The Laura Boulton Film Collection

Location:General Pacific
Length:38,000 feet
Format:1/2-inch VHS
Hue:Color with B&W sequences
Year Released:1934-78
Director:Laura Boulton
Distributor:Smithsonian HSFA
Library Code:Smithsonian HSFA 87.9
Description:Edited films and footage by musicologist Laura C. Boulton on expeditions and during her travels. Footage spans several decades and includes materials from Africa, Asia, East Europe, North America, and Oceania (Papua New Guinea, 87.9.9; Yap, Ulithi, and Palau, 97.9.30; Samoa, 87.9.30). The bulk of the footage records ritual and ethnic dances; other footage depicts craft activities, holiday customs, and ceremonies associated with small communities.
Record No:1064
Resources: Distributors's List

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