A Matter of Concern

Subject:Crime; Overpopulation
Length:13 minutes
Format:1/2 inch VHS, PAL
Year Released:1996
Director:Dale Hermanson, Glen Hughes
Producer:Jiko Luveni; Pasifika Communications; United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 19080
Description:Writer, Dale Hermanson; videography, Katabwona Tawaka, Glen Hughes, Dale Hermanson; narrator, Yaminiasi Gaunavou. High population growth and urban migration are resulting in crime, disease and social problems. In Fiji, the population growth is felt mostly in the towns and cities where squatter settlements are growing at an alarming rate. In these congested areas of poverty, crime is becoming a growing concern. The video examines the relationship between the growth of squatter settlements and the rise in crime, posing possible solutions.
Record No:1196
Resources: Distributors's List

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