Our Island, Our Fight

Location:Bougainville, Papua New Guinea; PNG
Subject:Independence movements
Year Released:1998
Director:Wayne Coles-Janess
Producer:Wayne Coles-Janess
Library Code:
Description:This is the only documentary produced about the ten year war on Bougainville, the only filmed interview with Francis Ona (President of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army), and the only record of refugee life in the jungle. Includes dramatic front-line footage of Bougainville's fight for independence. It has won numerous awards including the Gold Award at the Houston International Film Festival, Golden Plaque Award for documentaries at the Chicago International Film Festival, Best Documentary at the Bathurst Film Festival, Best Achievement in Video Production at the St Kilda Film Festival, and a Gold Award at the Flagstaff International Film Festival.
Record No:1518
Resources: Distributors's List

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