Maring Film Project

Location:Papua New Guinea
Subject:Documentary; culture
Length:40,000 feet
Format:Archival Film
Year Released:1968
Director:Allison and Marek Jablonko
Distributor:Smithsonian HSFA
Library Code:Smithsonian HSFA 84.14.1
Description:Research footage by Allison and Marek Jablonko of the Maring people of the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Footage documents daily life among the Funggai clan whose territory lies at the eastern end of the Simbai Valley, Madang District. Footage foceses on family life and the organization of Fungaai hamlets, ritual cycles related to thekaiko dance, crops and food preparation, material crafts including bilum making and hafting stone axes, storytelling, dance, and soccer matches. Supplementary materials
Record No:1182
Resources: Distributors's List

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