Arbeits- und GerŠtekunde ; Holzbearbeitung ; Schnitzen ; Keramikherstellung ; Tšpfern ; Papua-Neuguinea ; Sepik-Gebiet ; Australien/Ozeanien ; ethnology ; society ; division of labour ; team effort ; clubs and societies ; culture ; clothing ; dye, paint ; craftwork ; painting, abstract painting ; religion ; economy ; construction ; agriculture ; Ackerbau ; farming, cultivation ; farm implements ; tuber crops ; forestry, silviculture ; preparation of food ; cooking ; labour and equipment science ; woodworking ; carving ; ceramics manufacturing ; pottery making ; Australia/Oceania ; Papua New Guinea ; Sepik Region ; Kultur ; Ethnologie/Kulturanthropologie
Length:42 min
Format:Film, 16 mm, LT, 455 m
Year Released:1983
Director:Kaufmann, Christian (Basel) ; Kaufmann-Heinimann, Anne (Basel)
Producer:Christian Kaufmann (Basel)
Distributor:IWF (Gšttingen) D 1479
Library Code:
Description:Zwei fŸhrende MŠnner der Kwoma, Yessomari und Yabokoma aus Meno-Saserman, werden als Yamspflanzer, Schnitzer, Maler und Tšpfer gezeigt. Es wird auf die fŸr diese Kultur charakteristische Zusammenarbeit von MŠnnern und Frauen bei der Gewinnung von Nahrungsmitteln sowie von MŠnnern in losen Gruppen eingegangen, ebenso auf die religišsen VerknŸpfungen.How closely linked the various domains of a planting culture are in daily life is demonstrated by means of examples from the activities of a leading Kwoma, Yessomari, who comes from the village of Meno-Saserman in the Washkuk Hills (Ambunti District, East Sepik Province). The film largely follows the planting cycle, from clearing the land (work done co-opertively by the planter, other men from his close cricle of friends and relations, and women) and burning the stubble through the digging of planting holes (done co-operatively by a large group of men), planting the yams, tying up and tending the creepers (the planter's three specific activities) to harvesting the crop. In between, glimpses are given of other sectors of male responsibility, like carving a decorated beam for a men's house, preparing a pandanus soup, extracting sago starch, making and decorating a piece of ceremonial pottery and painting a chip-carved shield. The film closes with a look at a harvest festival, which women with shields made of decorated net bags also take part in, dancing in front of the men's house.
Record No:1024
Resources: Distributors's List

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