Location: | New Guinea; Samoa |
Subject: | Anthropology; Margaret Mead |
Length: | 52 minutes |
Format: | 1/2-inch VHS; DVD; streaming |
Hue: | Color |
Year Released: | 1990 |
Series: | Strangers Abroad |
Director: | Bruce Dakowski and Andre Singer |
Producer: | |
Distributor: | Films for the Humanities & Sciences; Films on Demand |
Library Code: | UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 4158 and streaming |
Description: | Although her fieldwork has been criticized, Margaret Mead was one of the foremost fieldworkers of her day. In the US, Bali, and New Guinea, she examined child development, sex, and temperament to see what role society plays in making people what they are. She emphasized that humans arrange their social worlds in many different ways, and that qualitative judgments cannot be made between them. |
Record No: | 1176 |
Resources: | Distributors's List |
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