Lieweila: A Micronesian Story

Location:Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas
Subject:History; culture
Length:58 minutes
Hue:Color with B&W sequences
Year Released:1998
Director:Beret E Strong and Cinta M Kaipat
Producer:Beret E. Strong and Cinta M. Kaipat
Distributor:First Run/Icarus Films; Pacific PeoplesŐ Partnership Library (rental only)
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 14762
Description:Lieweila means "listen to our story" and is a historical account of the Refalawasch (Carolinians) people and their migrations to CNMI for work and trade . Refalawasch talk about and present their culture, their traditions that are at risk, and the steps they are taking to preserve their way of life in the face of ever-growing pressure from outside forces. English and Carolinian with English subtitles.
Record No:1097
Resources: Distributors's List

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