Leahy Collection (Film 1): Middle Wahgi to Kundiawa

Location:New Guinea
Length:12 minutes
Year Released:1933
Director:Michael Leahy
Library Code:NFSA
Description:Includes footage of the first airstrip at Minj; warriors with their best spears; girl running to fetch her father; looking toward Mt. Hagen; lighting smoke flares to assist in plane landing; girls wearing pig noses on wrist bands; Morobe boy in white laplap; New Guinean police; people from Mt. Hagen; dollar bird wings on men's headdresses; American gardens made with digging sticks; people stamping out airstrip; terrified spectators at airstrip; base camp; bringing sugarcane from miles around; goods exchange with locals; congregation of onlookers being harangued by the orator, Kowra. Silent.
Record No:1075
Resources: Distributors's List

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