Location: | Solomon Islands |
Subject: | Wirtschaft ; BodenbaugerŠte ; Knollenfrźchte ; Salomonen ; Australien/Ozeanien ; ethnology ; economy ; agriculture ; Ackerbau ; farming, cultivation ; farm implements ; tuber crops ; Australia/Oceania ; Solomon Islands ; Ethnologie/Kulturanthropologie ; Agrar- und Forstwissenschaft ; Umweltwissenschaft / škologie ; Landwirtschaft ; Pflanzenbau, Ernte ; Wurzeln, Knollen |
Length: | 10 min |
Format: | Film, 16 mm, 107 m |
Hue: | B&W |
Year Released: | 1971 |
Series: | |
Director: | Koch, Gerd (Berlin) |
Producer: | Gerd Koch (Berlin) |
Distributor: | IWF (Gšttingen) E 1428 |
Library Code: | |
Description: | Gartenarbeiten in Tuo auf Fenualoa: Herstellung eines Pflanzstockes aus dem Stamm einer Arecapalme. AufhŠufeln von Erdreich und Einpflanzen der Yams-Knollen (Dioscorea spec.), Aufstellen eines Gerźstes, an dem die Keimlinge emporranken sollen.North of Tuo on Fenualoa (Ngasinue) a man fells an Areca palm in order to cut off a piece of its trunk from which he carves a plant stick in his neighbouring yam garden. He loosens the soil with it and makes it into three little hills one after the other in which his wife plants yam tubers (Dioscorea spec.). The woman stands long poles in them for the germinating yams to climb up. In another garden nearby, a woman carries out similar planting work with yam bulbs of another variety. |
Record No: | 1219 |
Resources: | Distributors's List |
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