Melanesier (Santa Cruz-Inseln, Ndende) - Anlegen des Tanzschmuckes und TŠnze / Melanesians (Santa Cruz Islands, Ndende) - Putting on the Dance Jewellery and Dances

Location:Solomon Islands
Subject:Kleidung ; Kšrperbemalung ; Verkleidung, Verhźllung ; Kunsthandwerk ; Schmuck ; Musik ; Singen ; Tanz ; MŠnnertanz ; Wirtschaft ; Nahrungszubereitung ; Essen ; Salomonen ; Australien/Ozeanien ; ethnology ; culture ; clothing ; body painting ; disguise, disguising ; craftwork ; jewellery ; music ; singing ; dance ; men's dance ; economy ; preparation of food ; eating ; Australia/Oceania ; Solomon Islands ; Kultur ; Ethnologie/Kulturanthropologie
Length:13 min
Format:Film, 16 mm, nichtsynchr. Tonband, 139 m
Year Released:1971
Director:Koch, Gerd (Berlin)
Producer:Gerd Koch (Berlin)
Distributor:IWF (Gšttingen) E 1450
Library Code:
Description:Nachdem sie im Meer gebadet haben, legen sich drei MŠnner aus dem Dorfe Mbanua ihren Tanzschmuck an. Sie wandern zum Nachbardorf Mšnen und fźhren dort einen Zeremonialtanz aus dem Initiationskomplex auf und singen dazu.Prior to performing a ceremonial dance from the initiation complex, men of Mbanua (Graciosa Bay, Ndende) bathe in the sea first. Then they adorn themselves with circlets and rings on their upper arms. Helpers fasten the ear jewellery on and paint their faces. The dancers get ornamentation for their chests, dance aprons, adornment for their heads, noses and legs. Then the men walk to the neighbouring village of Mšneu. There, on the village dancing ground, they perform a slow-pace circular dance to an ombla initiation chant. Then men from Mšneu join in, and together they dance a "common dance". Finally the village of Mšneu shows its gratitude with dishes of ceremonial pudding.
Record No:1232
Resources: Distributors's List

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