Maring in Motion: A Choreometric Analysis of Movement Style Among a New Guinea People

Location:Papua New Guinea
Length:16 minutes
Format:1/2-inch VHS; 16mm
Year Released:1968
Director:Allison Jablonko
Producer:Allison and Marek Jablonko
Distributor:Penn State Media Sales; Penn State Media & Technology Support Services (rental); Indiana University (rental)
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 9971
Description:Filmed in 1963-1964 among the Maring of the Simbai Valley, Madang District, Territory of New Guinea and during the 1962-64 Columbia University expedition investigating the human ecology of the New Guinea rain forest. Visual presentation of thesis with analysis of the movement style of the Maring swidden horticulturalists living on the slopes of the Bismarck Mountains, in the terms of how people use their bodies, how they use the space around themselves, and how they use time.
Record No:1183
Resources: Distributors's List

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