Oraraa Api (Vie nouvelle, Henri Hiro)

Location:French Polynesia, Tahiti
Subject:Huahine, cultural renaissance, Henri Hiro
Length:34 minutes
Format:1/2 inch VHS
Year Released:1992
Director:Patrick Auzepy
Producer:OTAC, CTRDP, MCP-Parthenay
Distributor:OTAC, CTRDP,
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 20526
Description:A montage of clips from Henri HiroÕs poetry, films, documentaries, and interviews. A posthumous homage that seeks to introduce Hiro to a new generation of Tahitians. Explores HiroÕs philosophy and values, his views on the relevance of Tahitian language, spirituality, and community, and his frustrations with urban life, modern marriage, and money. Hiro studied to become a Protestant preacher, but left the church in the 1970s to pursue traditional knowledge and a more agrarian way of life in Huahine. He led the Ma`ohi language and cultural renaissance in Tahiti. Chiefly in Tahitian with French subtitles; some French.
Record No:1510
Resources: Distributors's List

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